
The sun hit her face and made Alyssa squint as she made it to the top deck. All around her were pirates working on the ship. Jack was up at the helm yelling orders, Will was tightening a rope, Gibbs was assisting the short pirate to lift a sail, and Elizabeth was no where to be found.

"Alyssa!" Her head whipped around as she looked for the female who had just called her name. A smile crept onto her face as she spotted Elizabeth waving from the front of the ship.

Alyssa approached Elizabeth. "There you are. I was looking for you everywhere."

Elizabeth made a face of innocence. "Really?"

"Yes. Really. Now why don't we find somewhere to talk because I have quite a few questions to ask you, missy." Alyssa replied with a serious face.

Lizzie led the way down to the galley where both ladies sat down. Alyssa noted the way Lizzie still sat properly as if she hadn't broken away from her high-class habits despite the fact that she was on a ship with pirates.

"Firstly, can you tell me why you're on this pirate ship with the likes of Jack Sparrow?" Alyssa leaned in from her place on the seat, interested in Elizabeth's answer.

"It's quite a long story. But to make things short, Will and Jack rescued me from a cursed pirate crew a few years ago and we've been.. friends ever since." She wasn't sure what exactly she should call the relationship between her, Will, and Jack.

Alyssa nodded in understanding. "Alright, but what of your father, the Governor? Does he know you're with pirates right now?"

"Actually," Lizzie hesitated. "Not exactly. He thinks Will and I are on a business trip of sorts."

Alyssa chuckled at the grimace on Elizabeth's face. "Lastly," She leaned back in her chair comfortably. "Were you and Will in on this whole charade?"

Lizzie shifted in her chair nervously. "Yes and no." The other blonde looked confused and Lizzie hurriedly clarified. "We knew Jack was planning on kidnapping a young girl that was in Port Royal for some rubbish treasure he was after, but we had no idea it was you. We only found out the night of the reception when he pointed you out to me."

Alyssa was silent with a calm look upon her face. Lizzie got up from the chair and searched through the cupboards of the galley. "Apple?" She tossed it to Alyssa and closed the cupboard from where it came.

Elizabeth sat back down, taking a large bite out of the green apple. "Is that it?" She inquired.

Alyssa nodded, taking suit and biting her apple as well. "Aye." The two girls laughed.


Later that day, Alyssa spotted Jack at the helm. She passed the whole crew which were working on the ship as she went up the stairs leading to the helm. Jack turned his head to her, his trinkets jingling in his hair. He snapped his compass shut while raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Um, Jac--Captain?" Alyssa stuttered.

"Yes, love? Spit it out." Jack turned to face forward again.

"Uh, where are we going?" She finally asked.

Jack grimaced at the question. "I don't quite.. know, per say, seeing as I haven't figured out how to get to the bloody treasure with just that damn thing." He pointed to the necklace that hung on her neck.

She unhooked it from around her neck and examined it in her palm. "Hand it over, eh?"

Alyssa did as she was told and watched as Jack pocketed the sapphire. "Now, I see ye 'ave nothing to do, so why don't ye make yerself useful and get to work in the galley."

Her mouth dropped open. "Don't give me that look, missy. Ye will not jus' freeload on this here ship, ye will pull yer own weight in the galley. Yer job will be t' prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner fer me and the crew. Now hop to it." He shooed her away with his hands.

She scowled and grumbled her way down the stairs and headed towards the galley. Sighing, she muttered. "Who does he think he is, kidnapping ME, then making ME work as if I was here by my own freewill. What an infuriating--infuriating, annoying man!"


Anyone out there? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?