Broken Yet Whole

(Title pending)

A Kingom Hearts 2 and Fullmetal Alchemist crossover.

A/N: I'm writing this for a contest, so reviews on what you think about it and how I'm doing would be very much appriecated! It's a crossover contest, so I chose to use my favorite video game with my favorite manga and this is the result. I'm still working on it, a little bit at a time, so chapter updates won't be regular. It will, however, be finished by the end of the month, since that's the deadline! This chapter is rather short, so I'm calling it an intro as my excuse. xD Anyhoo, enough yapping from me. Read and review please!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts nor Fullmetal Alchemist. They own me.

1 Are We Dead Yet? Intro

There was a flash of multicolored lights, an ear-splitting crack, and then the gummi ship began to tip dangerously to one side.

Great, thought Sora, reading the warning sign that flashed on the control pannel, There goes the left wing.

"Oh grawsh!" exclaimed Goofy, in his hillbilly-ish drawal. "What are we gonna do now?"

"Explode?" Donald suggested, panic seeping into his raspy voice.

With the way things were going, they couldn't rule out exploding. It was a very near possibility. Under the fire of countless Heartless and Nobody ships, the trio was big trouble. The sheild generators were down, they were running low on ammo, and the power core was busted after a direct hit. That, and now they only had half of the left wing.

"You'll have to make a crash landing!" shouted a squeaky voice, coming from the monitor. Two chipmunks in aprons appeared on screen, jumping around worriedly and squeaking out rushed instructions. "Find someplace to land! And hurry!"

"There is no place to land!" Sora shouted, starting to freak out. And he had every right to freak out. He was going to be blown to smitterens any mintue now. There wasn't any world on their radar that they could crash land on. The ambush had driven them off track, out to the boondocks of space, and there wasn't anything out there as far Sora could tell.

"Keep flying then!" piped Chip. Or maybe Dale. "Something's bound to come up eventually!"

"We don't have enough time for 'eventually!" Donald yelled at the screen, flapping his wings around in a frenzy. The ship took another hit, causing the cock pit to rattle and rumble, as well as knock Donald over. He yelled again, but no one could really make out what he said, since the ship's sirens were going off like crazy, warning the crew of the danger. Like they weren't already aware.

"Oooooh, we're goners!" Goofy wailed. "Sora, Donald, I want ya to know that you're the best pals anyone could ask for. Chip, Dale, if ya see the King, tell 'im I said I'm sorry. Give my armor and stuff to--"

"Goofy, I hate to interupt your touching good-bye speech," said Sora, "But you might want to save it for later. Look!" He pointed at something ahead of them.

"Yahoo!" he cried, "We're saved!"

Donald raised his head up from the floor and blinked. "Huh? What? What's going on? Are we dead yet?"

"No, look!" Sora said excitedly, lifting the duck from the floor and pressing his face up to the window. Donald grinned, then wiggled out of Sora's arms.

"Well, whaddya waiting for then? Land us already!" he commanded, and Sora was more than happy to oblige.

"Take her down slowly," one of the chipmunks advised. "Try to find a wide open area! And don't forget to--"

Whatever it was he wanted them not to forget, the trio would never know, for the monitor suddenly went fuzzy. Nevertheless, they manage to lose the swarm of attackers and land safely.

Only where did they manage to land safely..?


A/N: Yes, I know, no FMA in this chapter. But don't be sad. Next chapter is going to be chalk full of FMA. NOW REVIEW! -grin- Zana, out!