Okay this was simply a bit of fun to take a break from my huge fics i have a few plots coming NY's way but it wasn't working out rite so I wrote this for the fun of it

More fluffy than anything else

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Damn it!

Warning: This is SLASH if you don't like it then don't read it you've been warned

Right so on with the story!

The Wedding Date

Chapter One: The Invitation

Detective Don Flack had seen his fair share of shit working the job, and been involved in his fair share of shit but it was a job that he couldn't deny he adored. He was doing his bit to help New York the City he lived, breathed and loved.

He respected the city but he could also see it for all its faults and as a homicide detective in the city he loved he saw more than the average person would. But despite this he loved the city because it had given him the chance to be with a certain blonde haired CSI that went by the name of Danny Messer.

He and Danny had been best friends since Danny had started at the crime lab more than six years ago. Danny and Don often clashed because Danny was secretive, isolated private yet loud, rash and hard headed. So to put it mildly Danny Messer was a bloody walking contradiction but Don liked that about him. He liked the fact Danny wasn't afraid to share his views. He liked the fact that Danny didn't care if he pissed Don off he would call him on his statements anyway.

Don on the other hand was loud, rash but street smart and people smart he prided himself on being able to read people yet Danny Messer was one man that until not so long ago had alluded him. Of course that only ended up adding to the appeal.

Don shook his head. They were so alike and yet so different. Don was from a police family his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had been detectives and he had a loving family where as Danny's family where almost New York's mini mafia. He spoke fleetingly of his family and Don got the idea that they weren't close though he thought perhaps they had once been.

But despite the odds he and Danny had gotten together. Were together and though they hadn't specifically named it as dating or whatever it was they were together and had been since Don's accident in the bombing.

Don absently rubbed his shirt and the scarring underneath. That had been a fucking close one! He thanks his stars that Mac had been there to keep him going until he could be taken to hospital and well he thanked his lucky stars for Danny. He'd woken up about four days after his surgery and found Danny clutching his hand and Mac sat in the chair reading a newspaper. They'd rallied round him and for that he couldn't be more grateful.

The healing process had been long and hard but the entire lab and his guys at the Precinct had been with him all the way and that had meant more to him than anything. He'd been in hospital for almost two months and in and out of hospital after that for a further three. He'd been lucky really there hadn't been any complications and the wounds healed well it was just the sheer size of them and the time they took to heal that fucked things up.

Mac and Danny had promised to get him through it and though at times he admitted he'd been a bastard they'd simply ignored him and carried on. As Danny continued to care for him and drive him to his appointments at the hospital he felt something start to form in his stomach whenever he thought of the blonde haired CSI.

He started to panic when he realised he was developing feelings for Danny that he knew he probably shouldn't have. He'd done everything he could to make sure Danny didn't find out but in the end it had been Danny king of intimacy issues that had made the first move.

He'd done it after the entire lab had gone out to celebrate Flack being discharged from hospital and after they'd got a cab back to Flack's Danny found himself crashing there so often it was almost more his home than his own flat was. They'd been tipsy and Flack was complaining about not being in on the latest stuff from work as he was still on sick leave when Danny had suddenly leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips.

Flack had been so shocked he hadn't responded at first and Danny had pulled back mortified and insisted that it wouldn't happen again and he was obviously drank more than he had thought. He'd gone to move and Don had stopped him. Don remembered how he'd looked utterly confused before Don had kissed him and then asked him to stay.

And they'd gone from there almost a year and a half later Detective Don Flack could officially say he was walking on cloud nine. He couldn't be happier. But as all couples had their issues Danny and Don had theirs and it was the same one it had been a year and a half ago.

And this was the case of whether they'd tell people they were together or not. Don had to agree with Danny the first time it had come up it had all been new and they'd agreed to keep it quiet. But now, well now Don wanted the world to know he was with Danny Messer and that he was proud of it.

He was in love with the guy for Christ's sake. Not that he had told Danny that. He'd only just recently admitted it to himself. He knew that Danny knew he cared and that he wasn't just there for a quick tumble through the sheets. If that had been the case he'd have bailed long before now.

He'd come into CSI to see Danny he hadn't seen him since this morning since he'd left for work and he needed his Messer fix. Unfortunately Danny was out on a scene with Monroe. He'd have to wait.

Damn it!

As he was leaving Mac pulled him into the office. "You wanted something Mac?" Flack grinned. That was another thing since the accident he and Mac were on really good terms and he'd discovered a new friend. "I need to ask you something." Mac said as usual getting right to the point.

"Sure what do you want?" "I asked Stella to marry me." Mac said grinning. To say Don was shocked was an understatement. He wasn't shocked that Mac was with Stella, he'd seen that coming a mile off but he was shocked that Mac had made a move. "Well about damn time!" Mac grinned sheepishly. "Yeah took a while but I'm there."

His smile disappeared and Don understood. "Claire would not want you to live the rest of your life alone. She should be a happy memory knowing you loved her and she loved you but you have to move on." He stopped and said, "Besides Stella would never expect you to forget Claire just make sure that you can love her as well." Mac looked at him and smiled a true smile that Flack hadn't known Mac was capable then the moment passed and Mac looked at him and smirked. "Deep coming from you Flack."

"I can do deep!" Flack grinned letting Mac know that he knew Mac had thanked him and the subject wouldn't be repeated. "Besides if I couldn't before I can now circumstances change." Mac nodded in understanding and Flack smiled.

He knew Mac thought he meant the bombing and to a point that was what he did mean but he also knew his perspective had changed since he had been with Danny. He believed that someone could love someone for a lifetime before he had got with Danny he hadn't really believed human beings were cut out for being truly monogamous.

"So this what you wanted to tell me?" Flack asked. Mac shook his head. "No. No it's not. I wanted to ask you if you would be my best man." Don stood dumbstruck. "Me? You want me?" Don asked a small smile on his face. "Yeah." Mac said smiling. "I want you to do it Don." "Yeah. Of course. Of course I will Mac."

Mac smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. "Thanks Don." Don was grinning ear to ear. Don turned to leave as his pager went off and Mac said, "Oh just one more thing before you go. Stella wants Lindsay, as her maid of honour so Stella thought it would be great if you took her as your date. It'll look good for the pictures."

Don stopped dead. "What?" He choked. "Well you're not seeing anyone are you?" Mac asked. Don wanted to yell that yes, he bloody well was, thank-you very much! But he knew Danny didn't want that so he had no choice but to shake his head and mutter a no at the floor.

Mac smiled. "Well that's settled then." His phone rang and he picked it up "Taylor." He listened to the voice on the other end of the phone and then said, "Okay I'll be there in ten minutes. He put the phone down and looked at Don. "There is a reason this City is called the city that never sleeps. There's a homicide down by the river you wouldn't be responding to that would you?" Don nodded. "Want a lift?" Mac asked. "Sure." Don nodded

He knew he had to get his head back in the job. He had to put on what the CSI team had deemed the "cop face" but all he could think of was how the fuck he was going to break this to Danny.

He got in the car with Mac with mixed feelings he was thrilled that Mac would think of him to be his best man but that meant he had to at least look like he was dating Lindsay for he whole day.

He had nothing against Lindsay but well he wanted to go with Danny. Danny was meant to be his date even if only the two of them knew they were dating. He resisted the urge to bang his head against the steering wheel he did not need Mac asking questions that he just could not answer.

The homicide was gruesome and Don was reminded of how much his beloved city was flawed. He was drained when he arrived at Danny's apartment Danny had done a swing shift that day so he'd been gone when Don went to work and would be in now. Don wasn't sure how he was going to break the news to his lover. Danny wasn't exactly known for his calm temperament.

Don was worried that by tomorrow morning they might be processing Don's murder scene he grimaced. Okay, it wouldn't be that bad. Then he thought about who he was going with and winced again.

Okay maybe it was.

So he went with the best thing he could think of.


He bought some beers and a movie and Danny's favourite brand of chocolate and held them out for Danny when his lover opened the door. Danny took one look at the offered gifts and frowned.

He opened the door further and let Don in and then shut the door and leaned against it. "Okay what the hell have you done?" Danny demanded.

And Detective Don Flack knew he was doomed. How the fuck was he going to tell Danny this? There was no doubt about it he was fucking doomed.