Me: This is just what happens when me and my friends fall into the Xiaolin World.

Rai: Is that a good thing?

GIR: No…

Me: Correct!

Raimundo's POV:

"Oh, Rai!" I heard her sweet, sweet voice sing in my ears.

"Yes," I turned towards the voice and saw her, tall slim figure, her long brunette hair, her blistering blue eyes, her delicate pale skin, and the care I always felt towards her.

"I've missed you so much," she kissed me on the forehead making me blush.

"Who's this?" Kimiko asked, walking out of the temple.

"Everybody, this is my mom!" I smiled.

"Son!" my dad was just a stronger, taller, and hairier version of me.

"Dad!" I gave him a big hug.

"Well, why are they here?" Kimiko asked.

"It's his birthday," my mom looked at Kimiko.

"It is?" Kimiko smirked.

"Well, it's tomorrow," my dad corrected.

"So, what is so special about this birthday?" she asked.

"He's having his queincierò (sp?)," my mom smiled.

"I thought I wasn't having one," I was excited.

"It's the day you become a man," my dad was proud.

"So, he'll be hairier, greeeeaaat," Kimiko wasn't that happy about this anymore.

"Well, I have one thing to-" Kimiko's cell phone interrupted me.

"Konnichiwa," she said.

"Ooo, that's great!" she giggled.

"Well, that's, well, nice," she was a little surprised looking.

"But-okay, sure, I'll see if Master Fung agrees," Kimiko had a defeated look on her face.

"My cousin wants to visit, and it's the only school break she has for months, so she says she'll be here tomorrow," Kimiko walked inside when my brothers and sisters started to stampede towards me.

"AHHH!!!!" I shouted and ran around while all eleven of them chased me.

"Rai-wai! Stop! I want to hug you!" my youngest sister, Maria, shouted.

"Okay," I stopped and turned around while my brothers, Roberto, Estebon, Marco, Pablo, and Ricardo tackled me.

"Get off him!" Maria was the boss. My other sisters were, Amelia, Regla, Andrea, Marso, and Aimee.

"Okay, enough playing around, you have to listen to me now!" I got up and dusted of my shoku warrior robes.

"Ooo, pretty," my sisters were always into fashion, but when they saw Kimiko wore, it was out of this world, to them.

"This old thing? I have had a bazillion of these outfit types," Kimiko stepped out of the temple.

"Can I have one?" Maria ran up to her.

"Well, they're only available in Japan, but my dad can fly one in for you if you want," Kimiko patted her on the head.

"Rai-wai, she's awesome, I want you to marry her," Maria turned to me and smiled.

"Uh…no," I said.

"Pwease," she did the puppy dog stare.

"Still no," I walked into the temple to get away from her, but she followed.

"Please, please, please?" she tugged on my pants.

"Still no," I went into my room thing and sat down Indian style.

"Please, Rai-wai, I wove you but I love her outfits more!" she cried.

"You can get them without me marrying her, and gosh, she's rich, she can get you anything you want," I pushed Maria out of the room thingy.

"Rai," she hugged my head into her chest.

"What, sissy four-year-old?" I always called her that when she got on my nerves.

"I want you two to get married," she smelled my hair like she always did when I was in Brazil, but this time it was a longer breath.

"It doesn't mean I want to," I took her arms, and let myself go and picked her under the arm-pits and turned her around and put her on my shoulders.

"Wee!!!" she sang.

"Raimundo? Who is this?" Omi walked in.

"This is my youngest sister, Maria, say hi, Maria," I tried to look up at her.

"Hi, Maria," she laughed.

"My name is not Maria, that is your name, girl, and by the way I am Omi, and welcome to the Xiaolin Temple," he bowed.

"Uh," she was confused.

"Omi, she's four, she doesn't know anything about Chinese customs," I let her off my shoulders so she could go get on Dad's shoulders or something.

"Why did she call me Maria, though?" Omi asked.

"She was trying to be funny," I went to the kitchen to see Master Fung talking to my parents.

"Oh, Raimundo, we need to talk," my mom pulled me out of the room before I could say something to my dad.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Because Kimiko's cousin is bringing a few friends, me and your dad will have to sleep outside in those new spare rooms, so we won't be in that room with cubicle things, but the good news is your brothers and sisters can sleep there!" my mom patted me on the back.

"The brothers and sisters thing is a good thing?" I asked.

"Yes, they have missed you so much sweetie!" my mom gave me hug before going back into the kitchen.

"So, can't wait to here embarrassing stories about your childhood, Rai," Kimiko walked past me towards my mom and they walked out into the garden talking about something.

"Raimundo, buddy, your sister, here, told me you don't like Kimiko, did you two fight?" Clay came up behind me with my sister, Maria next to him.

"No, we didn't fight, it's just, I don't like-like her, I only like her as a friend, okay, I used to think of her that way, but she's just way out of my league," I grabbed my sisters hand and dragged her to the cubicle thingies.

"Uh, hello?" a girl who looked like Kimiko with blonde highlights walked up with four suitcases, followed by three girls who were slightly different in height.

"Hi, I'm Raimundo; may I ask who you are?" I asked politely, man that's a first.

"I'm Kimi, where's Kimiko?" she asked.

"She's in the garden," I pointed to the door on the other side of the kitchen.

"Thank-you," she smiled and headed off towards the door while her friends just stayed there.

I walked past them and pointed to a cubicle and said, "Choose a cubicle, and I'll be right back, kay?"

"Kay," she looked at the one that already had stuff in them and she finally found an empty one near the one I slept in.

"Finally, got her out of my hair," I said.

"Rai!" Marco ran up to me dragged me outside for a 'fair' game of soccer with the rest of our brothers.

"Hi-ya!" I kicked the ball into the goal and did a little victory dance. It was my brothers against me.

"Better guard your goal! I'm gonna get a kick!" Roberto ran towards my goal, but I beat him and blocked it.

"Who's the champ!" I did another victory dance…

Me: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I only let you meet my friend Kimi or the should be London Tipton's sister!!!

Rai: Crazy…

GIR: All reviewers including Flamers get a waffle. (holds up pancake)