Gaara, the recent fifth Kazekage, walked out of the annoying blonde haired Hokage's office. He sighed. His meetings with the Hokage were always so odd. They strayed to far from the intimate conversation. Gaara was ready to head home (he took up residents in a hotel; he had many meeting with the Hokage.) when he heard a sound. It was like the sound of tearing. Gaara heard it and went towards the sound.

It led him to a clearing in the woods. There, he saw something weird. There were many ninjas lying on the ground. They all looked like they just passed out. They had the symbol of the land of water. But the weirdest thing was what was at the center. It was a white dog with five tails. Gaara walked toward it, but suddenly, he turned and lifted his hands. Two sand hands came from the ground and grabbed two ninjas that were running towards him. "Assassins? Who do you work for?" Gaara asked.

The ninjas shook their heads. "We have no interest in you." One said. They both passed out. Gaara sighed and looked at the dog. "Were they after you, mutt?" Gaara asked. "Bark!" the dog woofed. Gaara shook his head. "What has happened to me? I am talking to a dog." He began to walk away. The dog followed him. Gaara stopped. The dog stopped. Gaara groaned. The dog growled.

"OK, mongrel, stop following me." Gaara said. The dog sat and wagged its tails (it has five, remember?). It he barked.

Gaara walked over to him and picked him up. "What would I do with a flea bag like you? Tamari would probably want you…" he thought about Tamari hugging the dog. He shivered. "Kankero wouldn't want you, either. Kiba, perhaps? You could become great friends with Akamaru." The dog barked. Gaara sighed.

He looked around the dog. "A boy, defiantly. And no collar either. Just a stupid ol' stray. But something about you is weird." Gaara said. The dog barked.

"OK, let's get operation rid-myself-of-dog started." Gaara dropped the dog and walked away. He, of course, followed.

Meanwhile, in the trees, someone hid from Gaara and his new found pet. The someone sighed. "The demon has found a demon friend. This will be harder than I thought."

Well, it begins! Tell me if i should continue. I'm not exactly sure...