SimplyNorma wanted some Jack/Norrington. So here it is. Lol. Based on her keyword. Reviews will be loved forever.

Note: Please don't waste your time flaming me. I recieve plenty of reviews saying that slash is wrong and stuff. Johnny Depp said that Jack Sparrow is probably bisexual, and the very point of fanfiction is to explore and change aspects of the original work. Thank you.

Warnings: Slash, and very very very very very light sexual stuff, I suppose.

Disclaimer: It's obviously not mine. If it were, there'd be more gay sex and more Elizabeth bashing. Savvy? Savvy.

Sizing Up
by PineappleIce
"Pick a word... any word..."
"Penis." -SimplyNorma
"You always have to be the best at everything."

"That's because, mate, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack looked around at James, who was sitting looking disgruntled on Jack's bed.

James narrowed his eyes and folded his arms. For a moment, Jack thought he looked just like a little boy. Then he stood up and walked over to Jack, towering over him, and Jack remembered how much power lay in his lover's slender muscles, how much passion lay beneath his calm exterior.

"Just deal with it, mate," Jack smiled up at him, liking this closeness. His heart sped up.

"You're telling me you're better in every aspect?" James asked coolly, his breath making Jack's hair stand on end.

"Every... last... one..." Jack murmured back up, his hand sliding up James' shirt, running over the hard muscle.

"Oh, really?" James said, and he grinned in a way that would certainly rival Jack's own glittering smile.

"Really, mate," Jack replied, now definately excited, wondering where this was going.

"Right. Whip it out then," James said bluntly.

"I- no need to ask so wantonly, Mr Norrington, all in good-"

"No. Not for sex, Jack. We'll settle this the old-fashioned way." James was smiling with a superior air. "A good old size-up."

"Size-up?" Jack yelped. "Now I know what goes on in the bloody navy!"

"You sound scared."

"I- no... I just..." Jack was red in the face.

"Then get it out." James was speaking seriously, and Jack knew there was no way he was getting out of this one.

"I- well, okay, but remember, you're... you're taller than me... and it's width that counts..."

James grinned.