Squishy: We're baaack!

Neko-chan: We're also sorry for not updating sooner! Short attention spans and all. Oh! We've also changed our mind on the pairing, it will now be Zuko x Kagome.

Squishy: To be honest, we had a little help with ideas for this chapter.

Neko-chan: We did. Ready Squish?

Squishy: Ready.

Neko-chan and Squishy: (throws confetti) Thank you Kurama'sFoxyMiko!

Chapter four

Kagome trailed her fingers along the clouds as Appa flew them to Omashu. It had been four years since Kagome had been there, and over one hundred since her brother had been. They knew the place like the back of their hands; the monks had called it there second home. She vaguely wondered, and held a small hope, that their old friend Bumi was still alive. He was such a nice boy, a mere three years younger than Aang and her. Bumi was always a little on the weird side (note weird as completely off his rocker), but he always brought endless entertainment to Kagome and Aang. One of his favourite pastimes, apart from riding down the Omashu delivery system, was to climb on Kagome's back and fly around the city. "Hey, A?"

Aang looked over to Appa's tail where Kagome was lounging. "Yeah K?"

"Do you think Bumi's still alive?" She asked. "It's been a hundred years."

"He could be. I mean, you lived for a hundred years and so did I." He replied. "So it's not totally unbelievable."

Kagome jumped off of Appa's tail and swooped over to his head. "Yeah, but I was transported by the well. It was only three years from there. Bumi would be one hundred and nine if he would have survived."

"I wouldn't put it past him to live that long Kagome, he was always…gifted." Aang said.

"What do you mean gifted?" Sokka asked.

"Put it this way, Bumi is a few fries short of a happy meal." Kagome replied with a snicker.

"What's a 'fries' and a 'happy meal'?" Katara asked.

"It's a kids meal in McDonalds." Kagome said. Noting the 'wtf' expressions on her companion's faces, she sighed. "Never mind."

"So, how are we going to get past those guards?" Katara asked as they touched down.

"I have a plan." Aang said.


"Hello! I am Banzu Pipinpapacopsalipinis the third and I am here to visit your city!" Aang said, face covered in Appa fluff.

The guards looked at him and pointed to Katara, Sokka and Kagome. "Who are they?" The first asked.

Katara smiled. "I am his granddaughter June, and this is my brother Jin and his lovely wife Yuki." She leaned over to the guard and whispered. "They're on their honeymoon."

Kagome gave them a heartstopping smile and Sokka just grinned.

"Very well, but you, young man, shouldn't you be carrying your grandfathers luggage?" The second said.

Sokka grumbled and Kagome tapped his arm lightly. "Don't complain dear, grandfather won't be with us for much longer."

Giving a final moan, Sokka took the bag from Aang and hefted it onto his shoulder. They walked past guards in a hurried fashion, eager to get into the city before they noticed the extra…appendages…that Kagome had.

"Hey, wait a second!"

Too late.

The first guard ran up to Kagome and touched her wings, earning an unseen shudder from the girl. "Where did you get these? They look so real."

Kagome gave a small giggle. "Thank you very much! They were a wedding gift from grandfather, he had always been a little…touched."

The guard looked to Aang who was currently spinning in circles before the gate. "I can see that. Well, have a nice vacation!"

After they had successfully entered Omashu, the gate closed and they heard a cry of 'My cabbages' coming from the other side before they all set out to explore.

Kagome and Aang brought Katara and Sokka to the top of the delivery system and grinned at them. "You are never going to have a ride like this one."

The water tribe siblings looked at Kagome and Aang. Katara gulped. "Suddenly I don't think this is such a good idea."

Kagome grinned and stepped onto the ledge. "See you at the bottom." She gave a mock salute before simply dropping off.

"On three we go." Aang said. "One, two three." The rock cart sped down the slope, passing Kagome as she swooped up to meet them. She flew with her back to the ground as she smiled at them lazily. "Enjoying the ride guys?"

"OMG we're gonna diiiieeee!" Sokka screamed like the little baby he is. (Neko-chan: this isn't Sokka bashing I just thought it was funny. I mean he DOES have big ears. Lol ;p)

"Sokka you're such a big eared baby! It's not that bad! So SHUT UP... You're giving me a head ache." Kagome scolded

Mean while Aang and Katara were laughing their asses off at the bickering pair. "T-they Haha they bicker like hahaha an old couple! Buhahahahaha!"

Katara managed to say between laughs.

"OMG you're RIGHT!" Aang replied with tears in his eyes.

Now by this time you would imagine Sokka and Kagome would have noticed the other conversation. If you did then... YOU'RE RIGHT! " Excuse me? What did you say Aang?" Kagome said slowly and calmly. Needless to say it was extremely scary.

"Ummm... KATARA DID IT!" As this was said Aang was doing his best to cower in the corner of the mail crate...thingy to escape Kagome's wrath.

Sokka then turned on his own snickering sibling, who obviously didn't here the last statement. " Oh Katara!" Sokka called sweetly.

' Uh-oh I'm in for it now' Katara thought having experienced Sokka's form of 'revenge by embarrassment' several times.

"Do you remember when you were like 6 and you got really dirty playing in the mud in the summer time? Well I do, you really didn't want a bath so when gran-gran tried to give you one you ran outside butt naked in front of the WHOLE village! It was hilarious! Then you..." At this point Katara cut him off.

"Sokka you jerk! That wasn't funny, I was sick for a week after!" She screamed.

Kagome and Aang laughed at the now bickering pair while the mail cart flew down the slope. Kagome looked up and narrowly missed being crushed by a wall. "A, you're going to crash!"

Aang did a few quick moved and pushed the cart onto the ramp below before they crashed…only to have it fly off the slope and bounce across the ground before crashing into a cabbage cart. The owner looked like he was going to scream before throwing his hands up in the air and walking off.

Kagome came flying down and landed with them. "Oh my god are you okay?"

Sokka winced as he began to pull himself from the rubble. "Yeah, but I think I-"

"Kisa don't scare me like that!" Kagome cooed as she held the flying monkey to her chest.

Within a matter of moments the cabbage man returned with guards in tow…


"These infidels crashed into a cabbage cart and disrupted the tranquil flow on the delivery system." The guard said, pointing to the four. "What do you want done with them you majesty?"

The old king looked at Kagome and Aang for a moment before smiling. "Throw them…a feast!"

The four looked at him like he was crazy (which was highly possible) and shrugged as the guards escorted them to the dining room.

The old king joined them all a few moments later and sat at the head of the table. He and Kagome stared at eachother for a few moments, before a look of recognition spread across her face and she opened her mouth to say something. The king shook his head and cast a sideways glance at Aang. Kagome nodded and began to eat.

"So Mr. Pipinpapacopsalipinis, where are you from?" The king asked.

Aang smiled. "Kangaroo Island!"

"Really?" He replied. "I hear that place is rather hopping."

Sokka gave a strained laugh, which caused Katara to give him a strange look.

"You and your daughter in law haven't touched your chicken, is it not to your liking?" The king asked.

Kagome shook her head. "We're vegetarians."

The king looked at Sokka who was practically inhaling his meat and smiled at her. "I take it that your husband isn't?"

Kagome shook her head. "Oh no, Jin and I have a system at our house. He eats the meat and I eat the vegetables."

"That is a good system." He said. "I must try to introduce that to…" He cut himself off and threw a chicken leg at Aang, who caught it with his airbending.

"It seems we have an airbender in our midst." The king said. "Possibly two. Guards! Escort the guests to their room."

After much discussion over what room to place them in, the four were escorted to a room with no windows or doors and only three beds. Katara and Sokka took one each and Kagome sat on the third with Aang. "What's going on K?"

Kagome sighed as Aang curled up against her. "I don't know A, but lets just get some sleep and I'm sure it will all work out in the morning."


Neko-chan: Well we decided to split the Omashu chapter up into two bits because Squishy couldn't sit still long enough to write her part.

Squishy: (drools) Ken'ichi Matsuyama…

Neko-chan: (shakes head) She's been watching too much Death Note. She hasn't stopped drooling since she saw the live action L. Please review!