: Disclaimer; I do not own the Loonatics or any related material. If I did, I'd be pelted with fruit on a daily basis by LU haters. I like the Loonatics, that's why I'm writing this. So if you hate them, you have no business being here. That is all. :


Busy bureaucrats rushed about the halls with the echoing clicks of formal shoes on marble floor. They carried digital clipboards and neatly filed paperwork, hurrying this way and that to meetings and conference calls, the daily business that came along with running a planet-wide city such as Acmetropolis. So many people passing through, uneventful, dressed in their drab business suits, excepting the occasional loud and garish tie on casual Fridays. The monotonous halls winding throughout the building leading to rooms of scowling heads-of-state debating traffic laws and tax deductions. Routine, day-to-day, business as usual.

So the day a tall woman in a flamboyantly bright pink dress, flowing in like a blaze of fire, decided to saunter right into Town Hall Central, uninvited and unannounced, it caused quite the commotion. All eyes turned to her, which was of course exactly what she wanted.

She walked through the open foyer, confidently, like she owned the place. Followed close behind by a dozen or so men, all keeping their heads turned towards her, their eyes permanently glued to her visage, yet able to walk perfectly without bumping into anything among all the distraction. She smiled at the audience she had amassed of the surprised public servants, tossing her flowing blond hair over her shoulder with a flaunting smile of her perfect teeth. She was a Renaissance painting, a Botticelli, brought to life and walking amongst the mortals.

Walking, as aforementioned, uninvited. As one guard near the Mayor's office had noted. He kept a cautious hand on his stun pistol and approached the woman.

"Excuse me miss, but no one is allowed past this point without the proper papers and identification, or an invitation from the Mayor herself."

She looked upon him with a blissful gaze and a little giggle, as if this amused her.

"Oh, I don't have any of those," she said in a sweet and innocent tone. "But I only want to pop in there for just a moment. You don't mind, do you?"

She played with the long silk scarf that was hanging so daintily around her neck as she spoke. Pouting her lip and batting her eyes pleadingly. The guard wasn't taking an ounce of this hokum and was ready to throw her and her little entourage right out onto the street.

"It would be so nice if you did." She exhaled, provocatively fanning her scarf near his cheek. An odd scent wafted from the delicate cloth and he suddenly felt very relaxed. His tension melted into extinction, replaced by a longing for the woman standing before him. He bowed elegantly and opened the door that sealed off the center hub of the building to the public.

"Here," he sighed, holding it open for her. "Allow me."

"Why thank you." She gave a little grin and waltzed through on her merry way, her gaggle of admirers close at her heals. Once they had cleared the barrier, the guard too, followed her.


"Here's the proposal for the new monorail line Miss Mayor." The assistant placed the thick document on the desk before the mayor of Acmetropolis.

"Thank you Milo," The administrative commander picked up the first sheet and gazed it over. She had barely gotten through the first paragraph when the door to her office was so rudely flung open and the ravishing intruder barged in.

"Hi, Hi!" She waved, gaining the attention of everyone who had not already been disturbed by her sudden entrance.

"What is the meaning of this?" The mayor demanded, rising with alarm from her chair.

"Oh hush you old bitty." The invader waved off uncaringly. The mayor's aid quickly reached under the desk and pressed the silent alarm button, hoping that this sudden motion had not caught the attention of this mysterious presence that had quickly dominated the room. She didn't seem to have a single care that she was violating several breaking and entering laws, or that two of the mayor's personal guards were pointing their stun pistols at her. She merely smiled and tossed the end of her scarf over her shoulder.

A little pink mist wafted from it, sprinkling the guards. Their weapons drooped, their steely eyes dulling to a lackadaisical stupor. Lovesick smiles curled their faces as she confidently approached the frightened electoral aid.

"Who are you?" he stuttered, trembling. The intruder's face fell to a disappointed frown. She drew even closer to him.

"Why Milo, don't you remember me?" She simpered "You only asked me to prom senior year."

He looked over the intimidating beauty closer, more carefully, searching his memory for a spark of recognition. Quickly, something bubbled to the surface of his mind.

"Venus Brittany?" He was stunned. No one would expect such a bizarre reunion of classmates. He barely recognized her now that her skin had taken a nearly albino shade of light peach. Her eyes had a certain glow behind her aquamarine irises that was almost mesmerizing. Venus smiled and laughed joyously.

"Oh you DO remember! Fantastic!" She hopped with elation and did a little spin. He backed away, smiling nervously; her bubbly behavior was most unsettling. Even more so when she stopped her little dance and grinned lustily at him.

"But, I go by a different name now…" She touched her hand to his face, caressing it gingerly. An odd smell perfumed her skin. It was sweet, alluring, intoxicating.

"You can call me, Aphrodite."

"Aphrodite…" he swooned dreamily, sinking to his knees. "You're just as beautiful as you were in high school."

Tittering, she posed herself like a runway model, basking in his admiration.

"Am I?"

"Yes, in fact, you've gotten even i more /i beautiful."

Another pose.

"Have I?"

"Yes." He proclaimed.

"You're lovely Aphrodite." One of the guards sighed.

"You're flawless Aphrodite." Chimed the other.

"We love you Aphrodite." The entire menagerie of men chorused.

"I know," she answered, as if it were the most commonly known thing in the universe.

A slight movement caught her eye from the corner of the room. At some point during her little display, Aphrodite had failed to notice the mayor crawl under her desk. The politician's curiosity had gotten the best of her fear and she was now peeking out to see what was happening.

"Jealous?" Aphrodite quipped, looking down upon the cowardly form. The large woman shivered, shrinking away with the remainder of her life now question on her mind.

"What are you going to do to me?" she nearly sobbed.

Aphrodite wrinkled her nose, a tiny mar to her porcelain complexion.

"So you think this is all about you? Pu-leese." Perfect pearls peeked between ruby lips. The diva hooked her arm around Milo's and snuggled against his bicep. "I already got what I came for." She flashed the mayor one last superior look before turning on her stiletto heals and strutting out the door.

Witnesses claimed the amount of men caught in her wake had doubled from the amount that had followed her in. Like a single carrot dangling in front of a triple crown's worth of horses, they paraded behind her out of city hall and down the street. She smiled at all the attention it was getting her. A spectacle for all to see.

To be continued