Hi! Sorry this is so short but I only had about an hour to write (it won't be Knives Day for much longer)and everything is crazy right now, so I couldn't really concentrate much. The people are OOC, but that's what makes it fun!

These hallways are so dark at night. Even in the day, Knives-sama keeps everything dimly lit. The hollow sound of my footsteps echo off the corridor walls.

My Master's room is just down this hallway. The large door leading to his room is locked, as usual. At first I think he is sleeping, but I hear his voice coming from the other side of the door. I know I shouldn't, but I step closer to the door, trying to make out the words.

"Come here, I won't hurt you..." I lean in closer to the door, curious.

"You're so cute..." He said, his voice sounding oddly cheerful.

"You're so fuzzy and soft! And your yellow eyes are so big and innocent looking!" He cooed. Who is Knives-sama talking to? I try to lean into the door to listen harder, and...

The door swings open, and I almost fall flat onto Knives-sama's floor. Hmm, I guess the door wasn't locked after all.

Knives-sama glances over at me, A black cat cradled in his arms, purring contentedly as Knives-sama scratches behind it's ears.

We stared at each other until the cat broke the silence with a happy "Meow!"

Happy Knives Day! But I must say, I think the date is wrong. I looked it up in ep. 6 of Trigun AND Volume one of the Trigun manga and they told me that July was destroyed on July 21st, not 22nd. (I think that day is supposed to be Vash and Knives's Birthday too). Oh well. Happy Knives Day anyway!

if you are lookingfor something actually WELL written from me, that I tookmy time with, go read my story 'Every Morning'. DO IT!

Thanks for Reading! Review please!