Yet more Sparrington from me. SimplyNorma has seriously got me hooked XD. This will be my first Jack/Norrington piece that is more than a one-shot. Based on an awesome Muse song. Let me know what you think, aka- review! Flames are not needed nor heeded, but if you feel the need- be my guest.

Disclaimer: Yeah, it isn't mine. I just like playing.

by PineappleIce
"I need to believe
But I still want more
With the cuts and the bruises
Don't close the door
On what you adore

Faith, it drives me away
But it turns me on
Like a strangers love
It rockets through the universe
It fuels the lies, it feeds the curse
And leads me to be

- Glorious, Muse

He had to fight back tears as they threw him into the cell. He hit the hard floor on his front, and didn't move. The door slammed shut behind him, and he heard the click of the keys, then the footsteps of the guards walking away. So far, this was the worst night of his life. It was also going to be the last night of his life.

His arm stung, and now, lying still, hidden from the world, his face beneath his tangled brown hair, he allowed himself to cry. It had all gone so, so wrong, because he could never stop following that man, that man who would never have him.

Damn him. Hot tears ran down rough cheeks as James Norrington lay in his cell, completely broken, branded a pirate. His hand was open in front of him, the way he often lay, as though when he was sleeping the object of his affections would take his fingers and hold them forever.

But no. James had been alone for so long. He had thought giving Beckett Jones' heart might have at least earned him back his post as Commodore, but no. Beckett had turned on him and had him branded a pirate.

Rough fingers covered his own.

James froze, hardly believing it was true. But it had to be, because every time James had dreamed of these fingers, they had felt exactly like this. He didn't look up, in case he was just dreaming. He swallowed, then said, very quietly, "Is this a dream?"

"I just asked myself that, mate. But I came to the conclusion that I doubt it, because if this was a dream, there'd be rum." That voice, the one that cut down to Norrington's soul. It was him!

"Jack Sparrow," James whispered. He looked up with his grey-green eyes and saw the brown orbs of Jack Sparrow's strangely tired-looking ones.

"Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow, mate," Jack scolded, going back into his shadowy corner, leaving James' hand tingling where his fingers had been. "Though per'aps that isn't correct now, seeing as I don't have a ship."

James blinked. Jack Sparrow had let his beloved Black Pearl go? He watched the amazing man in the twilight, the beads in his long, thick hair, the red bandana, faded slightly. James reached up and wiped his tears away, a strange lump in his throat. "Sparrow- where have you been?" he breathed.

Jack Sparrow's face was dark and moody. "You mean after you stole the heart of Davy Jones from me and basically left me for dead?"

James found himself blushing. "Well- you're Captain Jack Sparrow, I reasoned-"

Sparrow spoke over him, his voice cold and void of emotion. "You see, the most logical thing happened to me after I'd been left for dead by you." He paused, his eyes suddenly brighter. "I died."

James raised his eyebrows. Jack Sparrow had always been famous for telling tall tales, but there was something oddly truthful about his expression. "You-?"

"Eaten by the Kraken, mate," he continued. There was something raw about this. James was sure Jack Sparrow would never bare his soul to him normally. "Elizabeth... she..." His eyes became distant, and James knew that something had gone on between them. He wasn't surprised, but it still made him jealous. "... She chained me to the mast of the Pearl. Then they all sailed away in their little boat, and... I died."

James exhaled. "If you died, then how are you sitting before me right now?"

"Tia Dalma. Took the crew out ter Davy Jones' locker, where I was. Pulled me and the Pearl back out of it. Thought I might have finally found freedom- but your bloody friend Beckett was there, and he stole me ship. I followed back here, and now I'm going to hang." Jack Sparrow grinned, flashing golden teeth in a grim way. "Funny ol' world, innit?"

"Not really," James replied, dragging himself against the opposite wall, collapsing there, facing Jack Sparrow as he'd always wanted to do. "Are you mad at me?"

The pirate laughed. "No, mate. I'd 'ave done the same thing. Just goes ter show, yer a pirate."

James winced, remembering the brand on his arm. It was still stinging, burning, cutting in so deep. Jack noticed his expression. He opened his mouth, but James said quickly, "It's nothing." He couldn't quite stand to tell this man, his enemy, his beloved enemy, that they were now branded the same.

"Yer not doin' a convincin' job of hiding that brand, yer know," Jack said quietly. James looked at him, expecting to see him with a mocking expression, but he looked gentle.

James sighed. Was there any use? He was going to be dead in the morning. He pulled back the sleeve of his filthy blue jacket to reveal his forearm. Even in the darkness, the glowing red 'P' was visible. He swallowed down more tears. Jack crawled over to him and examined it, and James realised how close he was. Jack didn't say anything, he just pulled back his own sleeve, revealing the 'P' James had seen once before.

"At least we have one thing in common, now," James sighed bitterly.

Jack didn't look up. "I'd like ter think we have more than just one thing in common, mate."