(A/N) I didn't get many reviews on the last chapter yet, but the ones I did get I appreciate greatly. Even if this isn't my most popular fanfic, I still enjoyed writing it, more than most. I'd like to dedicate this little epilogue to my faithful readers and reviewers, I love you guys, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have written my longest story ever. (That's this one FYI!)


Epilogue: Stupid and in Love

"Wow," Rose Thomas took a sip of her coffee, "that's pretty intense." She commented on Winry Rockbell's story, "I never would've known... I can't believe you hadn't told me before!"

The blonde sighed, "Rose," she gulped down some more of her milk, "it's not that big of a deal..."

"Winry," Rose narrowed her eyes, "really, you're not very convincing. I mean, that's why you haven't dated anyone right? It all makes sense now..."

Winry groaned, "Why did I even bother telling you this?" She crossed her legs, shifting her weight, leaning back in the chair more, "Definitely a mistake..."

"Hm..." Rose said pretending to think, her eyes gazing out the window, "Maybe your heart was aching to pour out its pains to me. You were tortured and dying inside, needing to vent." She giggled.

"Or maybe," Winry smirked, "it was just the summer heat getting to me?"

"Probably.." Rose reasoned. "So..." She looked at Winry pleadingly.


"Do you still love him?" her eyes were filled with curiosity.

Winry choked on the mouthful of milk going down her throat, "I haven't seen him in seven years! Do you think I'd still be hung up on some highschool crush now? That'd be stupid..."

"Love can be stupid sometimes..." she answered simply, "Don't dodge the question."

"Yes..." Winry said almost whispering, humiliation tainting her voice. She opened her mouth to say more, but then she paused. All the way across the small cafe, was the same thing she'd seen 7 years before, the same back was turned.

She rose to her feet, her eyes wide, and mouth dry. She grabbed her purse and jacket that had been sitting next to her, and headed toward the cashier. "Be right back.." she stuttered, almost mesmorized. She must have been hallucinating. On her short lunch break, in the small cafe across the street from her job, the chances were next to impossible. But so was the fact that she still loved him.

She reached out and touched the shoulder of the man ordering, "Edward?" she said softly. The next few seconds, time was nearly stopped as he slowly turned around, "Winry?"

Their eyes met for only a moment, and she pulled him into an embrace, "It's really you?!" she exclaimed, hanging onto him tightly. She'd dreamed of the day she'd meet him again, day after day, but that time it was different. Because, instead of disappearing in her arms, he kissed her.

"Wow..." he said, his heart pounding, "This isn't a dream..." he frowned, a sour look over his face. "What?" she asked, surprised.

He made another face, "You were drinking milk weren't you?" She laughed, "Same Edward,"

He smiled back at her and started to regain his senses, "What are you doing in Central?" "Oh," she realized where she was, instead of the front porch of her suburban home, they were in the middle of a big city, "I transfered here for my last two years of college," she explained, "and ended up getting a job here. What about you?"

"I was just passing through.." he loosened his grip on her a bit. "Oh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"So..." he slid his hands down into hers, grasping them, "what do we do now?" "I think I should drop everything and come with you.." she said in a serious tone. "What?!" his mouth dropped open, "Weren't these past few years so we could secure our lives, and THEN get together. What was the point if you just end up leaving it all to be with me?"

"I think," she took a deep breath, "that if I learned anything in these years, its how much I care for you. That you're worth more to me than anyone or anything... and that if our love could have lasted through all of this... it can handle a few more hardships. Even if it means moving with you to Alaska, living in an igloo."

"Alaska?" Ed grinned, "As much as I think you'd make a cute eskimo, don't think that's neccessary. How about a nice apartment in a big city?" "I could deal with that..." she thought for a second, "but you do realize that if we plan on living together you're going to have to get me a ring."

"What a romantic way of ASKING me to marry you," he said sarcastically, "I don't have a ring, Cinderella, how about a shoe instead?" "What?" Winry asked as Edward pulled a shoe from his bag, "That's from... that night..." she gasped amazed. "I know," he said proudly, "I remember. I went back to Risembool recently and found it with the stuff I left behind. I don't know where the other one is... I checked if it was stuck in the sprinkler still but..."

"I pulled it out..." she took the shoe from him, "after you left. I wondered where this had gone to... The other one is in my room, back at my parents house-" "Maybe we should go pick it up..." he cut her off, "And go out on a date tonight."

"You realize," Winry laughed, "that this is the first time we're actually going on a date?" "We're stupid, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah," she burried her face in his chest, "stupid, and in love."

(A/N) Oooh I wonder how things turned out for them? Good I hope, wow enduring 7 years without Edward Elric?!? I would die. I made the epilogue third person because it gives a different feel than the first person chapters in the main story. This isn't the best ending, but I think it was done pretty well. For me, at least. Please review, and thanks for everything!