I got this idea while watching this one show that had crazy vegan people in it. No questions. Flame if you want.

Ye be warned!



This was possibly the WORST thing that Marluxia had ever encountered. Angrily, he grabbed his new cloak that was laying on his bed and stormed out of his room, still in his bathrobe.

"I can't BELIEVE him!" he muttered angrily to himself.

He passed a confused Demyx in the hallway and headed right for the Superior's room, barging in like an enraged bull. Xemnas immediately jumped up in both shock and fear and glanced at the pink haired man.

"Marluxia, you aren't wearing your uniform," he said in the most serious tone he could muster.

This seemed to enrage Marluxia even more. He took the black uniform that was in his hands and threw it on the floor as hard as he could.

"I shall NEVER wear this!" he yelled, sticking his chin up and folding his arms.

"Is it the wrong size?" asked Xemnas.

Marluxia glared into his skull.

"Nooooo. I won't wear it because it's made of LEATHER!" he yelled angrily.

"And why is that, number eleven?"

"Because leather is from cows!"

Xemnas wasn't grasping the concept.


"Don't you get it! People had to kill innocent cows to make this! I can't wear it!"

He flipped his hair as if he was trying to make his point. Xemnas looked at the man with disbelief. He had designed these cloaks himself, yet Marluxia wasn't grateful enough to accept that these were made out of the loving care of their master. Finally he decided he might as well give in to the man because he had better things to do today.

"Alright," he said. "You win, number eleven. I'll redo your cloaks in a different fabric."

"Excellent! Aaaaaaand….?"

"And what?"

"What about everybody else's cloaks?"

Xemnas couldn't believe this man.

"You expect me to alter everybody's cloaks for your comfort?" he asked.

"Yes!" Marluxia exclaimed. "I shall avenge the deaths of these cows!"

'Dear Lord', thought Xemnas. 'As if my day couldn't get any weirder.'

"Marluxia, you must understand that redoing just one of these coats costs me a fortune. Doing the others would-"

"THIS IS SACRILAGE!" yelled Marluxia angrily. "Think of all those poor cows who have unwillingly sacrificed their lives to make tight clothes, seats, cusions, and shoes! They would be so enraged right now if they heard you saying that you don't care about them!"

"So if I changed everybody's coats to a different fabric, you would leave me alone for the rest of both our meaningless lives?" asked Xemnas.

"Yes, I would."

"Good. Now go away."

Marluxia left the room with a triumphant smile on his face.

Xemnas prayed to God that Luxord hadn't spent all of his money when he went to Las Vegas last week.

But then, Xemnas had an evil (but ingenious) idea.


By next week, everybody in the Organization were wearing blue suede disco suits.

Marluxia then protested against him for a fashion violation.

He just couldn't win.


Please review.