A Killer's Path
By: Wild Thing8

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Warnings for this chapter: None

Summary: AU! Nikolai is a cold blooded killer. Problem is he's the Boy-Who-Lived as well. Its not going to be pretty when he is arrested and sent to Hogwarts for reform. Dark, Independent Harry. NO SLASH.

Chapter Four:

Harry looked over the letter he was holding in his hands, his emerald eyes quickly skimming over the neat script. It had been nearly a week since he had sent a message to Bones about his proposition, and he had begun to think his letter had been lost in some large stack of Ministry papers. Actually, he had thought it more likely that Bones had burned the thing. Apparently not. Looking back down at the letter he started to read it again.


Merlin was I surprised to find out that you, Nikolai the fabled killer, are the Boy-Who-Lived. I will meet with you to discuss your offer at any time you request. I know that you are not doing this from the good of your heart, but I am willing to pay a lot for even one inner circle member. Send me a note with the time and place you wish to meet at and I will be there.


Harry smirked as he finished reading Amelia's message. He hadn't expected her to be nice or anything in her letter, but she could have made it a little longer. Hell, she didn't even use official Ministry parchment or signature.

Pulling a quill from his bag he flipped the note over and began to scribble a reply. Once he was finished with it, he quickly tied it to the owls leg and sent it on its way. Getting up from the Ravenclaw table, Harry strode toward Dumbledore's seat at the Head table. Glancing at the man, Harry was amused to see a long wooden pipe sticking out of the old man's mouth. Further amusement came when he realized that most of the teachers were glancing at him with looks of amusement and curiosity. Snape seemed to be the only one with contempt etched onto his face.

When Harry reached the table, Dumbledore looked up and smiled. Taking the pipe out of his mouth, he reclined back into the elegant arm-chair he was currently occupying.

"What can I do for you Harry?" the Headmaster asked.

Harry shook his head and motioned to the door behind Dumbledore. Albus nodded and stood from his seat causing many of the staff members to look up from their meals. Motioning for them to resume eating, Albus walked into the room in which Harry had occupied a moment earlier. The Headmaster noticed Harry examining a shiny, metal object, and he headed over to the boy. Upon reaching the teenage wizard Albus plucked the object from Harry's fingers and set it back on the shelf.

"Those aren't meant to be played with idly," Albus told Harry with a small smile.

"Why? What was it?" Harry asked, curious to see what the odd object was.

"Eradicomagus," Albus stated, "A devise that will cancel out the most powerful magics. It is said that it is able to remove even the Killing Curse from a person's body. Unfortunately, we have not found a way to concentrate it on a specific magic as of yet. Whenever we have attempted to use it so far, it will completely cancel out all magic within a fairly large radius. Meaning, that if we used it on a person's body…"

"They would become worse than a squib," Harry finished for him, eyeing the small, metal object that was sitting unceremoniously between two dusty old books.

The Headmaster's nod caused him to miss the look of want that appeared briefly on Harry's face.

"Precisely!" the old wizard exclaimed, "That is why it is back here. Now, what do you wish to speak me about?"

Harry pulled out his wand and conjured a small, wooden stool. Plopping himself down, he started to explain Bone's letter.

"Amelia sent me a reply. I need your permission to meet her in Hogsmeade this evening," Harry told his Headmaster.

"Excellent! You are of course aloud to go, but you may only travel to Hogsmeade. I forbid you from going anywhere else," Albus said cheerfully, "Now if you'll excuse me I must be going. I have a meeting with our esteemed Minister this morning, and it would be unwise to be late for it." Tipping his tall, blue wizards hat, Albus walked from the room whistling a tuneless song.

Harry waited a moment after Albus left the room before grabbing the Eradicomagus and slipping it in his jacket pocket quickly.


It was 6:30 in the evening and the sun was just beginning to set as Harry walked down the dirt pathway leading to the village of Hogsmeade. The plan was to meet up with Bones in a room above the Three Broomsticks and discuss the offer that he had made earlier. If all went his way then he was going to have a huge advantage in the war.

Harry was almost to the gates that led to Hogsmeade when he dropped to the ground writhing in pain. As he gritted his teeth to stop himself from screaming, images started to appear in his head.

He was standing on the edge of a rocky cliff, waves crashing against the jagged rocks below him. Wind whipped by him, causing the front of his clothing to stick to him like a second skin.

Suddenly, dark clouds started to form overhead, and moments later rain started to fall from them. A flash of light broke through the dark skies, and a stroke of lighting hit one of the tall trees that were standing behind him. The tree burst into flames, one by one the trees surrounding the fire started to go up in flames as well. Fumbling for his wand, he soon realized that he didn't have it with him.

The fire was advancing on him. He was trapped, a two hundred foot fall on one side, and a forest of fire on the other. Standing up, he squared his shoulders and looked straight into the fire with as much courage as he could muster. He could feel the heat of the blazing inferno washing over him, melting away his skin, trying to claim him for itself. He would not let it.

Suddenly, a loud crack was heard and the ground around him started to fall away, tumbling into the spear filled waters below.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he fell backwards, the rocks below beckoning for him to join them. He would not die afraid, cowering on the ground like a lowly muggle would undoubtedly do. No...he would die without fear.

Then it stopped. Raising his head from its place in the dirt road, Harry looked around him. No evidence existed of the fire, forest, cliff, or water that he had just held witness to. Standing up, he brushed the dirt off of his clothing and started back down the road to Hogsmeade.


Severus Snape kicked the side of his dusty, wooden desk in anger.

Potter, he thought bitterly, It always has to be the bloody Potters.

Ever since Harry Potter went missing a decade ago, he had thought he would be rid of the infernal family for good. But no... The brat had to show up at Lucius Malfoy's house of all places! Not once had he imagined that he would see the face of James Potter again, but there it was...staring across the dining table at him in the form of the Boy-Who-Lived.

After casting a spell on his foot to relieve the pain he had caused it, Severus sat down in the rickety chair that was placed by his desk. He pulled out a quill and ink, and brought out a stack of ungraded fifth-year potions essays. One look at the three-foot-long piece of parchment, and a spiky, black D appeared by the Ravenclaw student's name. Pulling another sheet toward him, he marked it with an O as soon as he saw which house the student was in.

Severus was in the process of 'grading' another essay when a knock on his office door interrupted him.

Throwing a look of loathing at the door, he waved his wand causing the wooden door to swing open with a bang. Severus watched in contempt as Albus Dumbledore walked across the threshold and into his office.

"Why Severus! How nice to see you," the headmaster cried merrily, setting himself down in the cushioned arm-chair he had just conjured for himself.

"Is there something you need, Professor?" Severus asked, doing his best to ignore the ever-so-annoying twinkle that was eternally present in the headmaster's eyes.

"Indeed there is my fellow staff member," Albus answered in a grave voice. Well as grave as a voice can get when the mouth it is coming from is stuffed to the brim with various soft candies.

Severus waited, impatiently tapping the tip of his quill against the desk, for the old wizard to finish chewing.

"I was wondering what you could tell me about Mr. Potter, and his time with the Malfoys," Albus asked Severus.

Severus rolled his eyes at the wizard in front of him. "Headmaster, I have told you already that I did not know that Potter was working for Lucius until recently," Severus told Albus as calmly as he could.

"That is all well and good my dear boy, but you must have heard something about him from someone," Albus replied, raising a bushy eyebrow at the irritated potions master.

Severus raised his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes roughly, growling slightly as he did so. The things he did to keep Dumbledore happy. "Yes actually," he told the headmaster, "About a decade back when the Dark Lord returned, there were rumors floating around the Death Eaters that the Dark Lord had taken on an apprentice. Obviously these rumors were fake, but you can see where they might have started."

"Indeed," Albus replied, "So you know nothing of the training he received under the tutelage of Lucius?"

"If I knew anything, headmaster, I would have told you," Severus ground out through gritted teeth.

"Very well. I hope to have such a beautiful conversation with you in the future, my dear Severus," Albus said merrily, before standing up from his chair and exiting the room.


"You expect me to believe that you can infiltrate Lucius Malfoy's home?" Amelia Bones asked incredulously from across the small, round table that they were currently occupying in the Three Broomsticks. After setting up a Silencing Ward around the table, Harry had told Bones how he was going to capture the Death Eaters. To put it lightly, she thought he was full of shit.

Harry rolled his eyes at the question. "For the third time, YES!" he answered irately.

Amelia humphed at him. "Please," she started snidely, "We have been searching for the Malfoy home for over a year now. If there were any chance it wasn't under the Fidelius then we would have found it by now."

"That's because there is a Fidelius over it," Harry answered calmly, enjoying the enraged look that passed over the old woman's face. It was always nice to get on someone's nerves.

"Then how are you going to get in?" Amelia ground out through gritted teeth, "I'm pretty sure Malfoy wouldn't let the likes of you know the location of his mansion."

"You would be surprised," he remarked nonchalantly.

Amelia rose her arms up in frustration. "I'm not going to get any straight answers out of you am I?" she asked resignedly. Seeing the shake of his head, she continued, "Alright then...what is it that you want from me? Gold, political power, auror backup when ever you need it? I'm pretty sure I could get you something extremely valuable for some Death Eaters."

Amelia watched as Potter reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small, cylindar shaped object. One end of the cylinder had moderate sized ruby edge set in it. The point being sharp enough and long enough to pentrate the skin like a needle. He set it on the table, and looked her in the eyes.

"Here is what I want you to do."


"Mr. Potter!" Harry heard his name shouted from somewhere behind him. Craning his neck, he was just able to make out the tall figure of Professor McGonagall from above the student's heads. He watched as the grey-haired witch strode briskly through the crowd of students.

"Mr. Potter," she repeated once she had reached Harry, "Headmaster Dumbledore would like to speak with you tonight in his office. 8:30 should do just fine. He also told me to inform you that there will be many sugar quills available while your there."

Harry just nodded, mentally laughing at the attempt at subtlety that his Transfiguration professor just tried. Harry walked outside, and looked at the large clock that was perched at the top of entrance hall gates.


That gave him about twenty-five minutes before he had to leave for the Headmaster's office. Not that he didn't have anything to do in those twenty-five minutes. Of course...he could do a bit of research on that vision he had the other day.

With that thought in mind Harry headed for the library. He'd be damned if he didn't figure out what the hell he had witnessed on his way to Hogsmeade.

Harry skimmed over the book titles in the Geographical section of the library for a few minutes before retiring to a small table toward the back of the room. In front of him on the desk sat two leather-bound books. One of these books was labeled 'Magical Locations in Europe' , and the other 'Popular Tourist Landmarks of the Wizarding World'.

Rubbing his eyes, Harry cast shrinking charms on the two books and walked out, unseen by the beady-eyed librarian.

The halls were vacant except for the occasional student, hurrying toward his or her common room. The nine o'clock curfew that had been set in effect at the beginning of the year was met with resentment by the student body. Unfortunately for them, they had no choice in the matter.

"Sugar Quills," Harry said as he reached the entrance to the Headmaster's office. The winding stairs slowly came into view, and Harry made his way slowly up the stairs.

Harry gave a sharp knock on the polished-oak door, and waited for an invitation into the office. A few moments later, the invitation came when the Headmaster's aged voice told him to enter.

"Ah! Wonderful to see you Harry," Headmaster Dumbledore said politely as Harry entered his office. "I assume that the meeting with Madam Bones went well." He cocked an eyebrow at Harry, as if to say that he knew something else was going on besides the planned arrest of a few Death Eaters.

"Splendidly," answered Harry's calm voice. The boy had learned early on in life to keep his poise when being questioned. He was not stupid. Any mildly intelligent human being in his position would know that they were being watched. Dumbledore knew that Harry was up to something, he just didn't know what yet.

"Good...Very good..." Dumbledore mumbled, all the while looking into Harry's eyes, trying to find some mischief, some ill will in them. Finally, after a long, awkward few seconds, Dumbledore drew his gaze elsewhere. "I called you here to discuss the schedule for you training," Dumbledore explained.

"Excellent," Harry replied, "I have been looking forward to these."

"Yes, I'm sure you have," Dumbledore said, "It's not every day one has a chance to learn a new branch of magic."

"Indeed...So, what did you wish to tell me about the lessons?"

Giving a small nod, Dumbledore reached into one of his desk drawers, and pulled out a piece of parchment. He handed it to Harry, and began to explain the schedule.

"There is not much I can say about this," Albus started, "All sessions will be from 8:00 to 9:30 in the evening. Mondays will be theory. Wednesdays will be wand movements and incantations. And finally, Fridays will be actual application of the spells. Of course, for the first week or so, we may be just doing primarily theory until you grasp the concept."

Harry nodded as he scanned over the sheet of parchment. Looking up at the Headmaster, he quirked an eyebrow. "If that is all?" Harry asked.

"Yes, you are free to leave," Albus said, standing from his chair, and shaking Harry's hand. "I will see you later."

Harry waved his hand over his shoulder as he walked from the room, the doors bang as it shut being the only sound that was heard.

Author Notes:

Yes, I know what you're going to say. I know it has been around 5 damn months since I lasted updated, and now that I have updated, it is not a very long update.

I originally took a break from writing when school and sports started. I just didn't have the time or energy to write. Now that I have settled into both of those, I have a slightly larger amount of time in which to write and plot out the story. To the readers of Dirge of Hope! Expect an update within the next week or two. Hopefully it will be up this weekend, and I can get another chapter of this started.

Hope you liked this, and please review. It really does motivate me to write more.