(A/N: Hey guys! I decided to make a sequel! Lol, yeah. Idk, I would feel so bad if I didn't write down the story that's stuck in my head for soooo long! Anyways, the people will be around 22ish. Basically in there early twenties. Btw, this is still in Kimiko's POV. So yeah. Anyways, Here IT IS!)

Disclaimer: I do not ownXiaolin Showdown or anything else in ANY story3


One of my eyes opened, and I groaned. "What is it Keiko?"

She giggled. "Hello! We're suppose to design Ms. Kinmoto's wedding dress!"

I finally got up and went into the closet to get dress. I chose a cute red sleeveless turtleneck, and a pair of slim jeans. I got out a quickly brushed my long hair and put it in a high pony tail. Keiko tapped he foot over and over again, indicating she was very impatient by now.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, it doesn't take you this long does it?" she said as she put her hands on her hips.

I stuck my tongue out, giggling. She laughed back. We were still kind of immature for people in there mid-twenties, huh? I faced Keiko and frowned. "Oh, you are not wearing my bracelet…."

She laughed. "Maybe I AM…"

You see, this was basically what we did. You see, me and Keiko are famous designers from Japan. We design wedding dresses and so on. With the help of my dad from the beginning, we started out with a reasonable amount of money to work with. And as time progressed, people started loving our designs. Our designs are known all throughout the world. And because of how famous our designs and how many people love it so much, we basically became rich. Or not exactly RICH rich, but money any 22 year old people could make probably. Not only that, we also get to meet a lot of famous people. Most of them use our designs and dresses for there weddings or parties or so on. So as you can see, we've been living an easy life.

Our house is pretty big too. My dad and her dad helped pay for it. Basically in the house are just me and Keiko, plus Keiko's cat, and my dog. We have maids that come clean our house once a week. But because we have so much to do where we work, we don't exactly need servants. We hardly stay at our house.

We went out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Mitsu, my puppy, and Misaki, which is Keiko's kitten. I picked Mitsu up and cuddled the little cute black and white Papillon. (A/N: That's my doggy! YAY! Lol, look it up on google to see what it looks like if you want!) Mitsu began licking my face over and over and I giggled. I turned and pet the little calico kitten on the head and heard her purr.

I looked at my watch, and my eyes widened. "KEIKO! We gotta go now! It's 11:10, and Ms. Kinmoto's coming around 2 to try out the dress! Along with the flower girl also.

Her eyes also widened and we quickly got outside and climbed into the car. I went into the driver's seat, and Keiko sat next to me with Mitsu and Misaki in a basket.

As we finally arrived to our big and already crowded bridal shop, we quickly went in, trying to avoid the paparazzi. I heard Mitsu whimper, and Misaki's frightened meow, as more and more people crowded in with cameras, and microphones. We finally got in and shut the door. Tomoko, another designer who helps us in our time of need, smiled. "So, Kimiko slept in again, huh?"

I stuck my tongue out. "Ha. Ha. Tomoko! You're hilarious. It's not my fault I'm not a morning person!"

She giggled. "You're right."

Keiko took the basket and took out Mitsu and Misaki. Another friend, Tomomi, younger sister of Tomoko, came over and squealed as she saw Mitsu and Misaki walk over.


I laughed. "Yeah, but I think they should go back into the basket, they'll get cold."

I shivered and looked around. "Why is it always cold in here?"

Tomoko shrugged. "No idea."

Keiko tapped her foot over and over again. All three of us turned to her. We all knew that she had something important to say if she taps her foot like that. She put her hands on her hips. As always. "Hello! Aren't we supposed to be designing stuff?"

I smiled. "Alright. Alright…."

Tomomi smiled. "Yeah, me and Tomoko will leave you two alone. We know about the whole dress thing. Heehee, procrastinators…"

They walked away to the other side of the room and we went the other side. We basically share this building. We both make dresses.

.:. 3'o clock .:.

"Are you sure this dress will be done in time?"

I looked at Ms. Kinmoto. "Of course it will. Don't worry. It's just a few minor adjustments."

I turned to see how Keiko was doing. She was fitting the cute little girl her dress, as she is the flower girl.

After a few more adjustments, I was done. I smiled. "Well, it isn't much to do. I need to make this a little slimmer and make it a little shorter. And you want it sleeveless, right?"

She nodded, and I smiled. "Alright then! You're all done. I'll work on it tonight, and I'll call you when it's ready. Could you just please write down your cell number and phone?"

She nodded as she scribbled down numbers on a piece of paper. We went over to Keiko, as she put some adjustments also. The little girl looked stiff and stood her ground as Keiko stuck a needle through to hold something in place. She laughed. "Don't worry, I'm a professional."

She giggled and relaxed. Finally, she was done. Ms. Kinmoto smiled. "Darling, do you like the dress?"

"No, Auntie, I LOVE IT!"

She smiled, as I saw Keiko sneak in a little smile also. She thanked us 3 times as she apologized for asking them to design the dress on such short notice and left. We smiled.

"Kimiko, we sold 10 wedding dresses this week!"

I smiled. "I KNOW!"

We went over where Tomoko and Tomomi were working. Tomoko smiled. "Another satisfied customer?"

I nodded. "You bet!"

Tomomi came in through a room and took out two charms. "Here you go Kimiko. There for Mitsu and Misaki's collar."

I smiled. "Aw, thank you!"

She placed the two silver charms, one shaped as a fish, and one shaped as a bone. You see, Tomoko and Tomomi were also jewelry makers. They sell the most beautiful jewelry you have ever seen! The charms were also engraved with our names on it, and there names on it.

I took it and put it around Mitsu's and Misaki's collars and smiled. "Very cute."

Even though puppies and kittens can't smile, I could tell if they could, the would. They started walking around, admiring the little twinkling sound. I giggled.

Soon, a cell phone started ringing. All of us checked and it was Keiko's. She took out her pink flip phone and answered.

After a few moments, she squealed as started jumping up and down as she closed her cell phone. "O.M.G! WE ARE INVITED TO ISABELLA KYSHAMI'S ENGAGEMENT PARTY!"

Tomoko and Tomomi started squealing and jumping up and down also. All I could do was smile. The truth is, I didn't want to go. It reminded me too much of my last surprise birthday party 6 years ago. (A/N: The birthday party in my last story, remember?) Ever since then, parties reminded me of me and….Raimundo…

You see, the day we were suppose to leave the Xiaolin Temple, Rai disappeared. Without saying good-bye. Without saying good-bye to me. His girlfriend at that time. And now it's been a couple of years, and I haven't heard from him since. Omi stayed at the temple, getting ready to teach new young dragons. Clay went back to Texas, and continued the beef ranch that his father started. And I went back to Japan where I became a designer. I have no idea what Rai became, since I have no idea where he his. Sometimes I wish he'd appear somehow. I even kept my same cell phone number, hoping Rai would call me someday. But I guess that would never happen.

Keiko smiled at me and frowned as she realized I wasn't as happy as them. Tomoko and Tomomi also frowned. They knew the story also. "Kimiko, you ok?"

I gave a faint smile. "I'm fine, guys. I just, I dunno…."

Keiko smiled and took my hands. "I'm really sorry about what happened to you a couple of years ago, but you can't have that affect you! That was a long time ago!"

I nodded. "You right. So that's why, I've decided to go."

They all squealed and smiled. Keiko smiled the biggest. "Not only that, Isabella Kyshami also wants me and Kimiko to design her dress and you two to pick out her and her fiancé's wedding rings!"

I giggled. That was pretty cool. I mean, Isabella Kyshami is the world's famous super star model. Or at least she's extremely famous here in Japan.

Tomoko smiled. "So, who's her fiancé?"

Keiko shrugged. "How am I suppose to know? I think he's a famous soccer player though. Eh, who knows. I heard he's pretty cute though!"

Tomoko giggled. "Probably!"

I smiled. All three of them were boy crazy. But I didn't really go out with anybody else after Rai…

A few hours later of answering phones and taking orders, it was closing time. I took Mitsu and Misaki and put them in the basket. We bid our good byes to Tomoko and Tomomi as they got into the car, and left. They live pretty close by, but no me and Keiko.

We arrived home at around 7. I sighed. "So, um, when is this party?"

She thought for a moment. "Saturday, 5pm to whenever."

I nodded. "And did she say when she was going to come to look for wedding dresses?"

Keiko looked at our little calendar book. "Umm….I think Monday? In the afternoon, of course."

I nodded again. "Is it just the wedding dress?"

"Um, no. We have to do her niece's dresses and her friends."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, that's a lot to do."

She smiled. "Well of course! Her wedding's going to BE BIG! And she's even inviting us too! Did you know she's inviting us to A CRUISE! I mean, it's going to be awesome!"

"What for?"

She shook her head. "Come on Kimiko, A CRUISE! Don't ask why!"

I laughed. "Well, I guess that will be fun, but it's not going to be anytime now? Right? We have to do a lot of things…."

She sighed, impatiently. "Don't worry, Kimiko! We'll get everything done in time! Now, don't worry!"

I watched Mitsu walk towards me and picked her up. "I guess…"

Keiko took out Mitsu's and Misaki's bowl. "Kimiko, we should go shopping on Friday. Pick everything out! I think you need to relax. I know! We'll go get a facial, get a manicure AND a pedicure, and so on! And then on Saturday, we'll go to our hairdressers and get our hair done, and get our makeup done also."

I smiled. "You know what? Yeah! That seems like fun! But we are going to use our own dress designs, right?"

She rolled her eyes. "Duh! It would be bad for our business to wear some other designer's clothes!"

I laughed and nodded.

After dinner and fixing a few minor adjustments to Ms. Kinmoto's dress, I decide to go to bed. I changed into my pjs, and put Mitsu on the bed. I began to think as I heard Mitsu, peacefully sleeping. I mean, I should go to this party right? I mean, it HAS been awhile, besides my other my other birthday parties. I haven't hanged out with my friends for awhile….

I decided to not think about it. Especially not Rai. Of course, I'm the kind of person who thinks and thinks, and just couldn't help it. A couple of months later, I was so depressed that he left with saying good bye. I didn't really want to do anything, and I called Clay and Omi to ask if they've heard from Rai, but nothing. Omi and Clay has come to visit, but they're busy with there own lives now. I sighed. It was sad. I mean, all my old friends, we're separated. I looked down and stroke Mitsu's soft fur. I gave a faint smile. If only I was like Mitsu, just being able to sleep just like that……with no worries, or troubles……..

(A/N: So…what did you think! Lol, yeah, I know. How could I break up Rai and Kimiko's relationship. Yeah….but you'll see. I promise. This is STILL a Raikim, even though it may not seem like it so far. I mean, Rai isn't even in this chapter! But he will be. I mean, he IS mentioned in this story. When I mean, "mentioned', I MEAN mentioned. Not just by his name…..

Lol, if you watched this series a lot, you could just tell. Heehee. Anyways, I hope you guys read this story! I mean, you guys are the only reason I'm writing this! So reviews! Please and thank you!)
