(A/N: Haha, wow. It's uhh, been awhile. I'm REALLY REALLY SORRY for all of you who wanted to know what happened….I'm pretty sure all of you have forgotten about the story. Umm. Haha, after reading the whole thing through, I found a lot of grammar mistakes. Oyy. Err, anyways, I guess I should finish AT LEAST ONE CHAPTER, and I'll do my best to reply to everyone's reviews. Not sure if I can, but… I'll try!

Hehe. Anyways, I want to thank Selvira, Mi Chibo, and Xiaoashwind for uhh, checking up on me every now and then. )

I couldn't believe it.


I quickly closed my mouth. Keiko gasped. And immediately, I could feel tears going down my cheeks. I shook my head. It was impossible. Maria turned to look at me, and gasped.

"Auntie Kimiko, why are you crying?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

She shook her head. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You should never hide your feelings Auntie Kimiko."

Todd came back after a couple of seconds. One look at my face and he could tell something was wrong.

"Uh, did I miss something?"

"Nothing, I uh, just have to go now."

Maria looked up at me. "But you haven't met my uncle yet."

I could feel my heart break apart as I said: "Uhh, no. That's alright. I'm pretty sure he'll just be happy to see you."

However, before I could run away, Todd pulled the handsome brunette over.

As he saw the two of us (He didn't notice me with my hands over my face), he gave his well known smirk. "Hooked yourself up with some girls, huh?"
He laughed. "No, you perv. These two are the ones who found your niece."
"Oh really? Thank you soo—"
And he stopped.

And I know why too. Because right when he started talking, I uncovered my face. I bet my face looked horrible.

Good thing I wore waterproof mascara/eyeliner, though.

However, I doubt that really did anything. I could see his face looking surprised and anxious, nervous and scared, and happy which was rolled into one expression.

"Kimiko..? It is really you?"

I turned away. I couldn't take it. I mean, after all these years, that's all he could say!? I quickly ran past everyone, covering my face.

I could hear Rai call my name over and over, but I tried my best to ignore it.

Don't you just hate it when you see someone you have a crush on and they see you, but he or she doesn't come up to you to talk to you? And than they make up something like they didn't see you, but they SO DID see you.

Ugh, I hate that. However, the thing I hate the MOST is Rai.

Oh, and don't you just hate it when you get your hair all straightened and nice for school, and
than you go outside to see it's raining and humid out….and than your hair just FRIZZES up?!

Ugh, I hate that too. However, I hate Rai more than any of those things.

I was going to say some other ridiculous thing, but I decided that it wasn't worth it. And of course I was going to say "I hate Rai more than –insert thing-"

I am currently lost. In a garden.

"Oh the joy…"

I picked a few twigs out of my hair that I got from running under a tree. And not only that, I ripped the edges of my favorite black dress. It just doesn't get any better than this…

But oh, it does considering Rai finally finds me beneath the willow tree, looking out into the pond. I quickly stood up and turned around, trying not to look at him.

He gave a sigh.

"Look, Kimiko, I'm sorry."

I turned around and looked at him. My face and his face were extremely close…lips barely touching…

(A/N: Ahh, so I decided to leave off this EXTREMELY SHORT CHAPTER here, considering it's a very good cliffie and probably really confusing. Sorry, but it'll all make sense in the next chapter. If I get to up to write it...err. Anyways, I decided I would continue writing, but they might be really really short chapters….


I'm sorry….but most likely I'll update sooner? Hehe?

Anyways, I hope you review. Because than I'll be more likely to update…

