1Hurray! My very first fanfic! Haha take that all of you bastards who thought it would never happen! Ok, so lets see... I haven't actually beaten ffviii yet so bear with me. I don't know what happens with the sorceress' or anything yet ok, this is just my guess. BUT WHAT DO YOU CARE! IF YOU'RE READING THIS FOR ACTUAL GAME EVENTS, FUCK OFF! THIS IS FOR SQUALL AND RINOA FLUFF!

Another slow day.

Squall laid on his soft bed, in his large room...one of the only good things about being a Seed. That and the money. But he had never been one to really care about that sort of stuff. The day was only starting the sun barely coming in through his window but he could already tell it was not going to be the most thrilled filled day...

Everyday was like this one...ever since she left..

He decided since he couldn't go back to sleep to just get some breakfast, maybe workout in the gym or something. He sat up put on some black sweats and his loose fitting white tank top. He figured because it was so early that he didn't have to put on his normal clothes yet. As he was walking out he thought more about his outfit. That was Squalls signature. Black jacket, white shirt, and black baggy pants with the little trinkets here and there. He looked down at his necklace of Griever. Probably his main signature. Everyone knew him by it. Come to think of it did he ever take that thing off? To shower, but that was it. 'This damn thing. I can't imagine not having it on me but, I can't stand to leave it on either...' his thoughts were loudly interrupted by a loud call.

"SQUAAAAAALLLLL!" Squall winced slightly at the loud sound so early in the morning. He looked over his shoulder to see the small girl run up to him. She finally reached him but found herself unable to talk because of the lack of breath and rested her hands on her knees in an attempt to breathe. Squall stared at her lazily, "You know Selphie, if you wouldn't run so fast you wouldn't have to stop," he started to walk away," and give people the chance to leave while you catch you breathe." Selphie stood up straight and began to follow. She came up next to him and walked with him. "Geez Squall! You're grouchy in the morning! Oh wait...you're always like that..." Squall paid no attention to her. He just wanted food in his stomach and caffeine in his blood. Selphie smiled and continued, " Why are you up so early?" She looked over at Squall who still had on his no-expression face on. "Just couldn't sleep that's all." Selphie smiled. "Oh really...ok then. Whatever you say leader." Squall looked over at her trying to read the secret message in her words. "What do you mean by th-" "Gotta go! Enjoy your breakfast Squall!" Squall watched her run after one of her friends. "It's too early for this." Squall muttered to himself as he walked towards the cafeteria.

He walked in and thankfully there weren't as many people as he would have guessed. Just a few students and mentors. He noticed Quistis sitting at a table by herself reading the Daily Balamb while drinking out of a mug. He sighed and went over to the breakfast was being served (its much easier to just have the food out buffet style don't you think?) He grabbed a plate and piled it with eggs, waffles and toast then went over to the beverage section and poured himself a cup of coffee, black, as usual.

He walked over to the table area to find a seat. He was going to walk right by Quistis's table. He figured since she hadn't even noticed him because of her reading that he could pull it off. He got half way until he heard a sudden "Don't pretend you don't see me Lionheart." Squall turned and faced Quistis who was looking up at him from her paper. She motioned to a seat across from her with her head, "sit." Squall dragged his feet to the spot, put down his food then his coffee and dropped into the chair. Quistis Chuckled lightly, " don't exaggerate Squall. I'm not that awful." squall gave her an expressionless face and she smiled then went back to her reading. Squall started to eat.

Quistis took a sip of her drink which squall had discovered was tea by its smell then set it back down and shook her head. "Would you look at that. I can't believe it." Squall looked up, mouth full of food, "What?" " Nothing! That's just it. No robberies, no murders, nothing even attempted." squall stared for a bit. "... and how is that bad?" "Its not. I'm just saying its too peaceful here. Balamb has to be the calmest of all the cities in this world." Quistis looked up at Squall, " Not at all like Dollet. Everything happens there." Squall just continued to eat. Quistis looks back at the paper and takes another sip of her tea. "Why are you up so early Squall?"

Squall sighs and looks up at her. "Is there something wrong with me being up early or is that not supposed to happen." quistis raised her eyebrows, "my my! Aren't we grouchy! Calm down, I'm just curious that's all. You're never up this early so something had to have happened." "I just couldn't sleep, that's all." Quistis look at him. " there now, was that so hard to say?"

Squall finishes his plate and stands up. He takes his cup and finishes the last bit of coffee in it, then looks down at quistis. " if we're all done here," quistis smiles " fine! Go..not like you have anything to do anyways." squall takes his plate to the tub where the rest of the dirty dishes are and comes back to the table to wipe off the crumbs or any other little mess he had left...a habit he had since he was small. " How do you know?" Quistis flips the page. " I already talked to Headmaster Cid today. Nothing is really going on today. For us at least." " fantastic" squall sighed out. Then left. Quistis looked at his back as he was leaving. She sighed, 'you need to move on squall. You're living in the past way too much'

Squall walk into the gym. Amazing how a parking lot could be changed so easily. Since the Garden no longer needed cars, being able to move on its own and all, the headmaster decided to build the gym that most male students had been requesting. It was a good decision Squall always thought to himself. He spotted the bench presser and started walking over to it. On his way over he heard someone else in the gym and he couldn't believe that someone was up this early working out...until he saw who it was. Across the room was Zell practicing his martial arts on a punching bag. Squall paid him no attention and went over to the bench and began lifting.

There was always something relaxing about working out to squall. Whether he was frustrated or angry, confused or just plain bored, working out always made it all go away and put him in a calm state of mind. This wasn't a new routine or anything, squall worked out every morning and before he went sleep. This was still a little early for squall but he would be up in about an hour anyway.

Every day he woke up at seven, ate, then worked out. He liked it early cause only about one or two people were there. He didn't like it crowded. But today he had woken up at 5.30 and by now it was six so there was only Zell. Squall finished up and stood up. He realized he needed to shower so he made his way to the showers. On his way there Zell noticed him. "Squall!" squall, feeling more awake now, looked over. Of all of his teammates, Zell was probably the one he got along with most. 'No, not just teammates, friends. Gotta stop that' squall corrected himself.

Zell came up to him and smiled while trying to catch his breath. He wore loose fitting martial art pants that tied at the waist with his Black belt, something he always wore with pride. He had on no shirt but bandage wrappings around his hands. "What are you doing up man? Shouldn't you be asleep still?" Squall was used to this question now and really didn't care anymore. " Just couldn't sleep anymore. And you?" Zell smiled, " I'm always up this early. Nothing better than working out by yourself in the still and quiet of the morning." " Yeah I know what you mean." Zell nods then nods towards the towel in Squalls hand ( wtf? where'd that come from!) "Gonna shower?" squall nods. "You?" "Nah, I'm not done yet. But you have fun." Zell slaps squalls arm then walks back over to the bag.

Squall sheds his clothes and steps into the shower. He turns on the cold water and lets it run down his body . He closed his eyes for yet another moment of peace before the rest of the day swallows him. Fifteen minutes later he turns off the water. He grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist and walk over the his clothes resting folded on a bench. On top of it all is his necklace. His eyebrows furrow a bit. He reaches down a picks it up. he examines it in his hand and runs his thumb over the lion. He puts it on and then follows with his clothes.

The day goes on and just like Quistis said, nothing happens. He runs into Selphie several times. she's everywhere trying to do everything all at once and because of it often gets exhausted which is why he saw her in the infirmary at least twice. But every time she came out she was with Irvine. Quistis was in the library for most of the day doing research on probably their next mission or something like that. Zell was teaching the children moves in the quad, something squall never understood but admired Zell for, he found it hilarious how he could have such patience with children but none with Seifer. Night came once again. Squall ate, worked out, showered then laid down again. For what would be another restless night. Only to wake up to another boring day. "Something better happen soon or I swear I'm gonna kill someone". He rolled on his side and sighed, "...Its times like these you would make it easy to sleep, knowing I had something to wake up for..." squall drifted of to sleep, for what would probably be the last peaceful night he would have...

OHHHH what now? First chapter status...pretty kewl huh? Now that you've read it you must review it. Cause if you guys like it I will be super encouraged to write more so, PLEASE! READ AND REVIEW! thank you .