Summary- it's the future of Crystal Tokyo and princess Chibiusa finds out she's engaged to be married to none other than Rubeus's son! But what about her love for Helios? What can she do? Chibiusa/Saburo and Chibiusa/Helios

Characters; Introduction
Chibiusa-Princess of moon/ Mini Moon
Helios- Dream keeper
Usagi- Neo-Queen Serenity/
Mamoru- Neo-King Chibi
Rei- Princess of Mars/Super Sailor Mars
Ami- Princess of Mercury/Super Sailor Mercury
Mina- Princess of Venus/ Super Sailor Venus
Lita- Princess of Jupiter/Super Sailor Jupiter
Daisuke- Rei's boyfriend
Nao- Ami's boyfriend
Akito- Lita's husband
Masashi- Mina's fiancée
Luna- Usagi's cat
Artimis- Mina's cat
Diana- Chibiusa's kitten