May I?

So the night ended in me saying 'i give up' and handing him his ego. It's not that I didn't want to win it's that I feared he'd kill me.

But alas the bastard left me alive to rot in this gold and silver hell.

Well he let me sleep, but of course how could I sleep knowing that I have to do everything the Kazekage asks of me in the morning.

It's not like having to do what he says is any different than before. I don't see what the point of the bet is (besides me being able to go home but

that didn't happen), I do what he says for 24 hours and then I sleep on it and wake up to do the same for the rest of my life.

So I turn my head to look at his bed. He's not there. He usually gets up at around 3 nowadays. I've told him more than necassary that he

should sleep in. What do I care anyways?

"Looking for me?" I shift upon hearing the familiar cold voice of Gaara's. I literally want to hurt him. emotionally because I know I couldn't

ever be able to hurt him physically. I could always poison him. Maybe kill him in his sleep?

I don't move. "Good morning, Kazekage-Sama." Then I drag my body in an upright position.

Ok, now when I say that Gaara is a bastard, this comes from the heart. But the one thing I can't ever deny is his sheer beauty. Gaara is an

attractive person. And he's standing right in front of my bed with just a towel on. I probably look embarrassed as ever so I choose to stare at the


"Good morning indeed, Sakura. Are you prepared for the day ahead?" he grins a wicked grin and sits at the edge of my bed. his back is

facing me. "A massage would be nice."

"Would you like me to call Aiyori? Kazekage-Sama." I threw in the mega hint of sarcasm. I knew what he wanted. Every-bad-word-in-the-


"Actually I preferr you do the honors." He turned his head in my direction and i could see him smiling. He straightened his back and then


"Of course Kazekage-Sama." I trudged from my side of the bed and crawled over his way.

I grabbed his shoulders and began to massage over all of the tense muscles. though I had offered once or twice before to give him a

massage (voluntarily) but he had reclined my proposition. The little off things he says really get to me, not in a bad way though. Maybe

comforting? Oh, God is his freakyness is rubbing off. Man he is one stressed kid. Whatever.

"You don't have to call me Kazekage-Sama anymore." Yeah that's enough to make me stop moving.

"Umm, Thank yo-" is he trying to make amends?

"I'd rather you call me 'Master'."

What?!?!?! "What?!?!?!"

"Do you have any oppositions?" I about ripped this guys shoulders off. Damn him damn him damn him.

"No, master,I have no oppositions." He smiled at me and got up to go to the closet.

While he was getting dressed I contimplated ideas on how to kill him. He walked out and was wearing black. again.

"Take a walk with me." He glanced over innocently. All smiles.

"Of course. MASTER." if ever a day when i was this sarcastic.

I got off the bed and went straight to the bathroom to wash my face. Then got dressed in the closet.

He was gone when I was done dressing so I figured he'd be outside. probably thought I wasn't good enough for him to wait on me.

I got outside and he was sitting on the bench and the weirdest thing. He was talking to a little girl and they were laughing and everything. He

was showing her flowers and twirling her around as she giggled. It was kinda nice watching him be a father figure. Weird too. So weird.

"Excuse me, Kazeka-Excuse me."At least I refrained from saying ' Hey Asshole, What The Hell Is Wrong With You?!?! We Gonna Go

Walk or What?'.

"Miss Haruno. Meet my friend Nori. She is the garden keeper." He turned his attention to the girl, "Now if you don't mind, we will be on our

way." he was being polite to her. Is he messin' with me?

" Of course. Seeya Gaara-Sempai." I flinched. She was so casual around him and so far I assumed he was ok with it because i don't see

her being crushed by a sharp object.

She ran off into the corner, giggling. Gaara looked at me and something washed over. I felt so calm like the anger was gone. like there

was nothing to regret. He wasn't that bad if someone so adorable looking could like him so much. Be so comfortable around him.

He walked ahead of me and I slowly tagged along. We came to a bench and he sat down. I walked over and sat next to him. This was

really boring. Like really. I kept glancing at him half expecting an attack out of nowhere.

There was nothing we could do. He slipped his hand into mine and our fingers were intertwined. He was looking at our hands and I was

blushing madly. There was nothing else we could do. He kissed me and at first it was simple and nice. The next kiss wasn't as innocent. All

that pent up sexual energy.

Then we fell in love and that's the end.

If anyone is up for an alternative ending than either make it yourself or request one and I'll think about it. I am dearly sorry for the messed up grammar this isn't on my laptop so I am not using Word.