a/n: after much waiting (come on, I know you guys were waiting) I posted a slightly shorter chapter – but at least I posted! Same disclaimer applies, and lets give a big hand to Cherry my wonderful beta claps and hands yummy cookie to (Clark shaped)

Read and Review! The reviews for last chapter were saddening….about 1000 people read and only 7 people reviewed…Don't you guys want me to be happy?! Tell me what you think about the story, where you think it's going, hypothesis', who knows, I might take advice -

Chapter V: A Sequence of Events

Lunarian Kingdom, the Outer Circle, Neptune – Silver Millennium: DREAM SEQUENCE

The air was frigid. Clogging the throat of the woman and constricting her breath. It was the true enemy. The woman huddled in a corner of the oval shaped room, watching as the air she managed to inhale condensed into little clouds in front of her mouth. She looked around and shivered, but even though the room was freezing she realized she was covered in sweat.

She was horrified, more petrified than she had ever been in her entire life. And as she sat crouched with her knees drawn to her chest, she couldn't figure out why. Frantically, her eyes scanned the room and they widened as she took in the blood stained walls. True, the room was empty, but the voice of malice - that had so recently been present - could still be heard. A wailing sound came along with a rush of icy wind and the woman's shivering increased.

The air shifted.

After an age, she found the strength to stand. She slowly made her way across the room and stumbled into the deserted hallway. She trailed her hand along the stone wall as guide. The place was so dark she tripped over an abandoned sword. A few fumbling steps later, she tripped over a shoe.

And then she tripped over a body.

She was running, running as fast as she could, her silken gown whipping out behind in her wake. The cold air was freezing her lungs even as she inhaled desperately for more. Her mind kept flashing back to the first impaled child she'd found in the hallway of the palace.


'Everyone is dead. Everyone is dead,' the thought pounded to the rhythm of her racing heartbeat. The thought overflowed her brain, and suddenly she was sobbing, choking on saliva and air. 'I have to get out of here.'

She ran, and every time her foot caught on something, causing her to stumble, she did not look down. She just kept running and running for so long she was certain she could run no more. Yet, her feet kept moving.

Eventually, she found the way out. Grabbing the freezing handles, she mustered up what was left of her strength, and heaved the massive doors open.

She ran out and began to sprint down the ornate steps that led away from the palace, taking them two at a time. And then, quite suddenly, she took a step and found her foot submerged in glacial water.

The stairs ended abruptly, interrupted by the water that was slowly rising. She quickly moved up a step so her feet weren't touching the frigid liquid. The water swirled maliciously around her feet. Looking up, she saw a vast ocean fanning out around her to the horizon line. Glancing back at the darkened castle, nearly chocking at the shadows and the Silence that surrounded it, she decided the water was the only way to go.

Bracing herself she moved forward and gasped in surprise as her foot came to rest atop of the water instead of beneath. Moving hesitantly forward she began to progress away from the fortress. Once she was a good distance away, and feeling marginally calmer, she paused to take in her surroundings.


Numerous buildings stood, half submerged, in the ocean around her. The ocean itself was dark and it seemed to blend in with the sky. The sky…

She squinted and then her eyes widened. 'Yes,' she thought wildly to herself. 'There is something above me.'

She tried to backpedal but found that her feet would not move. She looked down.

Somehow, the darkness that had been crowding about her had wrapped itself around her ankles. She cried out, beyond any propriety, and bent down. Desperately, she tried to tear the tentacle like ropes away from where they were traveling up her legs. Frantic, she looked upwards. The dark mass that had seemed but a distant cloud a moment ago was suddenly very clear.

'…An army…'

The tentacles pulled.

Suddenly, she was under the water and being yanked down into the depths of the sea. She leaned down and continued to pull in vain at the darkness that was crawling towards her thighs. The tentacles were vengeful and they cut at her hands in malice. And as she yanked her bleeding hands back, to cradle them against her chest, she tried to cry out but found she couldn't. Bubbles of air escaped her lips. Terrified, she realized with trepidation that she was quickly running out of breath. She craned her neck towards the quickly disappearing surface.

The tentacles continued to haul her down into the ocean's depths.

Tsukino Residence, Azabu Juuban, Tokyo, Japan- Present Day


Twenty people were admitted to Tokyo Central yesterday with symptoms such as sleepiness, dizziness, and hunger. Because the admitted patients have suffered from cases of exhaustion, causing them to fall asleep suddenly, and doctors have diagnosed these weird occurrences as an epidemic of narcolepsy. When interviewed, renowned doctor Mizuno Natsumi admitted that these cases had been going on for months. And they are steadily increasing in numbers.

"The first case was around six months ago and because the patient had a history of sleeping problems it wasn't paid much attention to. Now however, we are getting patients as young as 3 years old, with no past history of narcolepsy in the family. We are doing our best to find the source of this illness.

Doctor Mizuno is currently leading a research team on the matter of finding a cure, as the patients in the hospital for the strange cases of narcolepsy are not getting any better. "It is strange," Mizuno admits.

"I have never seen anything like this in my history as a doctor." And for Mizuno to say something like that, it must be noted that Mizuno Natsumi is the most renowned doctor in the country, we citizens might have cause to worry.

"Such trash." Kenji scowled at the paper he had opened in front of him. "How can they even print such nonsense? A narcolepsy epidemic? Please."

Ikuko looked up from where she was cooking an omelet on the stove.

"Now darling, I don't think its trash." She flipped the omelet over with an air of professionalism about her. "There wouldn't be quotes from that Mizuno doctor in there is it was all nonsense. You're just jealous because this newspaper scooped yours."

Kenji's scowl darkened. "Ikuko, why do we even buy this newspaper?"

"Because," his wife replied with dignity as she flipped cooked omelet onto a plate. "I like this paper. I like the way Ennou Nephrite writes."

Kenji snorted and grudgingly thanked his wife as she placed the food in front of him. "It's still trash," he stated arrogantly after scooping up a forkful of egg.

"What's trash?"

"Ah, Usagi! You're up suspiciously early." Ikuko squinted at the clock that read 6:23, and then at her daughter who blushed and scuttled into the kitchen, dropping a kiss on her father's cheek as she sat down at the table.

"Umm… I had a funny dream and I couldn't get back to sleep when I woke up," Usagi stuttered and then threw an envious glance at her father's omelet. "Say, mom…"

Tsukino Ikuko sighed in resignation, but was secretly pleased that she had the chance to cook Usagi breakfast. For once the girl would be properly nourished before she went off to school!

"I'll make one for you." She moved towards the refrigerator to get out two eggs.

"So, what was this trash you two were arguing about?"

"It's this article in the paper." Kenji finished off his cup of coffee. "It's a ridiculous proposal concerning an epidemic of narcolepsy. I mean honestly! Who heard of such a…" he trailed off as he realized he had lost his daughter's attention – he had lost it as soon as he'd mentioned the word article – and sighed. "Never mind."

"Lost that argument, darling," his wife stated in a sing-song voice and Kenji rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't having an argument dear."

"Of course, darling."

Minato Ward, Tokyo, on the street, later same day

Mamoru grumbled as he fished around in his pocket, hoping to find the last 117 yen he needed to buy the newspaper he had clenched between his teeth.

"How much do you need?"

Mamoru stiffened at the familiar voice. Turning his head a inch in acknowledgement, but not really looking behind him, he frowned. "I can handle it, thanks." His voice was muffled by the newspaper and Mamoru was pissed at having to suffer through an undignified encounter with this man. His hand was still desperately searching for the yen note. 'Come on, come on...'

"Oh, it's not trouble really." The infuriating man grinned and, before Mamoru could persist, handed the newspaper man the money. "Come on," he said then, "We can walk to school together!"

Mamoru pulled the paper out of his mouth and gestered at it, ignoring the gross taste of ink that had settled on his tounge. "I really wanted to read this..." he trailed off and sighed. "Yeah, ok. Thanks." He grudgingly tucked the paper under his arm.

"No problem!" The man smiled politely and adjusted his jacket's lapel. "Come on, we should go or we'll be late, and then I'm sure Mr. Hitsumi will have something to say about that."

Mamoru's lips quirked, knowing that Diamond had a point. Their Physics teacher was some kind of monster, with his short stature and his even shorter patience. "Yeah, he would." They started towards school.

Diamond was chatting away about some knew brand of cologne Mamoru couldn't have cared less about, when they turned another street corner and Mamoru slammed head on into a very familiar blonde. Text books, brief case, newspaper and Mamoru fell onto the ground. The girl, however, was still standing and staring at Diamond with an odd look on her face.

Diamond, on the other hand, was laughing.

"What," Mamoru growled, "is your problem!?" He wasn't sure which person he was yelling at, but he really didn't care.

"Oh!" The girl looked down and started to apologize, but then she recognized him. "Oh, it's you." Her blue eyes flashed.

Mamoru smirked and began to pick up his dropped items, checking to see if any damage had been done to his books.

"Yes, Odango, it is me." His smirk widened as he saw her face redden in both anger and embarrassment. Diamond stopped laughing and frowned at Mamoru.

"That wasn't very polite Chiba-san."

Mamoru winced in chagrin and watched with a strange annoyance as Diamand turned to smile at the girl.

"Hello, my name is Diamond and this," he gestured at, the now scowling, Mamoru, "is Chiba Mamoru. What's your name?"

The girl blushed and shot him a grin that was so bright it rivaled the sun.

Mamoru's scowl darkened.

"I'm Tsukino Usagi." She gave a cute little bow and was about to say something else when a distant bell cut through the conversation. "AH!" her voice shot up 25 decibles and she began to scuttle down the side walk, glancing back at Diamond and then absently at Mamoru. "I'm going to be late! It was nice meeting you." She shot Diamond another sweet smile and then scowled at Mamoru. "Can't say the same about you though."

Mamoru's scowl seemed to be permanentlyetched across his face. He watched as Diamond waved goodbye at the, now distantly sprinting, girl. He dusted his pants off and ran a fidgety hand through his hair. "Come on," he growled at Diamond, as he resumed walking towards the college.

"Extraordinarily pretty girl." Diamond mused aloud. "She's got a lot of spirit and she seemed to recognize you."

"I don't know her!" Mamoru growled, picking up his pace to that of a fast walk. "And I could care less about her spirit. She's a klutz who's a walking health hazard." And then he made it quite clear that the conversation was over by questioning Diamond about the cologne the other man seemed so fond of.

Minato Ward, Tokyo, Pampering Pets, later same day

The bell rang cheerfully as the blonde customer pushed the door open. Being not so cheerful herself, Usagi scowled upwards at the clanging bell.

"I can't believe I have to spend my allowance on this," she muttered angrily to it, frowning even more as it twinkled in response. "I'd much rather be playing video games." Walking further into the Pampering Pets shop, she squinted at the signs above the aisle.

"Can I help you find something, Miss?" The voice belonged to a most eye-catching man, tall and sharp in his pet store apron.

When Usagi turned around, she had to catch her jaw before it dropped. "Uhh…Cat…"

At the man's polite blink Usagi gathered her fried wits.

"Uhh…I have a cat! I need some cat food…And things…" 'You are an idiot!' her fried wits screamed at her. 'An idiot!'

The man smiled and began to usher Usagi further down a nearby aisle. "My name is Metaina Sapphire, and I run this little shop."

"What?! But you look so young!" Usagi blushed at her rudeness and hastily made to correct herself. "I mean…"

The man laughed. "Oh, no, it's quite alright! I am 27, I guess I just age well." He turned to point to a food bag, missing Usagi's momentarily crestfallen face. "Ah, here's the one you want. It's got all the nutrients." Reaching down to heft up a bag he glanced at her. "What kind of cat did you say you had?"

"Oh! I didn't. Actually." Usagi put a finger to her chin in thought, "I don't know what kind of cat Luna is." She jumped back suddenly as the man's grip slipped and the cat food crashed onto the ground. Hastily, the man bent to scoop it up and Usagi noticed his face had gotten rather flushed. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Is the bag too heavy?"

"Ah, it's fine." The man hesitated and then gave her a small smile. Turning he began to trek back towards the front of the store. "I'll ring this up for you, why don't you look around the rest of the aisle and pick up other things for your…cat."

'Strange,' Usagi wondered at his abrupt departure but then realized the bag must be heavier than he let on. 'Oh well…He's a little too old for me anyway.'

She leisurely looked around the isles, humming absently to herself, and thought about the girl Ami who, until recently, she had never talked to before.

'It wasn't that I thought she would be mean. I just.' Usagi bent down to squint her nose at a bright pink scratching post, 'thought that she wouldn't be interested in someone like me.'

But they had had a good time yesterday at the park. Usagi was surprised to find that Ami did care to hear about her everyday life.

"I'm not sure what I want to be," The blond said, taking a big lick of her chocolate ice cream. "My brother got stuck being the Cheshire cat, he didn't want to be in the end- he says it's too uncool but mom worked hard on the costume. And I suppose if we wanted to match, I could go as Alice."

"You've read Alice in Wonderland then?" Ami had asked, not meanly.

"Oh,yes! But.." Usagi began to crunch into her cone, "I have to admit that I like Through the Looking Glass much better, it just seems so much more romantic!"

Ami munched nervously on her own strawberry flavored ice cream for a moment before replying.

"I don't think it's that romantic. I mean." She blushed anxiously. "Alice didn't have the best time in Wonderland, she couldn't find her way home and no one would help her! They just sent her riddles and made her figure it out, and she ended up just being a pawn!" At the end of her rant she sat for a moment, letting the blush cool, and then took a big bite out of her ice cream.

Usagi pondered that theory and finished off her cone. Rubbing her sticky fingers on her school skirt absently, she turned to regard her companion and smiled.

"But that's half the fun!" She said. "I'd love to have an adventure like that! Trying to find my way around in a land where everyone's as crazy as they can get, and yet right somehow. I'd get so caught up that I'd never find my way home!" She laughed and then shivered quietly. "But…I don't think I'd like having someone who wants to kill me that much. I would like being a queen though!"

"A queen of fools!"

"A queen of hearts!"

"You should be Alice," Ami smiled, this time without a blush. "And I could be the Cheshire cat, that way your brother doesn't have to suffer through being uncool in school."

"Oh that would be great! But." Usagi frowned and eyed Ami, "he's not your size…"

"Well, I can sew and since my cram teacher said she'd be out the rest of the week, I have time!"

"…If your sure…I don't want to push you into anything…"

"Oh!" Ami suddenly remembered her shyness. "…If you don't want…If you already have plans…"

If Tsukino Usagi was good at anything, it was reading friends.

"No!" She blurted out and then, at the girl's jump, smiled. "No. No, no. I didn't mean anything by that, only that it would be too much trouble for you! Of course I would love you to be the riddle making, smart Cheshire cat with me!"

Slowly, Ami's nervousness began to fade and she relaxed her tense shoulders. "…Really?"

"Of course! We're friends aren't we? Now, stop being silly and lets go and visit the arcade! Motoki makes some mean sundaes."

"…Okay…" And Ami smiled.

Choosing to forgo buying the post, it cost a little too much money and she didn't think Luna would take particularly well to bright pink, Usagi grabbed a blue collar and a food and water dish. Grumbling, she'd forgotten to get a little hand basket to actually carry the items, she trekked up to the front of the store.

The guy was no where to be seen.

'How annoying,' Usagi thought grumpily, and then, 'maybe he had to go to the bathroom.'

"Ah, I'm sorry. I had to run into the back to make a phone call. You weren't waiting long were you?" The man smiled and took the heavy food bag from Usagi.

She melted against the counter top and tried to remember the age difference between them. But he was just so cute!

"No, no. I wasn't waiting long at all." She smiled and watched him ring up her things. She was trying to think of something to say.

She was still trying to think of something witty to say as he handed her the receit. What she managed was a 'thank you' and a near accident with the magnet stand next to her.

Blushing, Usagi raced out of the store.

"How embarrassing!" She wailed to no one in particular as she scuttled to the corner of the street and waited for the 'Walk' sign to turn green. "I'm such a klutz! I'll never get a boyfriend!"

"What's this about a boyfriend?"

Usagi stiffened, ignoring the rude man's voice, and stomped across the crosswalk.

"That isn't very polite you know. I was talking to you!" Mamoru was surprised at how fast the girl walked, he actually had to open up his strides a little to catch up to her.

"I'm ignoring you!"

"And isn't very polite."

Suddenly Usagi stopped and whipped around. Mamoru, who had been about to step in front of her if she'd continued to walk away from him, jumped back in surprise. Her skirt brushed against his knees for a moment and he watched her eyes as she inhaled.

"You!" she growled and pointed a finger at his chest, bag rustling on her wrist. "I don't even know you!"

"Sure you do, I met you the other day." Mamoru smirked and folded his arms. His smirk grew as she stumbled over her response.

"Well, well!" Usagi began to turn red and she stomped her foot. "Never mind that! I don't want to know you, and running into you twice in one day is unbearable...and too coincidental." She gasped, scandalized. "Your're following me!"

Mamoru rolled his eyes, ignoring the peculiar feeling in his chest he'd felt when she'd made her mean comment. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Of course I'm not following you. Why would I do that?" He cocked a brow.

"Well, well!" Usagi stomped her foot again. "Because your weird! I wouldn't presume to know why you do the things you do, and I don't want to know either! Your rude and, well, rude and I don't want to talk or know you anymore." Usagi turned up her nose, dropped her finger and turned to walk away.

Mamoru watched her dodge a lamp post that had been situated behind her.

"I didn't even do anything!" he shouted after her and when Usagi paused he couldn't help but add. "Odango!"

Her shriek was worth it.

Mamoru walked home with a smile, humming a familiarly forgotten tune.


Setsuna sighed as she turned away from the mirror.

"The wheel has begun to turn."

a/n: next chapter we have Luna and Usagi, some Rei, and Mamo-chan of course (now leave me something review wise!)


PS: I HATE THE SPACING ON THIS SITE (pulls out sledgehammer and hits something- maybe editing thing)