A/N: here's the next chapter. I think its a bit shorter than the first one, but not by much, i swear! Gosh, how i hate the name of this story... i should have just stuck with 'the eye of truth' and not swiched it around. Whatever, enjoy it! ---- yes, this is a command

"Today's the day of your party!" Sanji's mom joyfully shouted while they rode home from picking up Sanji from school for the weekend.

"Party for what?" Sanji asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Silly! It's your birthday tomorrow." his mom laughed.

"No it isn't… wait… I guess it is!" Sanji concluded, joining his mom in laughing.

They quickly came up to their home. Everything was as Sanji remembered it, the thatched roof, the wooden walls and the warm, welcoming rooms. He vowed to make this weekend memorable so he had lots of memories to go over in his mind while he was alone at school.

His mom made him his second favorite food for dinner, grilled fish flambé, saving his favorite for the next night.

"This fish tastes so good! It must be from the All Blue!" Sanji complemented his mom, through a mouth full of food.

"Must be!" his dad chuckled.

At bed time, his mom tucked him in and kissed him lovingly on the forehead. This caused Sanji embarrassment, knowing he was too old for that kind of thing, but he let his mom go that time knowing how much she missed him.

"Good night, Sanji." she whispered.

"Good night, mother." he whispered back.

Sanji dreamed that night of how his cake would taste and how his parents would smile when they sang 'Happy Birthday' to him. Suddenly, Sanji couldn't breathe, and he was sweating buckets. He woke with a start, and found it wasn't just his dream. Sanji quickly ran to his door and foolishly opened it. The opening of the door caused the flames to rush at Sanji, who had no time to run. All he saw was flames. They flew in his face and caught his hair on the left side of his face on fire. He immediately hit the deck and crawled over to his bed in a panic. Using his sheets, he smothered the flames. At first he saw a blur out of his left eye, but in a matter of seconds, it couldn't see anything on his left side. The raw skin on his face started to hurt agonizingly, as if he could feel every dust mite in the air and they were stabbing him. Sanji's pain receded when he realized the only way out of his room, and ultimately the house, was through the flames. Fear sized him. Sanji couldn't move, and had an even harder time breathing.

"Sanji!" he suddenly heard his mom shout, "Sanji are you okay?"

"Y-yes mom!" he struggled to shout through the knot in hi throat.

"I'm coming up for you!" his father's voice shouted afterwards.

Sanji cowered by his bed, holding his pillow up to the side of his face, frozen with fear. Before he knew it, his dad was coming though the doorway, a wet blanket covering his body.

"Come on, son." he beckoned Sanji.

Sanji ran for cover under the blanket, and the two of them headed down the stairs, keeping low. Sanji's mom was waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs and she joined them under the blanket as well.

"What happened to your face?" she gasped, trying to pull the pillow from his face.

"I'm fine, let's just get out of the house." Sanji pleaded, not wanting the air to touch his burn again.

His mom agreed and they headed for the front door.

The whole house was burning around them, now, and the most unfortunate thing was about to happen. The ceiling began to collapse. The three were almost to the door when they heard the supports creak and moan. Sanji watched the rest unfold in slow motion. His parents exchanged a look; a look of sorrow and pain. They wrapped Sanji in the wet blanket and opened the front door. They shoved, no, threw him out the door split seconds before the roof came crashing down. Sanji lay where he fell in the front yard, shocked. By the time the neighbors started the bucket brigade, he had passed out from exhaustion and grief.

"Sanji! What are you doing? Table seven is waiting!" Carne's shouted beside Sanji, snapping him back into the present.

"Don't tell me how to do my job!" Sanji snapped back, turning to his cutting board.

"Well, then. Do it right!" Carne argued back.

thank you for reading it! If you feel inclined to, please review.