Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman king's characters, if I did, I'll pair Ren with Hao without a second thought! If not Hao, then HoroHoro…then Yoh, I guess… eh… better stop my ranting!

Warning: what, you want to tell me you read this fic till now and still don't know the warnings here?

On with the story!

My Destiny

"Damn, they escaped!" HoroHoro shouted, sitting cross-legged beside Chocolove, "They were too fast we couldn't find them!"

"Yeah, not even with Mick's strong sense of smell." Chocolove nodded and frowned.

They were all sitting in the living room, Ren was sitting next to Hao, who had a good hold of him, "At least that poison wasn't strong enough, my immune system is pretty strong." Ren smirked, though his face was still a bit flushed.

Flash back

Ren's face looked a little pained, but he sat up and looked at his right arm where the bleeding was, "Kuso."

The wound was small but was turning blue fast.

"Ren, you need to treat that-" Hao stopped whatever he was saying when he felt Ren's left hand grip his shoulder tightly, he looked up at him and saw his face sweating, his cheeks turning red, "You ok?"

Ren opened his mouth, but his eyes slid close as he fell forward into Hao's chest, unconscious.

"Ren!!" they screamed as they watched this.

"Oh, no!" Hao gasped, "The knife must have been poisoned!"

Lyserg was by his side at once, "This better not be one of your tricks, Hao!" he looked at Ren's face, "He doesn't look so good."

Hao shook his head, "I have nothing to do with the attack, and I agree with you, unfortunately." He moved Ren's hair out of his face, "Huh?"

"Ugh…" Ren's eyes clinched tightly, his breathing coming in fast shaky gasps.

"We need a doctor or something." Yoh murmured.

"Faust, come here in less than five minutes or else I'll make train together with Yoh for a month."

They all turned around in time to see Anna put down the phone handle, "Ehh.. I guess we won't be worried about the doctor, ne, Yoh?" Manta smiled nervously.

In less that five minutes Faust was checking on Ren, "Poison… but not too dangerous; he should recover in a day."

No one expected him to be awake in less that two hours shouting curses at whatever came across his path, though.

End flash back

"You gave us a scare when you fainted there, you know." Yoh laughed, "You had us all worried, even Hao."

"That's says a lot if Hao was worried." Manta smiled, earning an annoyed look from Hao, "I was not!"

"Yes, you were, Hao kun."

"Was not, Tanma!"

"Was to- Hey, my name is Manta not Tanma!" Manta's face grew red, but Hao only laughed, "Sure, Manta!"

"Anyways," Ren shook his head then became serious as he took one of the knives on the table, "These knives… I know who was after this attack."

They turned to him, all silent. Ren looked up at them one after the other, "It's my father, Tao En."

The silence continued as they all thought of older Tao.

"Should we give him a visit?" Hao smiled evilly.

"Why?" Ren glanced at him suspiciously, "He's not exactly going to give us a warm welcome party and a snack, you know."

Hao looked at him innocently, "Whoever said we wanted a welcome party and a snack?"

Ren smirked, "You're such a sneaky bastard."

"Oniisan?" Yoh cut in, "What are you planning to do?"

"Why, my dear otouto, we're gonna return the favor to him of course!" Hao smiled brightly.

"This guy scares me." HoroHoro sweat-dropped.

"Anyone up to some food?" Ryu asked getting up.

"Here comes a booth!" Chocolove jumped on them in a booth-like suit.

"Chocolove!" They all screamed at him, though Hao blinked, "Eh?"

An hour later they were all sitting down and eating calmly- or as calm as they could be, "I want sauce!"

"Hai!" Manta handed the sauce to Hao, who smiled at him excitedly, "Arigatou Tanma!"

"I'm not going to bother with this again!" Manta grumbled under his breath.

"HoroHoro," Hao turned to the blue-haired shaman, "I want ice in my water, please."

"Hai!" not so excitedly, Horo rushed to put ice into Hao's glass of water.

"Ren," Turning to the shaman standing by the door, he patted the area next to him, "Come sit next to me."

Ren shook his head, "You're impossible, you know that?"

"I know."

Sitting beside Hao, Ren watched the rest with amusement in his eyes, "Why do you order them so much?"

"'Cause I can." Hao chuckled, "And it's fun watching them working like ants, is this all because they fear Anna?"

Ren laughed at this, "That, and because I paid for your best treatment."

Hao's eye-brow rose, "best treatment?" suddenly Ren felt an arm wrap around his waist, "I'd like the best treatment from you."

Ren blushed and unwrapped Hao's arm from around his waist, "Pervert." He paused, a thought coming to his mind.

Tao Ren, I'll make you mine!

'Could it be..?' Ren then smirked and turned to Hao, "Or may be…" he leaned into him, trailing a hand down his cheek and the other on his chest, "I'll consider if I was… impressed… by you…"

Hao's eyes danced with not-so-innocent amusement and leaned into Ren's touch, "I'll impress you, alright."

"Everything is ready, niisan!" Yoh spoke suddenly, making the two part with Ren blush, and Hao smirking.

"Good, I'm hungry!"


See? I told you guys I'll be updating my fics!

Ok, now two down, four to update!

Ah, yes, before I forget… before I update my other fic 'A Broken Soul' I got so much complains and PV asking me to update it and this fic and they're too good to stop and blah blah blah, but now after two weeks of updating it, I only got one review and some fav-story alerts or story alert alerts… do you have any idea how depressing is that?

Review, please!
