Baseball, Better Than Soccer?

Hey Everyone! This story is dedicated to Hanbags birthday which is August 2nd. I was inspired to write this story after going to a baseball game yesterday. So please Read and Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown, Jake the Diamond Dog, or anything else in this story.

"Clay, why are we going to see a baseball game? I mean, no sport is better than soccer, right?" Raimundo asked.

Clay responded, "Well Raimundo, I felt like taking you guys out to this game to prove, soccer isn't everything. But if you think soccer is so great, I will make you a deal. Buy the end of the game, if you still like soccer the best I will give you lets say… $20. But if you like baseball better you owe me $20. Deal?

"Clay my friend, you have yourself a deal." Raimundo replied. Kimiko and Omi were getting fed up with waiting, for this was Omi's first baseball game and Kimiko was just impatient, as usual. Once they got up to their seats they watched the big camera screen that was moving around the ball park, showing eager faces waiting for the game to start. Kimiko spotted a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes on the screen and instantly fell head over heals for him.

Raimundo looked over at Kimiko, for he finally had gotten enough courage to tell her his feelings. But when he saw her love struck face he seemed confused. So he asked, "Kimiko, what's up with you?"

She just stared and pointed at the screen. Raimundo thought she had seen Jake the Diamond Dog, the mascot for one of the teams. But he looked up he saw the boy and instantly felt jealous. Clay looked over and saw Raimundo looking as he would put it, 'lower than a snakes belly button," and looked up at the screen to see what was wrong. When he the boy he felt sorry for Raimundo. Then he looked back up at the screen and got an idea, for an ad was playing that you can get your message on the screen. He smiled and got up with the excuse, "I am getting something to eat."

When Clay got up he went up to the score booth to talk to the video manager. He asked him a question, nodded his head a couple of times and left. He came back to his seat with a sno-kone. He hadn't lied when he said he would get a snack but just waited for some of the baseball game to pass with a smile on his face.

During 7th Inning Stretch

The other team had just gotten their third out and now it was time for the next message to come on the screen. "And now Jake the Diamond Dog will hand out flowers to a lucky person in the stadium. And it looks like he has chosen someone." Every one of the monks were looking at the screen thinking it would be some other person. Then Kimiko heard panting by her side and saw Jake with a bouquet of flowers. She squealed and took the flowers and gave the dog a hug. Then the voice came over the speakers again, "And now here comes the flowers special message." Kimiko looked over at the message board to see what it said.

It said, 'Kimiko- Will you be my girlfriend? Raimundo.' Kimiko looked over at Raimundo in shock. "Of course I will." Raimundo tried to protest that he hadn't written the message but was cut off by a kiss by Kimiko. Once they broke apart Raimundo muttered, "This is so worth twenty bucks," and went back to kissing Kimiko. Clay had gone home that night with a smile on his face and twenty dollars richer.

So, what do ya think? Was ita short,lame oneshot? I was just struck with inspiration when I was at the ball game. You see, someone asked another to marry him the same way and I just had to write a story about it. Well, happy birthday Hanbags and Read and Review.