The Final Prank (Play dramatic music please!)

WEEEE! I'm back!


Hey you're supposed to be glad about that!

Sephy: how could we be glad about you coming back?

Oh you're a bunch of whiners. Sorry for not updating for a long time! I was away from internet connection for a long time! Finally I can deal out Loz's punishment. Hahahaha!

Loz: eep!

Sephiroth was a miserable wreck. Tylee says he should be thankful that she doesn't need to cut off all his hair, but Tylee doesn't understand. There are two things he put above all others in his life. His dignity, and of course his hair.

In one short moment he had gone and lost both his dignity and his hair. Now he's reduce to nothing.

"Stop worrying about it Sephiroth. It'll grow back to its original length." Tylee said, trying the cheer him up.

"Grow back? GROW BACK! Do you have any idea how long, how much care, and how many barbers I killed to make sure my hair was in the good condition it was in before that idiot dropped that bucket on me!" Tylee winced at the out burst.


"DON'T CALL ME SEPHY!" After that final outburst Sephy (I mean Sephiroth) seemed to have let out all his steam, he put his face in his hands, tired. Tylee studied the man in front of her.

His hair was still silver, but with a pinkish hue. It was no longer long and soft like it was before. In order to get the bucket off his head she needed to cut his hair. She tried cutting his hair without making it look bad, but Tylee was no barber.

She sighed, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It'll grow back." She murmured.


Loz didn't need to worry about Kadaj for the next few days. His little brother was hiding from the world and the wrath of his oldest brother. He wouldn't come out and bother him for a few days. And during that time he could sit back and relax.


Kadaj was finally able to come out of his new room after a few days. He unlocked the three locks installed on his new bedroom door and peeked out.

No sign of Sephiroth. He was probably hiding in his room away from Cloud's laughters and jeers. The chocobo head had taken this chance to further stab at Sephiroth's dignity.

Seeing that nobody was in the door way he slowly sneaked out and down to the kitchen.


Caffeine. That was the only thing Kadaj missed while he was hiding. He sat down and breathed in the heavenly smell of coffee.

Revenge…. is he still going to get his revenge? Does he still want it? He thought about it for a while and the answer is yes.

He wants to get Loz back, double now. And he had the perfect plan he thought up over the last few days.


It was quiet in the house; everybody was in their beds sleeping. One lonely figure snuck out of his bedroom. Kadaj tried the door across from his, and finding it unlocked entered.

His victim was in bed, snoring away and dreaming pleasantly. Kadaj chuckled quietly. He's gonna turn those dreams into nightmares.

He put down the bag he was holding and began his work.


Loz woke up the next morning feeling light headed. He stretched and went into the bathroom. His scream woke the whole house.


Tylee woke up early not to the sound of her alarm, but to the sound of a very loud scream. She didn't bother to go and check who it was. She had heard that scream before. She might as well get breakfast ready since she's awake.

A few minutes later the kitchen was filled with people, waiting for their breakfast and talking about the scream that woke them up.

They all know who it was, and didn't bother to go and check on the poor person.

"You know Kadaj, this is getting tiring." Tifa scolded Kadaj from her spot at the table.

"I think it's interesting." Cloud piped up, and received a smack in the head from Tifa.

"Poor Loz, what did you do to him this time?" Yuffie asked the silvered hair teenager sitting next to her.

"You'll find out soon." Kadaj smirked triumphantly, happy from all the attention he's receiving.

"It's too &$#& early for this shit." Cid muttered sleepily from his corner of the table. He hasn't received his morning dose of caffeine yet and so is in a cranky mood.

They all turned around as a figure entered the kitchen. Every one cracked at the sight, even the normally solemn Vincent and Yazoo managed a small smile or chuckle.

The figure had on a brown paper bag, the kind you put your groceries in. The bag covered his head but in the front were two small holes, allowing the wearer to see where he's going.

"Loz what the hell are you wearing that for?" Barret asked through his laughter.


"Take it off Loz."


"Come on, it couldn't be that bad Loz" Yuffie urged him.

"It is…."

"I made pancakes for breakfast Loz!" Tylee knows that Loz couldn't resist pancakes.

Loz couldn't hold it anymore, he was hungry. But if he takes off the paper bag then…….

Vincent decided to put an end to this. He stood up and walked over to Loz.

Loz backed off guessing what he was going to do.

"No, wait, NO!" Too late, Vincent pulled the bag off Loz's head and there was a moment of silence.

Vincent was standing in front of Loz, so the rest of the people couldn't really see what was going on. They were all surprised when Vincent's shoulder started shaking.

They were even more surprised when he started chuckling, then the chuckle turned into a laugh.

Soon Vincent was laughing uncontrollably, clutching his stomach and bending over from his laughter. The occupants in the room were stunned. Vincent laughing uncontrollably? Is that even a sentence?

Vincent left the room still laughing, with all eyes on him. After he left they all turned toward Loz, and realize why Vincent was laughing that hard.

No words can describe the scene in front of them. Loz was bald. (GASP!) Not only was he bald though he had drawings all over his face and now shiny head.

To complete it all large letters were printed on his forehead in plain view. The letters spelled "I'm a dumbass!"


It took a long time for everybody to stop laughing. By the time they were done their breakfast was cold, and Loz had his paper bag back on his head.

"You really had outdone yourself this time Kadaj." Cloud said weakly wiping away a tear.

"Go wash your face Loz and come and eat breakfast." Tylee said after she finally calmed down. Loz opened his mouth to answer her but was interrupted by Kadaj.

"He can't. I drew on his face with a permanent marker"


Muahaha! I'm so evil! I made Sephy lose his hair and Loz bald! Sephy and Loz fans please don't come and kill me, please! I love these two characters but I couldn't help but make them loose some of their dignity. I'm so evil.

Sephiroth: Mommy!

Loz: I want my mommy!

Do you think I went too far? Well anyways please review or flame whichever you prefer. Thanks for reading!