Okay, so I took off chapters nine and ten because they sucked. I'm reconstructing them. They were totally off topic and weird, and they didn't make sense. That's right, be happy.

Chapter 9

After a little bit of thinking, Keely just decided to let go of what they had said to her about feeling left out because of Phil. She figured they were having an off day. If it was ever brought up again, she knew she would need to talk to them about it, but for now, she honestly didn't care too much. They would live. She had a life, too.

After the movie they went shopping. Keely saw a lot of things she could buy for Phil just as an 'I love you' gift, but she tried to refrain from mentioning him as much as possible. She didn't want to start drama with her best friends; she had had enough of it throughout middle and high school to last a lifetime.

"The movie rocked, didn't it?" Keely said, trying to start conversation. For some reason it felt awkward between the three.

"Yeah, it did," Tia said. Via didn't say anything.

"Okay you guys. What's wrong now?" Keely asked sarcastically.

"Well, let's see; not ever seeing our best friend anymore, and, now that you mention it, your attitude," Via said.

"What the hell you guys? Why are you guys so jealous?" They said nothing as Keely ranted on. "I mean, come on, seriously! You know how much I love him and how much he loves me! I do have a life, you know."

They just rolled their eyes at Keely and said nothing. They walked off and left her there alone. She turned around and walked outside to her car and drove home.

She arrived back home at 7 to Phil sitting on the couch, stuffing his face with pizza in front of the television. She rolled her eyes and sat down beside him.

"Typical man… Look at you!" she laughed. "Feet all propped up, stuffing your face full of pizza in front of a television."

"Hush up, woman, go do your job and make me a sandwich," he teased.

"No thanks, I'll pass oinker. Did you leave any for me?" she asked, looking into the pizza box. It was empty. She gasped and opened her mouth to ridicule him, but he interrupted her before she could speak.

"Are you calling me fat?" he asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Now, did you leave any for me?"

"There are two more boxes in the fridge." She rolled her eyes and planted a soft kiss on his lips, exploring his mouth for about ten seconds.

"You taste like pizza," Keely said, "Yum."

"Oh, getting kinky are we?" he said playfully. Keely slapped him on the chest and his eye twitched.

"Shut up, you pig." She laughed, got up off the couch, and attacked one of the boxes of pizza in the fridge.

"See, there you go calling me fat again," he called after her.

"Did I stutter?"

"No…" he said bashfully.

"…Didn't think so."

End of Chapter 9