

Right. Now that I have your attention, I have realized over the coming hours, (I was bored in maths class and had nothing better to think about than my perverted stories.) that I never seem to thank my reviewers.

So. Thank-you to my reviewers. You don't get mentioned enough in my stories. I'd be surprised if you didn't feel like Tohru, or something over dramatic like that.


Last chapter, as a few people had commented on, my mind was… uh… not exactly working properly. Nothing really happened except weird fillers that popped into my mind. So whatever.

Once again, the clock buzzed loudly in the Dog's ear. He had over slept and had been listening to the loud and persistent tune of 'buzz, beep, buzz' for at least five minutes now. To him, it was a lullaby, lulling him back to the wondrous dreamland where everyone was naked and no one was a virgin. (Haha Kakuri, I stole your joke.)

Eventually though, Tohru walked passed and tapped ever so slightly on his door. He groaned and thumped his fist onto the clock and called out a very slurred, "Yes!" to the brown-headed girl.

"Shigure…" She began, staring down at her toes. She hadn't opened his door yet. "I was just wondering if you were going to come down for breakfast? I was just about to make some but wasn't sure if you'd be awake for it."

There was a slight pause before another voice accompanied hers.

"And if you don't get up off your lazy ass and continue your story, Mutt-Boy, you know what's gonna happen!"

"Oh Kyo, you shouldn't threaten people!" Tohru gasped, facing him and giving him and very sad stare. "You might hurt their feelings!"

"Feelings my ass." He grunted before turning and whisking himself down into the kitchen for his usual mouthful of milk. From the carton, I might add, much to the prince of Rat's disgust. But it's not like anyone gives a damn about him anyway, right? Right.

But what people DO care about is the fact Tohru keeps making too much of an appearance! Tohru suddenly wasn't heard from again. Unless it's urgent and she needs to speak for some unknown reason.

After a while, Shigure DID get up and waddle down to the breakfast table for some miso soup and rice crackers. Don't ask me why there were rice crackers. I don't know what Japanese people eat for breakfast! You think they're gonna open the damn cereal box and pour a bowl of Fruit Loops? What about Cheerio's? I don't think so!

"That's quite enough."


Shigure crunched onto his cracker. "This is some good cracker, Tohru!" He commented pervertedly. Don't ask me how; he seems to make everything perverted. Tohru didn't reply.

"Well, I best be off to write some more story!" Shigure grinned, giving a very seductive look in Yuki's direction. "And don't worry Yuki; we'll hear lots from you."

And angered silence passed through the room. Wait. Now Tohru has to talk.

"Yuki?" She asked slowly. "Is Yuki a character in your story?"

"You could say that," Shigure smirked. Tohru burst out into a full on smile.

"OH, THAT'S WONDERFUL!" She hollered. "I'm so excited for you, Yuki! Now everyone will learn how awesome you are!"

"Awesome my ass." Kyo snorted.

"Your ass isn't everything, Kyo." Tohru assured the rest of the room.

(A/N: …I should really stop being an idiot, shouldn't I?)

Kyo didn't particularly care what the Momiji-like girl had to say. He just wanted his voice, and possibly his ass, to be heard.

And so, with that horrible act of OOC-ness over and done with, Shigure padded up to his study to write some more of his novel.


His eyes glinted as he tapped away at the fourteenth, and last, sex scene of his novel. He wasn't completely sure why he put so many in. Was it because he was a pervert and he knew how everyone secretly lusted for the sex scenes and bought the books JUST to skip through the pages until they found them? Most likely.

Suddenly, Shigure's phone rang. He picked up the receiver and slung it towards his ear.

"Hello?" He asked, whilst typing with one hand. "Shigure speaking."

"OH, SHIGURE," A loud and hysterical female voice cried. "I'M SO GLAD YOU PICKED UP! You see, I've been trying to call you for a really long time and you won't answer! What on Earth were you doing?"

"I was eating breakfast and discussing some issues with my younger cousins." Shigure replied, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder and typing with both hands. "And as you may be able to hear, I am typing, even though I'm talking to you!"

"Yes, yes, I'm very proud." Mit huffed. "But you need to hurry up with that story! I got a call just a few minutes ago with the publishing company complaining that they don't want to wait any longer!"

"Mit, I have three days to go!" Shigure raised his voice slightly. "Don't you think the publishers can wait three, tiny, measly days!.?"



"Maybe." She sighed. "Contact me the moment, the absolute MOMENT you have finished. I'll be right over."

Mit hung up on him, at this point. Disgruntled slightly, Shigure shrugged any thoughts off of Mit and her stupid publishers and let his hands run free across his keyboard.


Yuki crossed his legs and sat angstly on the roof beside Kyo. He couldn't really remember why he was up there. He just was. Oh, that's right. They were talking, weren't they?

"I don't think anyone at school is really gonna read his crap anyways." Kyo picked at some skin on his hand.

"I suppose." Yuki sighed. "But what if they did? They would think I was gay! Like my brother!" he paused. "I couldn't handle Kimi and Kakeru treating me the way they do Ayame."

"Most people at school think you're gay anyways." Kyo commented. "I mean, you're girly and all that stuff so-." Yuki whacked Kyo over the back of the head with his hand. Kyo didn't stop talking though.

"Damn you." He said simply, before jumping off the roof and heading inside. Yuki could hear the distant, 'Want some help with dinner?' as Kyo offered his hands to work with Tohru.

Yuki sprawled himself across the tiled roof and stared up at the sky.

I can see now why that Cat is up here most of the time. Yuki thought. It's so… peaceful.

But Yuki didn't think any more of Shigure and his novel. Because he was soon fast asleep.


"YUKI!" Tohru hollered. "DINNER IS SERVED."

But Yuki didn't answer. Because he was fast asleep.

"Yun!" Shigure chimed in. At this point, Kyo closed the door before emo cutter Tohru made any P!ATD references.

"I'll get him." Kyo eventually said, before wandering outside again. Tohru and the Dog exchanged glances.

"Oh, I'm so glad they're getting along!" Tohru hollered before disappearing into a thick mist.

"Yes…" Shigure rubbed his 5 o'clock shadow-coated chin. "But I have to wonder how much surprise butt sex is involved in their so called, 'friendship'."

Tohru couldn't faint with shock, as she was now a mist ball.


Outside, Kyo was hauling himself onto the roof with cat-like abilities. It wasn't long before he was striding over to the unsuspecting Rat and kicking him in the ass. Gently, mind you.

Oh wow. I think he's asleep.

Kyo grinned deviously and continued to lightly, but painfully hilariously, nudge the Rat's body with his foot. He attempted to cover his mouth with his hand to stop the almost foreign chuckles escaping his lips, but ended up biting his thumb instead.

Now, Kyo's foot was edging it's way up Yuki's body, closer and closer to his head.

I'm gonna kick that stupid Rat's head for the first time ever! Just sucks he's asleep and won't be awake to see me whoop his… head.

Kyo bought his foot back to give the final blow. He swung it forward at tapped his cousin's head with his foot. Yuki's eyes shot open.

"Idiot." He scolded, pulling on Kyo's leg, making his fall flat on his face. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Dinner's ready." Kyo said slyly. "I was just coming to, uh, get you. But you were asleep so-."

"So you thought you'd kick me in the head?" Pause. "That's low."

"SHUTUP! It was funny! Well, to me at least, but still!"

Yuki rolled his eyes and sat up, stalking his way towards the ladder. Kyo also stood up.

"You suck." The Cat said plainly as they walked towards the house. Yuki wasn't listening.


Well. The chapter's title really gives it all away, doesn't it?

"The Filler Chapter".


I was very bored.