It's A Must

A/N: Hey ya'll, as promised from my other story, I am making this Ino/Naruto one. This one is planning to be about five or six chapters. Hope you like!

Ino stared at the river sniffling and wiping her eyes. Turning she saw Naruto with a seriously concerned face. Bending over, crouching down he frowned.

"Go away Naruto," she said coldly turning back to the river.

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Why? With your sniffling and your blue eyes red, I can tell you're crying. It isn't good for my conscience for me to just pass by you."

"You hardly know me, you wouldn't care," she stopped crying and stared at the slow current of water. Rubbing her eyes once more she stared at him standing there.

"Then you don't know me that much either," he smiled slightly, "Because I never leave a friend lonely and crying, especially since you're so stubborn. I'm going to annoy you by asking, what's wrong?" he smirked and then sat next to her.

"It's just Sasuke-kun," her eyes were dull and there were bags under her eyes.

"What did that bastard do?" he asked a touch of anger and concern in his eyes.

"N-Nothing…You know how we're hooked up and stuff right?"

"Yeah I know," he frowned, "Sakura-chan was a little upset to find out that her precious, 'Sasuke-kun' has been taken by her rival. But after all, she if happy for you Ino."

"I moved in with him a while ago," she said sniffling, "And…And well…I love him so much but…But…" she cried, this time into his shoulders.

"Naruto…Sasuke-kun's so abusive, I love him so much but…I can't stand to leave him…"

"You can't leave me Ino-chan," a cold and harsh voice said from the side.

Ino's eyes widened and Naruto raised his eyebrows, "Sasuke-teme? What are you doing here?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyebrows to Naruto, "I should be asking the same to you Naruto-dobe…" he turned to Ino with softer eyes, "Ino-chan, you go home now," a touch of anger was hinted in his eyes as Ino nodded. He turned back to Naruto and kicked him, "Stay away from my girlfriend you dobe. She doesn't need 'friends' like you, she has me."

Naruto squinted his eyes as Sasuke punched him in the stomach as he lay on the ground, "Sasuke-teme…"

Sasuke grunted and left Naruto wincing in pain. Naruto got up and a bit of determination readied itself in his eyes, "What's going on? Why is he so protective? And what does Ino mean by abusive?" with one eye shut he decided to go and ask Sakura.

"Oi! Sakura-chan!" he yelled out, the pain had disappeared by then and she smiled slightly.

"Hey Naruto!" her inner self rolled her eyes, 'What does this guy want now?'

"Sakura-chan!" he said in slight delight, "I was wondering, you know about Ino and Sasuke-teme's relationship right?"

"Yeah…" she sighed, 'Damn you Naruto for bringing this up! Oh how I envy Ino so much…'

"Well I was talking to Ino today and-

"Hey Naruto, look it's them now," she pointed to Sasuke and Ino, they were holding hans and a hint of content was plastered on Sasuke's face. Ino was slightly blushing at the attention they were getting.

"Ino-chan, do you like having so many people stare at you like this?" he asked in a soft and gentle voice.

"Oh Sasuke-kun, it feels good, to be so popular you know," she smiled widely and cuddled next to Sasuke at that moment.

Sakura's temple throbbed in anger and Naruto's face was plastered with confusion. Ino saw Naruto and waved at him. Naruto saw this and waved back scratching his head. Sasuke saw this and glared at Naruto making a chill go down his spine. Sakura, who was still angry walked up to them.

"Aww, how cute of you two to be on the streets all couple like and so…" she thought for a moment, "Cute," she smiled a huge fake one and her temple continued to throb and her eyebrow twitched.

"Forehead! I'm glad you're not angry about Sasuke-kun picjking me over you, ne?" she stuck out her tongue.

"Ino-pig!" Sakura yelled and raised her fist.

"Don't touch her," Sasuke said in a cold voice, his eyes narrowing and Sakura feezing on the spot. Naruto raise his eyebrows and then felt the same cold stare upon him.

"Ino-chan," he whispered to her, "Would you like me to rid you of your, best-friend?"

"It's fine Sasuke-kun," she said in a slightly concerned voice, "It's nothing."

"What about that annoying dobe?"

"No, just leave them alone," she said quickly and Sasuke nodded.

"Okay Ino-chan," he said emotionlessly and gripped her hand tighter. Ino winced at this, but Sasuke didn't seem to notice. Naruto did, but was still frightened by Sasuke's glare. What was his problem anyways?

As soon and they left Sakura rushed to Naruto, "That was kind of freaky," she whispered to him and he nodded, 'Man that Sasuke and Ino are so annoying! That Sasuke so protective now I'm kind of thankful that he didn't choose me,' her inner self ranted on.

"Sakura-chan, what does it mean to be abusive?" Naruto asked.

"Well depends on what you mean, there are lots of ways to be abusive," she sighed, "I got to go now Naruto later."

Naruto sighed, he decided to head home.

At his home he lay in bed getting into his pajamas. He looked at the clock, it wasn't too late, so he turned on the laptop in his room.


HokageFox has signed in

GentleBreeze: Hey Naruto-kun.

HokageFox: Yo Hinata, I'm glad ton see that you're online.

GentleBreeze: Oh I see, why?

HokageFox: It's just that there's something on my mind.

GentleBreeze: Why don't you come over?

HokageFox: Okay Hinata-chan, I hope your cousin doesn't mind.

GentleBreeze: Don't worry, he doesn't… See you later!

FlowerPrincess: Yo Naruto.

HokageFox: Oh, hello Ino, shouldn't you be with Sasuke?

FlowerPrincess: He's not here…You're the only one online and I needed someone to talk to.

HokageFox: Oh okay, just let me ask you something, how come you were crying so much, then later you were so happy with Sasuke?

-no response-

HokageFox: Ino?

FlowerPrincess: Leave my girlfriend alone, she doesn't want to talk to you.

HokageFox: Sasuke-teme?

FlowerPrincess: Leave her alone.

FlowerPrincess has signed off

"Damn," Naruto said closing his computer and went to his window, "What the hell is going on with them?"

Meanwhile at Ino and Sasuke's residence.

"I don't want you going on that IM thing Ino-chan," Sasuke said in a firm and cold voice.

"Why not Sasuke-kun?"

He turned to her after shutting the computer off, "Haven't you wondered why no one except for that dobe is on?"

"They might be busy…" she said quietly while sitting herself on her bed.


"Sasuke-k-kun…" she muttered and fell over.

"That bitch," he muttered, "I give her my love, my protection…And she insists on speaking to her friends instead of stay with me?" he smirked, "I love you Ino-chan," he said, voice slightly cracking, he touched her face where he slapped her, "These hits are from love, I'm only keeping you safe…"

He then picked her up and placed her on the bed, "Time to sleep, my precious princess."

A/N: Okay that's the first chapter, hope you all like! Needs a pre-reader, any offers?