A/N: Alright, this one might be slightly strange, I dreamed this up one night while trying to find and kill a freakishly huge cockroach (leave me alone, I'm phobic!). Just read it and review. Or not review, since none of you have been reviewing my other story!

I sat on my bed, half asleep. My eyelids flickered, but I refused to sleep. I was on stakeout, and I'd never be able to rest until that rat was gone. I could've left it to my cat Shadow, but he's too lazy to get up even to eat, so there ain't no way that stupid ass animal's killin' a rat.

I heard a small squeak in the corner by the TV, and I silently crept to the source of the sound. Shadow, being the lazy asshole that he is, watched me with those big green eyes of his. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued my search. I waved my bait tantalizingly at the corner in question, and two beady eyes gleamed from the darkness.

I almost had the rat out when suddenly the TV started glowing, scaring the shit out of my prey and sending it scurrying. I turned to glare at the idiot who turned on my TV, but no one was there and I was sure I hadn't bumped it.

"Oh, great," I muttered. "Not only does this apartment have rats, but it's haunted. Just my luck."

I turned the TV off and resumed my stakeout since the rat had taken off. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the TV was back on and the rat was sitting on my chest staring at me. I screamed, grabbed the rodent by its tail, and chucked it out the door. I turned around and there was a man standing in front of the TV. He had a black flame of hair on top of his head, making him appear taller than he actually was. He looked somewhat familiar, but I was deprived of sleep and my brain was a little slow.

"Alright, I don't know who you are, but you gotta go," I said in a loud voice. He gave me a disdainful look.

"I'd be happy to go, once I figure out who you are and why the hell I'm here." It was then that my memory clicked. This guy was Vegeta, one of the characters from my favorite Anime, Dragonball Z.

"Oh, now I know you!" I exclaimed. "You're Vegeta, from Dragonball Z! But what are you doing here? You're not even real!"

"I'm real enough aren't I?" he retorted. The TV glowed again, and out popped another character, Trunks.

"Whoa, where am I?" he said softly. He pushed his lavender hair out of his face and saw Vegeta. "Father, what is this place?"

"This is my apartment, and I really wouldn't mind knowing how fictional characters are in my damn room!" I yelled. I was beginning to get frustrated by the mysterious appearance of these two, and their cluelessness wasn't really helping.

Trunks, who apparently didn't see me at first, jumped at the sound of my voice. "We're really sorry, but we don't know how we got here. We were training to fight the androids, and we just appeared."

"Whatever, just get out of my room. I'm fixin' to go to bed," I shoved them out the door, then thought a moment. "You can stay in the room across the hall. Bathroom's right there." I added, indicating the rooms I had mentioned.

Of course, just as I had the lights out, out came Gohan and Goku. I didn't really know what to do, so I screamed. "AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!"