CLAIMER: I own December, Seb, Kaida and Jimmy. And the Matt amd RVD tag team idea. It's so fucking awesome.

DISclaimer: I own nothing except the oc's in the story, and the main ideas and events.

Genre: whatever you want it to be. A little of everything. Actually it depends. Actually it doesn't. Wow, actually I'm fucking annoying.

Rated: Teen. Because people swear alot.

Summary: Her brother is in the WWE, and he convinces Vince to give her a shot. Does she fail or succeed? Rise or fall? And is SHE attracted to him? IMPOSSIBLE! R&R

"Entering first, from Battle Creek, Michigan, Sebastian Blair!" The voice on the T.V yelled, and the crowd applauded wildly, as December's brother entered through the curtains, his familiar kind features, he soft green eyes, his messy black hair, black, red and white clothing, even the black nail polish made him seem like he was right there with him.

But he hadn't been, for a whole year. December and Seb's parents had spazzed when Seb joined the WWE, and claimed if he left, he'd never be welcomed back into the family.

He was gone the next day.

December and Sebastian were alike in so many ways. The personality mostly. They were very different in looks. December was more gothic, and Seb was punk. Her black hair was well past her waist, and Seb's didn't make it past his neck.

A single tear fell out of December's clear silver blue left eye. She missed having Seb around. They were like best friends, and they talked all the time. About anything and everything. How could her parents do that to them! They were never supportive about anything Seb or December wanted to do with their lives. But they had always supported eachother. Through everything.

And now they had taken her brother away from her.

December was sitting cross legged on her water bed watchinga live Raw event with her two best friends, Sara and Lisa, painting another coat of black on her nails. She wiped the tear away, and watched in interest as Seb stopped in the middle of the ramp waiting.

"And his partner, from Cameron, North Carolina, Jeff Hardy!" Lillian announced, as Jeff stormed out, a pissed off look in his eyes. He nodded to Seb, and they both entered the ring, as neon green and black flames shot out momentarily around the rings as the lights went black so the flames could be seen better.

"And the challengers, Matt Hardy, and Rob Van Dam, also from Cameron North Carolina and Battle Creek, Michigan!" She yelled, as RVD and Matt ran up the ramp and slid into the ring, taking their positions in the remaining two corners. A few words were exchanged that the cameras couldn't pick up, but you could almost see the tension. Matt and Jeff were glaring at eachother with hate, and RVD and Seb looked about ready to tear eachothers throats out.

This feud had been going on for two months now, and Seb and Jeff had something Matt and Rob wanted. The tag team title.

December started to giggle softly as she watched the four men glaring at eachother, Her two friends looked suspiciously at her.

"De? What are you laughing at?" Sara asked, rolling her eyes.

"He's so cute when he looks angry." She continued to giggle, which was a good thing. She hadn't been very happy for the last year since Sebastian had left.

The two girls looked at the T.V to Matt.

"I know, Matt's sooo hot!" Sara sighed dramatically, recieving a pillow to the head from December,

"Not Matt! Rob!" She laughed, whacking Sara again.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Rob? I didn't know you liked him..." She frowned, glancing at December, who simply shrugged.

"I guess I do now."

In the end of the match, Sebastian and Jeff had won, by DQ. Matt had hit Jeff with a chair, and the ref had seen it. Sebastian and Jeff grinned, and left up the ramp, raising their arms in victory, yelling.

After they were out of sight, the camera came on back stage, where it showed Seb dialing a number on his phone. By coincedence, December's phone began to play "One Of A Kind" By Breaking Point (AKA RVD's theme)


"Hey! December! It's me! Sebastian!" She heard her brothers familliar voice.

"No fucking way." She breathed, looking at the T.V, to see Seb grinning.


"Do you think?" She laughed, moisture forming in her eyes. Her friends looked from her, to the phone, grinning. "I'm watching you on T.V right now. Great match by the way. How are you?"

"Awesome. Hey, December? To show my thanks for being so supportive for all these years, I arranged something for you." He grinned, sounding like a little kid at Christmas. "I talked to Vince, and he's giving you a shot in WWE!"

She dropped the phone for a second and scooped it back up. "WHAT!" She screamed in delight.

Sebastian laughed ligtly. "Be here Wednesday, or else!" He ordered. "I gotta go. Get packed, you've got two days. See you then sis, bye!"

"Bye." She barely managed, then pocketed her phone, her friends staring at herand grinning.

"De! You're actually going into wrestling! This is so awesome!"

December rolled her eyes, still smiling from ear to ear. "You guys so knew about this!"

"Just a little..." Lisa lied "A lot" Sara corrected.

They both rolled their eyes, "Everything." The girls said in unison, both of them getting a whack from December's pillow.

"You should have told me!" She yelled, but not angrily.

"And ruin the surprise? No way!" Sara replied, laughing, sheilding her head from the wrath of the pillow. Suddenly, a troubled look came to December's eyes.

"What about mom and dad? They won't let me back." She grimaced, thinking back to the day Seb had told them he was getting into the WWE.

Sebastian knocked on his parents bedroom door, all of his stuff packed in suitcases and duffel bags.

"Come in." Came his fathers gruff reply. Sebastian took a deep breath, then stepped slowly in, and looked from his mom to his dad

"Honey, it's one o'clock in the morning. Why are you dressed?" His mom yawned. His dad sneered, looking him over, his black suit shirt and black suit pants. A red and black checkered tie, spike cuffs, and six piercings in his left ear, and black nail polish.

"I'm... leaving." He winced, playing with his cuffs.

"Leaving where?" His dad asked through gritted teeth, trying to control his anger. Seb closed his eyes.

"I got a job... in the WWE...and I'm leaving tonight to get there."

"WHAT!" His dad exploded, standing up. "You are NOT going! You have to do real work! They'll use you, then get tired of you, then you won't have a job. What will you do then? You're not to go to that place!" He continued, shouting right in Seb's face. Seb shook his head slowly.

"You can't make me stay, dad. It's my dream, and my decision, and I'm not going to let you hold me back. You've always kept me from doing what I want, and you were never supportive. So I'm leaving, and you can't stop me."

"This is stupid Sebastian, don't do this-" His mom scolded, but his dad cut him off.

"Fine. Go. But you can't come back. You won't be welcome in this family.If you come here again, don't expect to be let in" His dad growled.

"Fine with me!" Sebastian yelled, then turned and slammed the door, leaving his parents furious. He got all his stuff and dragged his stuff to his white car, then came quietly back into December's room. She was in tears, sitting up in bed. He ran to her and hugged her, as she cried in his arms. He pulled back and backed out of the room.

"Bye Seb." She sniffed. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"Bye De..." He sighed, than turned and left. December stayed up staring out the window three hours after he was gone.

He wasn't coming back this time.

"Did that stop Sebastian?" Sara asked. December shook her head, then smiled.

"Okay girls, lets go shopping. I'll need some new things! Then I'll get packed and leave. I'll leave a note for mom and dad, so I don't have to go through any pain. Then I'll leave really late, and I'll be there by tomorrow afternoon. I know where they're staying for the week."

A/N: hope you enjoyed this, and i'll update soon. Review please.