"Wy…I love you so much," Chris moaned beneath Wyatt, who rocked back and forth, ramping into Chris hard as he can, just as blood rushed into his brain, making him hear a ringing sound inside his ears from the pleasure.

"Wyatt….Wyatt…come..." Chris's voice moaned as Wyatt's vision slowly went out of focus while he gasped and moaned Chris's name out. "WYATT…" Chris moaned but then it slowly turned into a impatient turned shouts. "WYATT…..GET UP," a voice shouted. "DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE,"

Wyatt snapped his eyes open to find himself alone on his bed, while the alarm clock blazed next to him, indicating its past nine. "it's all a dream…." Wyatt thought to himself as turned his head to the left to find Chris asleep in the bed few feats away from him.

"BOYS," Piper voice yelled as Wyatt watched his sleeping angel who pulled his mattress close to him before disappearing underneath it. "CHRIS, WYATT," Piper screamed just as they heard explosions.

"Shit," Wyatt thought as Chris sat up in bed just as Wyatt disappeared in swirling orbs.

Piper dived out of a fireball's way, which missed her by few inches, but exploded in the cabinet near her, sending shards of glasses and china all over the places as the glass pieces slashed her. Piper once again flicked her wrist at the huge brute demon, who just stumbled back with a pissed off look in his face as he created two fireballs in each hand.

"ANYTIME BOYS," She yelled just as she froze the two fireballs that came her way before running into to the sunroom, just as Wyatt orbed in front of the frozen fireballs, only to duck in time as they unfroze and exploded into the wall behind him.

"Shit," Wyatt hissed as he waved his hand, sending the demon through the front door, who flew and landed on the pavement near the road. "Mom, are you alright?" Wyatt asked turning around to find his mother with cuts and bruises.

"You two are so grounded," Piper hissed as Wyatt turned around to heal his mother, however unknown to them, the demon flamed back in behind them with a fireball looking very pissed off.

"Wyatt watch out," Piper yelled as she caught a glimpse of the demon with the fireball. Wyatt who turned around to the shout, saw the demon drop to his knees holding his chest, while they registered the new arrival at the steps.

"heart," Chris hissed venomously as he held his hand out in a fist. Chris made a little twist in the air before him, as the demon screamed going up in flame while swirling orbs appeared in Chris's hand revealing beating heart, who dug his nails into the flesh as blood oozed out.

"Chris….." Piper called out as Chris kept his eyes transfixed on the oozing blood and the heart, he held in his hands. Chris couldn't take his eyes off the heart, something about the blood and the fresh flesh seem to mesmerise him.

"Chris…." Wyatt called out as Chris slowly looked up as the two adults saw that emerald eyes were no longer there, instead there were replaced by pure red eyes with slits. "What the hell….." Wyatt said as both adults looked at Chris who curiously looked at them before looking at the heart.

Wyatt didn't know what was happening, so he took a step forward towards Chris, however before anyone can register what was going on, Chris runs out of the manor in a super-speed leaving behind a light of red trail which disappeared as soon as he was out of sight.

"OKAY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE," Piper said completely confused. "I WANT SOME ANSWERS NOW." and as if on cue, swirling orbs appeared in form on a former cop.

"Kyle…." Piper said looking at the deceased Agent as stinge of jealously and anger stirred inside Wyatt.

"Piper," Kyle said looking worried. "Chris, where is he?" However before Piper can reply, Wyatt grabbed Kyle by the collar and begun to shook him vigorously as if he is a rag doll.

"What the hell have you done to my brother," Wyatt hissed as he looked directly into the scared and worried eyes.

"Wyatt, let go of him," Piper said as Wyatt shook his head.

"Its his fault, I tell you," Wyatt said even though they are not sure what really happened to Chris.

"Wyatt…" Piper begun in a warning tone, as Wyatt looked at her before stepping away from Kyle with a venomous look. Wyatt doesn't like him for some reasons, it could be cause deep down he feels insecure. "Kyle what's going on?"

"You know the backfired spell I asked Chris's to help me out with?" Kyle said as Piper nodded, since Paige dropped by last night and told her where Chris was when he didn't turn up for dinner. "Well, you see that when he was helping me out control the rodents that were effected by the spell, he got bitten by one of them and I just found out, those who are bitten by the infected rats are turning into some sort of demons."

"As if in a rat demon?" Piper said as Kyle nodded, but Wyatt once again grabbed Kyle by the collar.

"See its your fault, I swear to god, If anything happens to Chris, you wont live to see the day," Wyatt hissed a threat at Kyle looking directly into the eyes before letting him go as Piper scowled at him for behaving badly.

"I am sorry Kyle," Piper said as Kyle shook his head. "So how do we reverse the effects?"

"Well my charge managed to reverse the spell by this potion," Kyle said holding up a veil with a black liquid in it. "So it's the only chance I think."

"Okay," Piper said as she grabbed the potion from Kyle. "Thanks Kyle." Piper said as he nodded before disappearing in swirling orbs.

"Phoebe, Paige," Piper hollered at the ceiling as Wyatt grabbed the potion from her.

"I do it," Wyatt said as he looked at his mother.

"Wyatt, I think we should handle……….," Piper said just as Wyatt's orbs disappeared through the ceiling. "This…"


When Wyatt's body became corporeal, he saw he was in some kind of harbour as cargo's piled around him as he heard the ocean waves smashing against the rocks nearby. He could sense Chris was here, but something tells him its not going to be easy as he thought to get to Chris.

"Chris…." Wyatt shouted as a rat scurried away in front of him. The night's fog is steadily drifting by, giving its ghostly sense of the night. "Chris, I know you are here and I am not leaving without you." Wyatt shouted out confidently as he looked around the deserted place, the only noise is coming from the harbour ships and the rats.

As Wyatt swiftly and softly moved through the quiet place, a white rat with red eyes ran in front of him but only to stop there to look at Wyatt, who was bit startled to see a white rat with a red eyes, but it soon became clear that it wasn't an ordinary rat, as the rat transformed into Chris.

"Hi Wyatt, what brings you to my place," Chris asked as Wyatt saw the smirk in his angelic evil face.

"This is not your place, come with me, lets go home," Wyatt said stretching his hand out for Chris to take it as Chris laughed.

"Home….this is my home now," Chris said as more rats came out from all over the place. "And this is my family now," he said as they all transformed into demons.

Wyatt looked around him, there were around forty demons that surrounds him, he knows the can kill them easily, but he wants to Chris willingly to take his hands first before he goes for the drastic measurements.

Thanks for those who reviewed, I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter, dont forget to Review.