This involves all the Konoha genin in a hilarious and outrageous game of Truth or Dare…not one of my best fics, but yeah…wrote it at 11:00 at night, so I rushed it. I was bored and Chi was on some shady website. My mother does not keep track of us at all…-

No sand Nin in this fic though. Sorry…

Truth or Dare

Team Kakashi, Team Gai, Team Asuma and Team Kurenai were bored out of their minds on this windy, thundering night. They had just finished a mission together and they decided to hang out at Neji's mansion.

"Want to play cards?" Sakura suggested.

"Too troublesome." Shikamaru replied.

"Too sissy." Ino said.

"Too hard." Naruto whimpered.

Tenten sat up from her lying position. "Want to play hangman?"

"No." Neji said, flatly.

"Bark!" Akamaru barked. (well, he is a dog…)

"Forget it." Kiba said. He put Akamaru on his head and everyone sighed a bored, totally out of your mind sigh. Even Lee, who's usually hyper active throughout the day, was pooped.

"Then what should we do?" Chouji asked, plummeting through old CD's and some magazines. Shikamaru skimmed through a couple and tossed them aside. "Man, Hinata…you have Teen Popularity magazines?" Shikamaru asked.

"N-no…they're…Neji-ni-san's…" Hinata stuttered. Everyone turned to look at Neji, who smiled innocently.

But Shikamaru came across a pretty interesting article. "Hey, listen to this…"

Everyone gathered.

"Top 5 things to do when you're bored…" Shikamaru started.

Everyone squealed (Or just the girls) and they all edged into to see the article. Shikamaru shoved them aside. "Give the man some space." He said coolly.

"Number 5, Hangman…" Shikamaru said… (No comment)

"Number 4, Grooming…" he read on. The boys flinched and the girls squealed some more. Well, excluding Hinata…

"Number 3, Lip gloss comparing…" Shikamaru said, softly. "Man this thing is dope."

"Read on!" Sakura urged. The others nodded and Shikamaru sighed.

"Number 2, porn…" he read, pissed off at the lame magazine, which apparently, Neji subscribes to…

"And Number 1…" Shikamaru paused.

"Yea?" Everyone asked in unison.

"…truth or dare…" Shikamaru finished. For a while, everyone stared at each other considering this comment.

Neji broke the silence first. "Phtt…that's stupid." He said, crossing his arms.

"I think its genius." Tenten, Lee and several others said, immediately.

"Yes, I agree, let's play." Neji said, at once, trying to fit into the clique.

(5 minutes later)

Everyone gathered around and decided to take turns making up a truth or dare for each other. They sat in a counterclockwise circle and the single light of the flashlight shone in the middle.

"Ok. Who's first?" Sasuke asked, pissed. He never agreed to this idea, but hey…who's to argue when you've got nothing better to do?

Lee raised a hand, nervous.

"Truth or dare?" Naruto asked. Everyone grinned.

Lee paused but said, "Truth."

Everyone started to think of a question to ask. And suddenly, Kiba arose from his seat and pointed a finger proudly. "I'VE GOT IT!"

Everyone looked at him. "YEA?" they asked eager for an amazing, totally breathtaking question for Lee. Lee bit his fingernails.

"Do you like cheese?" Kiba asked him.

Sakura and Ino bonked him on the head. "BE SERIOUS!"

Akamaru barked.

Kiba rubbed his head. "Ow."

Everyone started to think again…and pretty soon, Neji thought of a perfect question. He rubbed his hands together evilly.

Lee gulped

"Do you have any nasty or dirty thoughts about Tenten, ever?" Neji asked. Tenten looked horrified while everyone yelped and whistled at this hot question. Lee gulped, face red as tomato.

"Do you?" Shino asked, eagerly. (Yes, that's hard to imagine)

"…" Lee said.

"Well?" Chouji asked.

"well…" Lee began.

"Give us a concise answer." Ino said.

"…" Tenten said, staying out of this.

"Yes." Lee said, getting this off is chest. Everyone squealed while Tenten nearly fainted. Note to self: never be in an empty room with Lee…

"Do tell!" Naruto urged him.

Lee gulped and began slowly. "Well, I sometimes imagine giving her a sponge bath completely naked together in an empty street, while it's raining." Lee described in rich detail.

Ino and Sakura gasped.

Naruto and Sasuke chuckled.

Kiba whooped.

Hinata blushed and giggled.

Tenten died. (No, not really)

Neji whistled and pulled Tenten closer to Lee. He laughed. "Well, go ahead Lee! Give her a sponge bath!" Tenten glared, face red and Lee gulped. Everyone laughed furiously while Tenten swatted Neji on the head.

"I'm gonna get you when it's your turn…" Tenten said, evilly.

But, apparently, Lee wasn't finished…

"I also imagine being stranded in a deserted island with her and we give each other wild hot sex." He said, slowly…taking this a step too far.

Everyone hollered with laughter. Tenten died. (No, not really)

Lee blushed and glanced at the dead Tenten. "Sorry."

Tenten pulled herself together and asked him softly, "…How often do you have these thoughts?"

"Everyday." Lee admitted.

Everyone laughed and hollered with immense laughter.

This game was just beginning.

End Chapter.

Well, since there are 12 people in total, I guess I'll type 12 chapters for this story. Each person getting a turn at the spotlight!

Like it?
