Final Fantasy Drabbles

Chapter 4

Zell ran up to the balcony, a tray of assorted drinks in his hands. He hadn't been expecting Squall and Irvine to invite him to a tea party, but know he knew why. He was here to carry drinks to them and occasionally sit down for a while to regain his breath.

It wasn't a small task to carry them drinks either. He had to run to Balamb to buy drinks, then set them out and run up what seemed like a hundred million stairs only to have to do it again a few minutes later.

He was close to giving up this time and had stopped running ages ago. There was no way he was doing that again, not even if they begged him.

"Hey Zell! you finally made it!" Irvine waved from the chair he sat on, empty cup sitting nearby on the table.

"Y...yeah..." The small fighter wheezed. Squall just looked at him as he placed the drinks down, not even a thank you.

"Oh! Zell, we invited Seifer, Rinoa and Selphie too. Quistis couldn't make it. So we need more drinks." The cowboy smiled his charming smile. Zell was about to go and fetch some right then and there, but stopped when he remembered the promise he had made himself.

"I'm really sorry Irv, but I don't think I can manage another run to Balamb and back." Zell began feeling guilty already as Irvine's smile faded into a look of sadness.

"Oh, I'm sorry Zell. I didn't mean to make you work so hard." The cowboy stood up awkwardly. "I guess I'll head off now. Thanks for all your help." He began towards the stairs.

"No, err, Irvine, it's okay, I think I can manage." Zell wished that Irvine wasn't so dammed cute.

"Really!" The cowboy beamed, "Thanks so much. I really owe ya one!"

"Yeah, okay." Zell headed off the way he had come.

Squall managed a small grin, "Good work Irvine," The commander chuckled, "You're really good at acting."

"Yup, never fails with Zell." Irvine smiled, "He's a good guy."

To be continued...


Done again! Wow, so many chapters in one day! Written by Liquidzilla and edited be hellsingandinuyasharock.