In 'Believe' There is 'Lie'

A/N: Well, here it is. The sequel to 'Sorrow'. The first few chapters won't be so exciting, but I think it'll get better later on.

Too be honest, I already had the whole storyline planned put. That's why I was so fast in putting this up.


It's gone.

My mask is gone, and I can no longer bring it back. I don't know why I chose to remove it, but I did. And now, I feel naked. Unprotected. Vulnerable.

Yeah, I thought, turning away from the mirror, I can get really dramatic sometimes.

I plopped onto my bed. Ever since I had taken off my mask, things haven't exactly been...relaxing? Easy? I don't know. Let's just say my life turned into a hellish nightmare. One I can't escape from.

You did this to yourself, Uzumaki. I thought, staring blankly at the ceiling. So you've no one to blame but yourself.

I closed my eyes as the room slowly sank into the darkness. It was new moon, and there were no stars at all.

So much like that night...

I allowed myself to remember the memories I've been trying so hard to erase. Forget. That the cave...I had lost something precious that night.

My best friend.

I sighed as the thoughts poured into my mind. We had taken separate paths, but somehow our paths crossed over that night.

And we completely destroyed our friendship. We could never go back...

...yet I really didn't care.

Why am I always the target, I thought bitterly. Does it come with the curse? The curse of being a jinchuuriki?


Her smiling face appeared in my mind, and my eyes snapped open, causing the image to vanish.

Stop it. I told myself firmly. I don't deserve to think about her. I sighed. Not after I caused her so much pain.

Chapter 1: Confusion

Hinata stood with her hands clapped over her mouth as she watched Neji struggle to get to his feet.

"N-N-Neji-nii-san," she said, her voice muffled by her hands. "I-I didn't mean to! I-I j-just…"

Her father gave two short claps. "Well done, Hinata." He said. "Why don't you take a break while Neji gets his strength back? We'll resume training later tonight."

"Mm." She nodded. She cast one last worried glance at Neji before running off.

"She's gotten stronger, hasn't she?" he said in a conversational tone. "I'm really amazed."

"Hai!" Hanabi nodded in agreement. "I like her new technique! I've never seen one like it."

Neji listened to their conversation bitterly. Ever since word got out that Hinata had fought against Uchiha Sasuke, the 'elders' of the Hyuga clan had nothing but praise for her. They would always say how she was finally living up to the 'main house'. And it annoyed him. A lot.

He had tried hard, but she kept beating him in all their training matches. And it was a lot worse when the clan members would gather just to see it.

Once again, he thought bitterly, the main surpasses the branch.

Gaara looked at the majestic marble grave in front of him. His gaze wandered over its surface, finally resting on the plaque near the bottom.

Otosama, he thought, clenching his fist. I hate you. I hate you, and I feel no guilt for having been the one who killed you. The one who washed away your mark in the Sand Village.

He had come here only to tell his father this. He was done. He looked down at the bouquet of flowers in his hand. He gave a short laugh. These aren't for you. He thought, turning his back. You bring flowers to your dead loved ones. And you are not a loved one. You never were.

He walked away from the grave. The sun was starting to rise, which meant that he had a few more hours to spend with her before he went off to train. He stopped in front of yet another marble grave. His teal eyes showed no emotion whatsoever, but that didn't mean he didn't feel any.

"Temari," he murmured softly, laying down the flowers on the base of her grave. "Before they buried you, I promised to visit you everyday, right? I kept my promise."

He touched the grave tenderly. He had so many things to tell her, he didn't know where to start.

"I managed to avenge you," he said, "I killed Otosama, you know. I was really angry at him for taking you away from me. But, I also promised I wouldn't kill anyone anymore. And I intend to keep that promise."

His teal eyes lit up, and a smile crossed his face. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. They're thinking of making me the next Kazekage! Isn't that absurd? I mean, I'm barely the right age." The smile died down. "And besides," he said, his tone a little softer. "I don't think I want to take the position of my father. I don't want anything to do with him anymore."

Silence passed. Gaara knew he was crazy, talking to a dead person like she could hear him. But that didn't bother him so much. "I can sleep already." He said, closing his eyes. "But only for a few hours. At least it means I'm beginning to control it better."

He laced his arms behind his head and lay down. The sun beat down on his face. He only had a couple of hours left, but that was enough for him.

Shikamaru flopped onto the grass, exhausted. He had started training before the sun rose up, and now he was beat.

For some guy who's supposedly lazy, I sure have a knack for waking up before the sun. He thought, blowing a couple of stray bangs off his face. The wind picked up, causing the grass around him to sway gently. He sighed, closing his eyes somewhat contentedly.

The sounds of breaking wood brought him out of his stupor. He sat up, noting that the sounds came from within the trees behind him. He stood up gathered his kunai, wondering who were making those sounds. He wandered into the trees, listening as the sounds grew louder. They were soon accompanied by soft, low groans.

Finally, he reached a clearing. He was shocked to see Hinata slamming her open palms against one of the tree trunks. Her attacks were powerful enough to send bits of bark and wood flying through the air. He noted the emotions mingling in her eyes, and he wondered what could possibly make her feel all those painful emotions.

Her arms started to slow down, and she stopped. She let lose a low moan and slid to the ground, hugging her knees close to her body.

Shikamaru bit his lip. She looked so forlorn. He couldn't just leave her there. Slowly, he gathered the courage and walked up to her.

"Hey," he said softly, "what's wrong?"

She gave a startled gasp and hurriedly looked up. She realized who it was, and she seemed to grow tense. "Shikamaru-kun, what are you doing here?"

Shikamaru arched an eyebrow. "No need to act all tense," he said, sitting down as well. "I just happened to be training and heard your assault on the tree."

Hinata gave a small laugh, and the sound somewhat lifted his spirits.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Shikamaru said. "What's wrong?"

Hinata sighed. "I'd rather not say. Something happened a couple of weeks back, and I'm still trying to cope with it, that's all."

"It's something about Naruto, isn't it?"

Hinata's silver eyes grew wide. "How did you…what makes you say that?"

Shikamaru shrugged. "Well, Naruto also seems a little down. I confronted him about it yesterday, and he said he too was 'trying to cope with something'. I just put two and two together. But may I deduce from your reaction that I hit the mark?"

Hinata sighed. "Yes, you're right. I don't know why it happened, but we just sort of went separate paths after that night. Apparently, he decided not to get too close to people anymore." She looked away. It really had hurt her, when he told her…

"It isn't-and it never will be-love."

She moaned softly again, forgetting that Shikamaru was right next to her. Those words had torn her life apart. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her cheek. She whipped around and found herself staring into his deep, coal black eyes.

"I wish I could do something," he said tenderly. "Something to make you feel better."

He really wished that with all his heart. For years, he had felt something for her, but he never paid much attention to it, knowing that she could never be his. Knowing that her feelings belonged to another. But right now, those feelings were bursting out, and he couldn't control them.

She shook her head. "Please, don't waste your time on me. I-I didn't mean to bother you."

"You're not." He answered. "Please believe me."

A small smile lit her face, and he felt his heart soar.

"Thank you," she said softly. "Thank you so much."

Naruto turned away, wondering why his chest hurt so much. He told himself to leave this place, to leave them alone. He walked away, each step feeling heavier then the last.

The same image flashed in his mind again and again. Hinata looked so happy with him, and he, in turn looked as if he felt the same way.

Why is it bothering me? He thought, breaking free of the forest. Why was it bothering him? He was the one who had pushed her away. He was the one who single-handedly destroyed her fragile heart.

She deserves happiness. He told himself firmly. And I shouldn't destroy it. I shouldn't hurt her…again.

Hinata watched the sun set in the usual place. The place Naruto had taken her to, the place he had broken her heart…

She sighed. This place held a lot of memories.


She whirled around. Naruto was standing behind her, smiling slightly. "I know you don't feel comfortable around me, but could you bear my company for just a few minutes? I'd like to see the sunset as well."

She just nodded, then turned back to the brilliant mix of colors on the horizon. Naruto sat down, just a few feet away from her. He bit his lip.

I shouldn't say it, he told himself. I shouldn't…

"I…uh, guess you hate me now, huh?"

Hinata simply shook her head, not looking at him. Her indifference hurt him, and he felt the painful feeling rise up in his chest.

"I noticed you with Shikamaru this morning." He said softly. This time, she turned to look at him, her silver eyes narrowed.

"I…I just wanted to warn you, Hinata, that's all. As a friend, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"What do you mean 'hurt'?"

He looked away. "Don't grow close to him. You can't trust him."

"Yes I can!" Hinata said, voice growing louder. "I know I can. Talking to him made me know more about him!"

"Hinata, he controls the darkness!" Naruto said, turning to face her. "Do you really think it's possible to champion the darkness without the darkness creeping in?"

"He's made it this far, hasn't he?" she said, standing up. "I haven't seen any 'dark behavior' coming from him!"

"Then you don't know him!" Naruto shot back, getting up as well. "I'm willing to bet you don't know about the ninjas he-" He stopped short, then turned away. "Never mind. Forget I said anything. Just stay away."

"He what?" Hinata asked, curiosity aroused. "The ninjas he…what?"

Naruto turned back. "He killed."

"Wh-what?" Hinata's hands flew to her mouth, hardly daring to believe it.

"Ino told me all about it. Whenever they'd go on missions, he'd always kill the people that stood in their way."

"No…" Hinata murmured, pale eyes wide. "No…" She bit her lip, then turned and ran away.

Naruto watched her go, then he threw himself on the ground.

Why? He thought, clenching his fists. Why do I enjoy making her suffer? Why do I always have to do destroy her happiness?

The sun finally set, casting the world around him in dark shadows. He gripped onto the grass around him.

"Why…did I…lie?"

A/N: (sniff, sniff) I have a cold. It's this rainy weather, darn it. And, added to that the fact that I've been running around this week thanks to school and school newspaper meetings, no wonder I burned out.

On to chapter 2!

Post Script: This won't be as long as 'Sorrow-filled Eyes'. Just thought I ought to tell you.

And don't worry, ShikaHina haters, there'll be plenty of NaruHina stuff too. Jez be patient and R&R. It keeps me smiling! (yeah, right.)