A/N: To my good friends, gokiburi-gojyo and boredGOTH, thanks for worrying about me, but believe me, I'm fine. I promised my nee-san I wouldn't cry, and I intend to keep that promise.

To death-angel-hikari, I know you told me it's fine, but when I looked back at the girl I was before, crying over every little thing, I was…disgusted.

I want to be strong like you are, able to stand up and smile in the face of troubles. You did it in grade six, and I want to do it, too. I don't care what they say behind my back. One day, I'll be able to keep my tears inside.

…uh, sorry, guys. Onto the last chapter!

Oh, yeah! One reviewer said that she had a feeling that it was Shikamaru or Hiashi that got hit. Nice guess.

Song: "Forgive Me", by Evanescence

Chapter 10: From Now On

Hinata fell to her knees, eyes wide in shock.

"O-oto-sama," she murmured, watching the blood on his chest pool. "Why?"

"I-I made…a promise…didn't I?" he said weakly, pale eyes penetrating hers. "A-and I intend…to keep it." He grasped her hands in his as several tears slid down his pale cheeks. She half expected him to say, "Be strong," but he didn't.

She wanted to yell at him. To scream at him. Remind him that if she could survive that attack, then surely he could as well.

But she said nothing, did nothing, as his pale eyes closed forever.

Hinata squeezed her eyes shut, blocking the tears that threatened to fall. Several minutes passed. Slowly, she opened her eyes, relieved to see that nothing escaped. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the Elders standing up and going behind the murderer.

"Hinata-sama, you know what you have to do." One of them said, grasping the arm of the murderer. He didn't object. He didn't speak out at all. "You know what this calls for."

"Yes," Hinata said softly, "Yes, I do."

Her hands glowed, and she turned to face him. His pale eyes looked into hers, and she could see it. Guilt. Pain.

You regret it, she thought, searching his eyes, don't you?

You have nothing to regret. It's not your fault.

She held up her hand, then lunged forward, aiming for one thing only.

In a flash of blue light, his forehead protector fell to the floor in pieces.

He stared at her, eyes wide.

She glanced at the caged bird seal, then looked straight at the elders.

"This," she hissed, "this damnable seal is the thing that started it all. It's the very reason the main and branch families are constantly in unspoken war. And I intend to fix this."

"Wh-what?" One Elder said, hardly daring to believe his ears. "How?"

"Starting today, all caged-bird seals will be nullified." She said sternly.

Stunned silence met this proclamation. Everyone was staring at her, eyes wide, mouths agape.

"Wh-what?" An Elders voice broke the heavy silence.

"You heard me," she said softly, "starting today. The seals will be nullified. On every branch member."

"This is an outrage!" He roared, apparently regaining his courage and stepping forward. "Hinata-san, be reasonable. This is such a drastic change. I'm not sure everyone will approve."

"Of course, your word will be final," Hinata said, inclining her head. "I will, of course, respect your decision. But I do hope you'll think it over."

"Why?" the branch member finally choked out, "Why are you doing this?"

"This is what Neji-nii-san would have wanted," she said softly, "and in doing this…I hope to…honor his memory."

She turned away and made her way out the door.

"Hinata!" The Elders' voice rang out.

She paused in the doorway, the soft, white moonlight casting her face in shadows.

"You've changed." He said softly.

"Yes," she said, "Yes. I have."


The wind gently nudged the water, causing it to lap on the shore. Hinata sighed as the breeze ruffled her bangs. It was quarter moon, and pretty dark. But it suited her just fine.

Strangely enough, she didn't feel sad or angry or whatever. She didn't feel anything. She was just…there. Like she was so drained, she didn't have the strength left to feel.

"I thought I'd find you here," a soft voice said.

Hinata didn't even stir. She already knew who it was.

"Listen, I know it would be stupid to ask if you're alright," he said softly, "so I'm going to skip that part."

"Right." She said tonelessly. She didn't care anymore.

"Neji would have appreciated what you did," he said.

She nodded. She already knew that, but somehow, it was more believable when someone else said it.

"It's okay," Naruto said softly.

"What is?" she asked, completely nonplussed. For her, nothing was okay anymore. Everything was wrong. Completely, totally wrong. And the worst part was, she didn't care anymore.

"Despite what you promised," Naruto said, tenderly caressing her cheeks, causing her to look up, startled, "despite what you said, it's okay to cry."

Her pale eyes looked at his, wide in shock. How could he have known? She had been trying to keep it in. Trying to hide it…

His eyes looked into hers, and she slowly lost herself in them. It was too much already.

All the pain, regret, uncertainty, fear…it all came pouring out in steady, slow streams that ran down her pale cheeks.

"It…just…hurts," she gasped out in between sobs, "I've tried…to ignore it…tried…to make it…g-go away, but…b-but it…"

"Shh," he said, gently pressing his finger to her lips, "have your tears. It's okay."

He enveloped her in his arms, and she, in turn, collapsed against him, sobbing openly. Feelings of relief flooded her. It was wonderful, really. To finally shrug off her worries, to lean on someone instead of standing on her own…

Naruto stroked her hair, listening to the rhythmical beat of her dying sobs. She shivered slightly, and he hugged her frail figure tighter. He felt her soft arms wrap around him. Finally, she calmed down. All was quiet.

Yet…they never let go.


Hinata sighed as she placed the white rose on her father's coffin. His face looked oddly peaceful. Like…like he was smiling or something.

Hanabi walked up and placed another rose next to the other one. Both of the bowed their head at the same time, then walked away.

Hinata sneaked a glance at her sister. Hanabi's face held no emotion. She was so much like Neji.

Then, slowly, she saw it. Small pools of water built up in her eyes, then softly spilled down her cheeks.

She smiled and patted her sisters back. 'It's okay,' wasn't what she needed to be told right now.

Hinata made her way to the other coffin, and looked down. Almost all his life, Neji kept his face completely emotionless and mask-like. Even in death, it didn't change. She bowed her head.

Gomenasai, Neji-nii-san, she thought, I hope…I hope you're happy with the changes in the clan. She turned and looked at the whole Hyuuga clan. She smiled. You could no longer tell who was in which family. They no longer had anything to hide.

She turned back, the smile never leaving her face. I know I am.

"Wait!" she said, abruptly remembering something. She could feel all eyes on her.

Slowly, she opened the casket and reached down. She took off his forehead protector to reveal the caged bird seal.

Gently, tenderly, she placed her hand on his forehead. Praying that it would work, she waited several seconds, then took away her hand to reveal his now clean forehead.

Completely unmarked.

"A caged bird no more," she said in satisfaction. She placed the forehead protector in his hand, leaned down, and softly kissed his forehead. Then, she closed the lid and turned away.

"I'll keep fighting, Neji-nii-san," she said under her breath, "I swear I will."

She left the funeral procession. She didn't want to watch her father and cousin be buried. She just didn't want to.

Unconsciously, her feet took her to that place. The place that started everything. Perhaps, she could see the sunrise. Why Hyuuga's held their funerals before sunrise…

Finally, she pushed aside a few vines and stepped into the haven. She nearly turned back and left when she saw Naruto's huddled figure near a large rock.

She hadn't forgotten, of course, what he had done for her last night. After yelling at him, ignoring him, he had still come to her aid.

She took a deep breath, then made her way to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked up and drew in a rattled breath. It was obvious he hadn't been expecting her.

"Hinata-chan," he said, cerulean eyes wide, "what…what are you…I mean…you're…" he trailed off, embarrassed.

Hinata sat down next to him, hugging her knees. "I…just came from the funeral procession."

"Oh," Naruto said, "I…I see."

A few seconds of silence, then…

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she said softly, "it wasn't your fault they died."

"No," Naruto said, voice louder, "I mean…I meant…"

Hinata turned to him. "What?"

"I mean, I'm really sorry. I was stupid, you know." He said, voice growing softer and softer, "I was blind to the fact that my actions caused you a lot of pain."

Can you forgive me again?

I don't know what I said,

But I didn't mean to hurt you.

"I mean…I wasn't thinking when I told that lie. All that registered in my mind was that it would probably keep you away from…from him." He let out a deep sigh. "I was so selfish. I…I realize that now."

I heard the words come out

I felt that I would die

It hurts so much to hurt you

Hinata looked at him, seeing him in a whole new light. There was so much more to him than she realized. And…and she shouldn't have been so hard on him.

Than you looked at me

You're not shouting anymore

He had been hurt enough when he saw the two of them together. She could see it now.

You're silently broken

He looked at her, and Hinata nearly cried out to see the tears falling down his face. "The moment I said it, I wanted to take it back. I saw the pain in your eyes, and I wanted to take it all back."

I'd give anything to kill those words for you

Each time I say something I regret, I cry

"Despite what you may think, Hinata-chan," he said, his voice cracking, like he was trying to control something, "I…I don't want to hurt you!"

I don't want to lose you

He felt silent, his shoulders shaking. Hinata's heart nearly broke at the sight of him. She had never seen him this…weak. This…pitiful.

She wanted to return the favor. Like last night, he had been there for her. He had removed the pain, wiped her tears, comforted her.

She had to be there for him.

She loved him.

But somehow I know that you will never

Leave me

She placed her hand on his shoulder and, with the other, gently caressed his cheek.

Naruto looked up to see her smiling lovingly.

'Coz you were made for me

Somehow I'll make you see

How happy you make me

"Thank you," she said softly, "for…for everything."


"I never gave up on you. Not really. All the time I spent with Shikamaru-kun, I…I secretly wished that I could spend it with you. And…he helped me realize something."

I can't live this life

Without you by my side

"All the time you've saved me, helped me, encouraged me…they were your way of telling me the truth. Telling me how you really felt."

I need you to survive

"And I was just so…so blind, I couldn't realize that on my own."

Naruto reached up and removed her hand from his cheek. The tears slowed, relief shining in his eyes.

So stay with me

"So…you forgive me?" he asked softly, his cerulean gaze meeting hers, begging, pleading…

You look in my eyes

And I'm screaming inside

That I'm sorry

She smiled, her eyes kind. Understanding.

"There's nothing to forgive."

And you forgive me again

You're my one true friend

And I didn't mean to hurt you

Naruto leaned closer. No more masks. No more fear. No more hiding. Their lips met the exact moment the first rays of a new day touched the pale blue horizon.

Despite the fact that two people in her life were gone, there was another one to comfort her.

The one she needed to make her life complete. The one who would make everything okay.

From now on.


Sasuke watched, amused, as Naruto wore a path on the thick rug, pacing in constant circles.

"Would you calm down?" he said, sniggering. "You look like a man who shoulders the fate of mankind."

"Calm down?" Naruto asked, glaring at him, "That's a laugh. Especially coming from a man who nearly strangled yours truly when his wife was in labor, then nearly deafened me when he found his firstborn was a boy."

"All that aside," Sasuke said, "I still think you ought to relax and-"

"Naruto-kun!" Sakura said, rushing to him, "It's a boy! It's a boy!"

Naruto pushed her aside and ran to the room, hardly daring to believe it. It seemed like just yesterday…

He stopped at the side of the bed. Hinata looked at him happily, cradling a bundle of blankets.

"Hinata-" his voice caught in his throat. Coming from that bundle were soft, frail sobs.

She smiled at him, words never escaping her lips. Words were not adequate to describe her feelings. A serene, happy smile lit her face, her long, purplish-black hair framing her face.

"He looks like his dad," Sakura said, coming up behind him.

Hinata nodded, handing him the bundle of blankets. With trembling hands, he carefully unwrapped it. The blankets fell away to reveal a small, trembling figure with wispy blonde hair, whimpering and flailing slightly.

Naruto gently stroked his head, trying to pacify him.

The baby slowly opened his eyes, revealing them to bright cerulean. His eyes stared into his dad's, and then, with a huge yawn, he snuggled deeper into the blankets and closed his eyes.

Mutely, Naruto handed him back to Hinata. He sat beside her, a smile lightning his face.

"He's wonderful." He whispered. Hinata simply nodded, her eyes slowly closing as well.

Naruto looked at his family, bathed in the soft glow of the coming morn. Somehow, someway, he was sure everything was going to be all right.

From now on.


A/N: So? So? Whatcha think? They went through a couple of struggles, but at least, in the end, they conquered it.

Unless…you guys who AREN'T satisfied with happy endings want me to make a sad sequel to this. 'Coz I have the plot already outlined, and I could type it on your say so…

On another note, look out for my upcoming "Gaara…Forever Incomplete (?)". It might fit your tastes, it might not. Oh, and could you guys check my "POINTLESS WAR" story? Thanks!