BIG Thanks to those who Reviewed, so For those here is the NEXT Chapter, hope you all Enjoy it, and Dont forget to REVIEW. XD


Previously on Charmed:

"Oh thanks Dad, for selling us down the drain in front of grandma." Matthew, the blonde, shouted as Piper blinked in shock.

"Yeah, uncle Wy. Why can't you introduce us to her." said the brunette said folding his hand across his chest.

"Wyatt." Piper said warningly as he gave a nervous laugh, wracking his brain for a way to get out of this.

"Surprise!" Wyatt finally said laughing nervously, surrendering to his fate, delivering a death glare to the cheekily smiling small people behind Piper.


"One second," Wyatt said before turning to the group of kids before them. "Every one to the magic school, except Matthew and Leo." And at once mass of swirling orbs appeared as the kids in the room disappeared leaving only the two older boys.

"So Piper, what timeline are you from exactly?" Paige asked Piper shrugged it off.

"Does it matter?" Piper said as some one else orbed in.

"John, where…." Chris trailed off as he saw the almost empty living room. Then his eyes landed on everything else, including Piper.

"Chris…." Piper said as she looked at her son, who has grown so much and looks just like the Chris she once used to know, the one who came back to the future.

"Mom…." Chris said looking at his mother. "How…." Chris said as he went to hug his mother. "God, mom, you look so young but wait…..what you doing here…?"

"Ask them," Wyatt said looking at the two boys who were smiling sheepishly.

"Okay, that's it, I am binding their powers," Chris said throwing his hand out in frustration just as both boys ran to Wyatt, to hide behind his legs.

"Come on Dad, it was an accident," Leo said to his father Chris.

"Yeah, Uncle Chris, it was an accident, we didn't know we were actually going to bring her here," Matthew said peeking from one side of Wyatt while Leo did the same. "We only wished…or more like called her name out."

"Okay, hold on a minute," Piper said looking at the kids. "Am I in the future?"

"Yeah, try eighteen or twenty for size," Paige said rolling her eyes.

"Then how the hell, do you still look young?" Piper asked her sister who shrugged as she smiled.

"What can I say, I am running from time," Paige said as Piper gave an expression that clearly said oh-please. "Okay fine, I am dead, is that what you wanted to hear, they made me bloody white lighter."

Piper expression immediately changed from perkiness to sadness. "Hey, I am still here, you know, unlike you and Phoebe," Paige said as she rubbed Piper's back.

"Aunt Paige, not helping," Chris said shaking his head.

"I am sorry," Paige said as Piper sat down. "But hey look on the bright side, the house is filled with your grandchildren."

"Wait, you mean all of them," Piper said waving her hand as Paige nodded.

"Yeah, your kids have been very busy," Paige said as Piper laughed just as the boys chorused "Aunt Paige."

"What she needs to know," Paige said shaking her head.

"Yeah, but I guess she doesn't need to know that we were busy," Chris said looking at Paige, while both kids orbed off.

"Where did they go?" Piper asked Wyatt who looked at her.

"Oh, I told them to go to Magic school," Wyatt said shrugging before folding his hands in his chest.

"Why…?" Piper asked Wyatt who looked at her. "I mean, come on, I am in the future, let me get to see the things that I apparently missed when I am dead."

"Mom, come on, don't say that," Wyatt said as he sat next to Piper as he leaned his head on her shoulder, while Paige moved a bit, so Chris can sit in the other side of Piper as both boys rested their heads on their mother's shoulder, which they missed for years.

"But it's the truth," Piper said running her fingers on Wyatt's blonde curls. "I mean I apparently missed lots of things because I am pretty sure I died, before I get to meet half of your kids."

"No, that's not true," Chris said looking at his mother.

"Then why the hell, did they scream DEMON, when I appeared here," Piper said looking at Chris who looked unsure. "And of course that got me landed on my ass."

"Wait, you saying that one of the kids, attacked you," Wyatt said in a rough, but yet caring voice.

"Well, they were protecting each other, which I guess they were pretty good at," Piper said waving her hands. "Since by the time I got up, there were cabinets and vases were flying at me."

"Mom….we missed you so much," Chris said as he wrapped his hands around Piper, as Wyatt did the same, making a sandwich while Piper laughed at the same time as the boys breathed in the Lavender smell.

"Yeah, mom, if you only called me," Wyatt muttered kissing her head.

"What do you mean?" Piper asked Wyatt as Chris shook his head.

"Don't…future consequences," Chris said telepathically.

"Maybe we can change it," Wyatt replied as Chris shook his head.

"We can't meddle with it, I am sorry Wy, I want to change things too, but we can't." Chris said as Wyatt breathed in smiling at Piper.

"Nothing….just nothing, don't worry about it," Wyatt said smiling before resting his head on Piper's shoulder.

"So why exactly did your kids summon me?" Piper asked since she was never summoned outside of her timeline.

"What can I say," Paige said shaking her head. "They have been asking about you and Leo, these past few weeks non-stop, especially today since its Halloween, and boys here apparently told them, how you used to make them dress up for the Halloween and bake all those Pumpkin cakes, Witch Castle made from chocolate and other yummy treats."

"Of course, you two always complained then," Piper said giving a light nod as Chris and Wyatt smiled.

"Yeah, if we have one more chance, we would do it all over again," Chris said looking at his mother.

"Without complaining this time about how childish we look." Wyatt said as he touched his forehead with Piper.

"Well, since I am here," Piper said getting up. "Maybe I could get to see my grandchildren and all the new members in the family, before I return to my timeline."

"Nice try mom," Chris said in a soft caring voice.

"Come on Guys, please, I know I probably wouldn't remember anything," Piper said looking at the boys. "So can I live it a little? Besides it's not like I am here on a time limit or anything."

"Mom…" Wyatt said trailing off as he looked into the pleading eyes of his mother's. "Well…Maybe…" Wyatt said looking at Chris who looked at him before giving a little nod. "Until mid-night."

"Mid-night," Chris said telepathically as he looked at his brother. "I mean don't you think it's too long."

"Come on, Chris don't ruin it," Wyatt replied back. "Haven't we always wished that if we had one more chance, we could go back in time, I know now it's too late, but please, I just want to remember this day for rest of my life, please." Chris just smiled as he nodded.

"Great, so what's the time now," Piper said jumping up as she looked around the living room, while Chris looked at his wrist watch to tell her the time.

"Its 2 pm in the evening, which means you have another 10 hours in the future," Chris said as Piper looked like an excited teen.


Sn0zb0z, RBDFAN, Pinkphoenix1985, Wiccanforever, Lizardmomma, Scme, Historybuff1990, Melinda Wyat Charmed..

Thanks Guys, anyone else who reviewed also got a Personal reply. XD