A/N: Just read through the whole story again and decided: why not? Up-date needed!!!!!

Dear Ms. Trudy, I Love Him

Chapter Six

He Smiled

Same day. Wednesday. Lunch.

"So..." Danny said, still picking at his lunch. He finally decided to take a bite and the moment he closed his lips around the spork, nearly choked and forced huimself to swallow, placing the spork down gingerly, as if afraid it might attack. He made a face and Tucker snickered. "So," Tucker continued for him. "Found anyone to go to the dance with?"

Danny sighed and slumped in his seat far enough so his chin touched the table. "Nope," he said. "I wish Valerie was still here. I might have asked her, but-"

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" Sam suddenly muttered, causing Danny to sit straight up in his chair. She'd been staring at that newspaper for nearly the whole lunch period. Her voice surprised him. He cocked an eyebrow.

"Huh?" he asked quietly.

Sam straightened her back, as if just realizing someone was sitting there behind her. She turned to look over her shoulder, cheeks flaming red. "Oops, sorry, I guess I'm a little jumpy," she said, smiling sheepishly and closing the booklet. She hopped off the table and turned to them, placing it on the table. "I think I'm gonna get a headstart for class. I'll see you guys in awhile."

Danny stood up then and started to say, "Mind if I come with?" before Sam cut him off, pointing a finger and saying, "No!"

Danny sat back down slowly, still staring at her, obviously confused. Sam shook her head, closing her eyes, as if trying to snap out of something. "No, I mean, ugh, I'll see you guys later..." she said, turning around and walking out the room. Danny watched her go, still rather bewildered. He looked at Tucker but the boy only gave him a perplexed look matching hiw own.

"Well," Danny mumbled. "This is weird."

"No kidding," Tucker said, then shrugged. "But anyway, back on the subject, you gonna ask out Sam or what?"

Danny had just taken a drink from his milk carton and suddenly spat out the contents. "What!?" he exclaimed, surprised by the question. Tucker made a face and took off his glasses, wiping droplets of milk off them. "Uh-hm..." he murmured, placing them back on his face. "You haven't even thought of it, have you?" When he saw the look of shock sitll on Danny's face, he shook his head and continued, "Well, you should." He stood up and picked up his tray of food, stopping only to say, "'Nuff said." before walking off, whistling to Cantate Domino.

Danny frowned, then stared at the tray he in front of him. He pushed it away, then just sat and stared at the table. After a moment of empty thoughts (or rather, no thinking at all), he groaned and let his head fall on the table. Hard.



Click click click click click. Tip. Click click. Tip. Tap tap tap tap. Click click click click click. Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-taaaaap...

"GAH!" he growled to himself, rustling his hair. He laid his head on his desk, gently banging it against the wood once, twice, thrice...etc. He looked up again suddenly, blue eyes tired. He needed advice!!!

"I hate irony," he murmured, and started to type again, opening his messenger and clicking on Valerie's name. He was sure she wasn't on-line, but she was sometimes on invisible mode when she was doing her homework. She wasn't a procrastinator, so he was sure she had already started on all the homework the teachers had given her for the week she would be out. "Please be on-line," he murmured as he typed, then took the mouse and pressed enter. He waited for a couple seconds, staring at the screen, waiting for the bottom of the IM window to say "ghosth8er is typing a message." He waited for a couple more seconds, then sighed, working the mouse over to the little "X" at the corner of the window.

"I guess she's not online..." he mumbled, and closed the window, opening once more the page on Microsoft Word. "Dear..." he murmured as he typed, "Ms...Goody Two sho-"

He was cut off by the sudden sound of a buzz-ding. He blinked, staring at the lower right corner of the screen. "Message from Ghosth8er." it read, and a little rectangle appeared at the bottom of the screen towards the left, blinking orange, labeled "Val (ghosth8..." in black letters.

He manuevered the arrow over to it and clicked, the window appearing in the center of the monitor.

Val: Hey, Danny, what's up? something wrong? You sounded urgent...
dfenton: hey, vla. yeah, it was kinda urgent.
dfenton: it's nothing bad, just that...well, i need advice!!!!
dfenton: seriously!!!
dfenton: please HELP ME!

Danny waited impatiently as Valerie typed, hoping she said okay and hoping he didn't sound as desperate as it seemed he did. He was pretty sure he did.

Val: Okay, okay, Danny.
Val: what's the problem exactly?
Val: Anything to do with the column?
Val: Did anyone figrue out who Ms. Trudy is?

Danny read the messages, or rather skimmed through them, and shook his heda, speaking as he typed.

dfenton: no, nothing like that
dfenton: it has to do with sam.
dfenton: i think tuckers making me like her!
dfenton: he said i should ask ehr to the dance!
Val: Danny, no one can make you like someone else. What do you mean Tucker made you like her?
dfenton: its not that he made me like her, he made me notice her.
Val: Maybe its a good thing, Danny. Maybe you SHOULD ask her to the dance!

Danny sat slumped bask in his seat, completely in awe. He couldn't believe Valerie had just suggested that! He liked her not...Sam... He crossed his arms over his chest, pursing his lips. "At least..." he mumbled, but stopped. He leaned forward over the keyboard, hands poised over the keys, but stopped, frozen. He wiggled his fingers a couple of times, then brought his head back down to his desk, cradling it in his arms, unable to think of anything to write.

"I don't...like her...that way...do I?" he asked himself quietly, then lifted his head again, staring at the new messages Valerie had sent.

Val: Danny, you don't have to worry about our pending relationship.
Val: I want you to be happy.
Val: Beleive it or not, Sam and you have been the ideal couple form the beginning.
Val: I remember 7 years ago, Paulina and I had asked you why you always hung out with Sam at lunch time when you could be hanging out with us.
Val: Rememebr what you said?

Danny smiled at the memory. It'd been so long since he thought about it.

Val: You said ebcause you lvoed her!
Val: Maybe you should give it a chance.

Danny thought about it for a second, then sighed, starting to type.

dfenton: thanks, val. I really appreciated it. i hope you have fun over there, okay? the columns safe with me ;)
Val: Thanks, Danny. Have fun at the dance! I'll see you in a week! 8)

Danny smiled.

E/N: uhm...yah 8D

I like it :)

--Airamé Phantom