Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.

"When do we go back to school?" Melissa asked her mom.

"Well, school actually starts in two weeks. So I'm betting about then." She replied.

"Okay. Hey, can I go to the mall?"

"Sure. Reunion?" Mrs. Wu asked knowingly.

"Yes, ma'am." Melissa said.

"Okay, here's my credit card in case you decide to buy something."

"'Kay. Can I take the van to pick everyone up in?"

"Sure. Don't have a wreck." Her mom said seriously.

"Okay. Thanks, Mom. I love you!" Melissa yelled, walking out the door.

29 DWN

"Hey, Dad?" Daley asked.

"Yeah?" he said, looking up from his newspaper.

"May Lex and I go to the wall with the 29 Down gang?" she asked.

"Sure. Here's some money, and don't forget your cell phone." He said, gesturing towards some money.

"Okay. Thanks, Daddy. Lex!" Daley called up the stairs.

"Yeah?" he called back down.

She ran up the stairs to his room and asked, "Do you want to go to the mall with everyone?"

"Umm, sure." He said, clicking out of the screen he was on. He asked, "Are we going in the car, or walking?"

"Mel's gonna come pick us up in her family's van."


"And I have to call everyone else." Daley said.

"I'll check and see if anyone's on AIM." Lex said, signing into his account. Taylor and Erik were on.

shopinrulz: Hey, Lex.

Minieinstien: Hey, Taylor. Melissa was wondering about all of us going to the mall.

shopinrulz: YES!

Minieinstien: Cool. Melissa will pick you up.

shopinrulz: K.

Lex clicked to Erik's screename.

Minieinstien: Hey, Melissa was wondering if u wanted to go to the mall with us.

IRule: Sure. Tell her I'll be at the mall when all of you get there.

Minieinstien: K. Over 'n out.

29 DWN

Daley saw Lex typing on his computer. She took out her cell phone and looked to see who was first in her address book, and it was Jackson. She called it, and someone answered the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" A man said in a slurred voice.

"Hi, is Jackson there?" she asked.

"Jackson!" The person yelled.

"Hello?" Jackson said into the phone.

"Hey, Jackson. It's Daley.

"Oh. Hey, Day!"

"Mel was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with the gang."

"Sure. Tell her I'll meet her over there." Jackson said.

"Will do. Later!" Daley said, hanging up.

Next, she had to call Nathan.

"Hello?" a girl answered.

"Hi, Katie." Daley said. Katie was Nathan's cousin. "May I speak to Nathan?"

"Sure." Katie answered. Then, she heard her yell, "Nathan! The phone! It's Da-ley"

"Hello?" she heard Nathan say into the phone. Her voice froze, and he said, "Daley? Are you there?"

"Sorry. I didn't hear you." Daley said, blushing.

"So, what do ya need?" he asked after a moment.

"Right, umm, Mel was wondering about us all going to the mall and hanging out. You in?"

"Umm, let me ask Mom." He said. "Mom!-Can I go to the mall with the gang?-Okay! Day?"


"I can go. Is Mel picking us up, or…"

"She's picking us up. Except for Jackson."

"Okay. See ya in a bit."

"Later!" Daley said, hanging up.

"So?" Lex said.

"Jackson's going to meet us there, and we're picking up Nathan."

"Okay. Erik's meeting us, and we're picking up Taylor."

"Okay. Are you ready to go?" Daley asked.

"Yep. All I need to do is brush my teeth.

"Okay. I'll be in my room." Daley said, walking into her room.

She looked through her closet and took out a plain green tank top, and some jeans. She changed into them, put some mascara and lip-gloss on, and left her hair down.


"Daley! Lex! Melissa's here!" Daley's dad yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" Daley and Lex said at the same time. They both ran down the stairs, and met Melissa at the door. She was wearing a cream Victorian-style tank-top, and black gauchos.

"Hey, Mel!" Daley said, hugging her.

"Hey, Daley. Hey, Lex," she said, ruffling the boy's hair.

He smacked her hand out of the way, but said, "Hey, Mel."

"So, who're we going to get?" Melissa said, walking out the door with the siblings.

"Taylor and Nathan." Lex said, sitting in the front seat next to Melissa. Daley sat in the last row.

They made their way to Taylor's house. Lex ran up to ring the doorbell, and Taylor walked out of the house in an Abercrombie dark blue polo shirt, and a short jean skirt with black leggings and some black flats.

"Hey! I was sitting there!" Lex said once Taylor sat in the front seat.

"Yeah? Now, you're not." Taylor said. Lex grumbled and sat in the row in front of Daley's row.

Next they went to Nathan's house. Daley went up to the front door and rang the bell.

"Hey, Katie." Daley said.

"Hi, Daley." Katie said, smiling at her. "Nathan's been talking about you ever since he finished talking to you."

"Oh? Why's that?" she asked.

"Mommy said he has a crush on-" "Hi, Daley." Nathan said, placing his hand across his cousin's mouth. He was blushing.

"Hi," Daley said, smiling at him.

"Bye, Katie." Nathan said.

"Bye, Nathan. Bye, Da-ley."

"Bye, Katie."

Daley and Nathan got into the last row of seats and they all talked like old times.

Soon, they all got to the mall. Melissa parked the van, and they all made their way to the food court.

"Jackson! Erik!" Taylor called. The two boys looked up and waved.

Oh, wow. That was so exciting. I just had to have something to start the story with. And, I'm horrible at beginnings. I have my two characters. Yay me! Review, please! I want 2 to 3 reviews before I go on. Love Lots!