Sadly, here's the last post for this's a two-part epilogue, but I'm posting both parts at the same time so you can read them together. I really hope you like the ending--it's pretty long since there was a lot to include but I hope it gives good closure to the story. I'll make a few more comments at the end, but for now, ENJOY!

Epilogue Part I

"Sadie, can you please just take it?" Jude shouted, shoving a box into her sister's hands.

"But I seriously just got this french manicure," Sadie whined, sliding her hands under the box and peering down towards her newly done nails. "This is just not good timing."

"Well, I'm very sorry, but you did volunteer to help," Jude continued from behind a stack of boxes.

"Help decorate maybe, not help you move!" Sadie exclaimed, watching as her sister closed the trunk of the car and began walking up the stone steps to kick open the front door.

Huffing, Sadie quickly followed her inside, putting the box she was holding on the first table she saw. She immediately held up her hands, examining her nails to make sure everything was still intact, then watched as her sister began taking CD's out of one of the boxes on the countertop.

Sadie sighed and walked over to join her, grabbing another box and pulling out the set of mugs that was inside.

"How much longer do you think it'll be until they get back with lunch?" Sadie asked.

"I don't know," Jude replied. "They haven't seen each other in years…I'm sure they'll get to lunch eventually."

"I hope so," Sadie said, stepping back from the counter to gaze around the room. "You know, I really do like this place."

"Me too," Jude said, turning around to follow her sister's gaze. "Although you did help pick it out, so I'd assume you would like it."

"Yeah, but it looks better with some of your stuff in it," Sadie said, strolling towards the couch in the middle of the room and sitting down.

"I guess, but there's still so much to do," Jude added, putting her empty box on the ground and walking over to the couch, collapsing next to her sister. "We're moving from a one-bedroom apartment to a three-bedroom townhouse. There's a lot to do to fill those extra rooms."

"You'll get it all done," Sadie said with a smile. "By the way, Mom freaked out when I told her you two were coming home."

"You should've heard her reaction when I told her I was dating Tommy," Jude said with a laugh.

"And Dad?" Sadie asked.

Jude shrugged. "Dad wasn't too thrilled about Tommy, but he's happy to have me back in Toronto. And after some time, I think he'll come around on Tommy."

Sadie nodded understandingly. "He still doesn't like Kwest. I don't think he'll ever like anyone we date…or marry."

"Very true," Jude agreed, looking around the empty room. "You know, I thought it would be weird coming home after not being here for so long, but it's nice. Comforting, in a way."

"Well it's really nice to have you back," Sadie said, smiling at her sister. "I guess that run-in with Tom's ex wasn't so bad after all."

"Yeah, I guess not," Jude said. "I'm just happy we got out of the area before she went all Fatal Attraction on us."

Sadie laughed lightly. "Well, whatever the reason, I'm glad you're here."

Jude smiled warmly in response, just as the door opened and the smell of pizza wafted through the empty house.

"Mmmm….pizza…." Jude murmured from her seat on the couch as Tommy and Kwest entered through the front door.

"Taking a break already?" Tommy asked her with a teasing grin.

"I couldn't keep unpacking…I was famished," Jude griped with an innocent smile, standing up as Tommy and Kwest put the pizza on the counter.

"Awww, poor baby," Tommy cooed, walking over to her and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "We got Rod's Pizza, which I know you love…"

"Rod's? I didn't even know that place was still around!" Jude cried in excitement, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the counter where Sadie and Kwest were taking slices. She hopped onto one of the stools at the counter as Tommy stood next to her, giving her a slice of the pizza. They all stood around and inhaled the pizza as though they hadn't eaten in weeks.

Half an hour later, they were stuck in a food coma, with Kwest spread out on the bare floor, Sadie in their overstuffed chair and Tommy and Jude sprawled out on the couch.

"As much as I hate to do this," Tommy started, running his fingers through Jude's hair, "there's something we need to do."

"Please don't say more unpacking," Jude protested, not budging from her spot on the couch. "The furniture got here yesterday and we've been unpacking ever since."

"Well we do have to unpack if we want to live here," Tommy said with a grin. "But actually, that's not what I was thinking."

"Really? What else do we need to do?" Jude questioned, sitting up straighter to look into his eyes.

"Well…I kind of promised Darius we would stop by this afternoon," Tommy said tentatively.

"Seriously?" Jude questioned. "But I haven't been there in years…and he's going to be so disappointed in me since I gave all of that up …"

"Jude, he just wants to see you. He wants to say hello, that's it. Come with me—we'll do it together," he said convincingly.

Jude sighed in consideration, seeing the plea in Tommy's gaze. "Okay, okay."

Kwest sat up from his position on the floor and said, "I actually have to head over there too. I can take you guys if you want."

"And leave me?" Sadie said instantly.

"Just for a little while," Kwest said, standing up and walking towards her. "Besides, you should be forced to stay here alone…it's what you get for having your nails done when you knew perfectly well that Jude and Tom would be moving today."

"Kwest!" Sadie exclaimed in irritation, as Kwest chuckled and leaned over to give her a kiss.

"Well then," Jude said, standing up with Tommy, "I expect the place to be fully decorated by the time we get home, Miss Manicure."

"Have I mentioned how happy I am to have you back?" Sadie called out after her sister, hearing them close the front door and leave her alone.

Epilogue Part II

Walking into G-Major, Jude immediately felt as though she was being transported to a different time, with the orange sign, long corridors, and familiar chaos seeming almost surreal. She paused as they entered the main lobby, staring around the room in awe. It was decorated exactly as it had been years ago, as her eyes scanned every detail she thought she had forgotten.

Tommy turned back to glance at her before proceeding towards Darius' office and saw her eyes glazed over with a reminiscent expression. He grinned at her, reaching back to take her hand. Her attention turned back to reality, looking at him and gently smiling, knowing that this visit was just as significant to him as it was to her. He squeezed her hand and without a word, continued walking towards the double doors to Darius' office.

Tommy gently tapped on the door with his free hand, glancing at Jude who was standing beside him. He heard a muffled 'come in' and turned the knob to enter the room.

Darius sat behind the desk, half paying attention to the visitors who had just entered. But as he met Tommy and Jude's eyes before him, he dropped the pen in his hand and stood up.

"If I didn't know better," Darius started, stepping around the desk to approach them, "I'd say that you two are in the wrong building."

Tommy and Jude both smiled, as Tommy replied, "It's been awhile."

Darius looked at him incredulously. "Awhile? Tom, five years isn't awhile…it's too long."

Tommy nodded in agreement, as Darius leaned in for a quick hug. Tommy let go of Jude's hand and reciprocated, as Darius pulled back to look at Jude.

"You look great, Jude. It's good to see you," Darius said, hugging her.

"It's good to see you, too," she replied, watching as Darius stepped back to look at them both.

"So, rumor has it that you two aren't just passing through this time."

They both smiled as Jude responded, "The rumor's true. We're back. For good."

"Good," he said, leaning back against his desk. "This is where you belong."

Jude turned to Tommy, grinning timidly, knowing that Darius' statement wasn't just about being in Toronto.

"When did you get back?" Darius asked.

"Yesterday," Tommy answered.

"And what do you intend to do once you get settled?" he asked Tommy.

Tommy shifted uncomfortably, not knowing how to ask what he wanted to. "Well…I'm not sure…I was thinking…or hoping…"

"Let me guess," Darius said. "You want your old job back?"

Tommy silently nodded, an uneasy look in his eyes.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Darius asked with a grin.

"Seriously?" Tommy asked in disbelief.

"You think I'd let you go to another studio?" Darius questioned. Tommy immediately smiled widely, looking over at Jude who was smiling with him.

"And you, Miss Harrison?" Darius asked, walking back to his chair behind the desk.

"Me?" Jude questioned, biting her lip in uncertainty. "I'm umm…undecided."

"Undecided?" Darius questioned, shaking his head. "Well…why don't you go take a look at Studio 1? We completely redid it since you were here. I think you'll like it."

Jude nodded hesitantly, glancing at Tommy before turning to open the door and walk out.

Once she was gone, Darius looked at Tommy with raised eyebrows and said, "You two?"

Tommy grinned and nodded. "Yep."

Darius laughed a little and added, "It's about damn time."

In Studio 1, Jude gazed around the room, looking at the new equipment and the red couch they had put in place of the torn yellow one that was once there. The studio was empty, as she took a seat in front of the sound board, staring out into the recording booth. Memories flooded into her mind, but her heart began to feel heavy at the sight. She couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself, knowing in her heart that she missed the feeling of music in her life.

As she stared into the recording booth, the door quietly opened and someone came in behind her. She was brought out of her reverie as she felt hands on her shoulders. She looked up and saw Tommy looking down at her.

"Hey," she said quietly, trying to muster a smile for him.

He noticed her troubled expression and sat down beside her. He followed her eyes into the recording booth, seeing the microphone set up and the stool perfectly positioned below it. He then looked back at her, watching as she began to tear up, her eyes fixated on the empty room before them.

He looked down, thinking for a moment before glancing back up at her. "Jude, I have a confession to make."

She turned towards him at the sound of his words with a confused look. "Okay…"

"That night, when I showed up at your apartment to tell you that I had broken up with Jessica…I was standing in your hallway for a good half hour before I got the courage to actually knock on your door."

She grinned softly, wondering if that was his confession.

"And while I was out there," he continued, looking into her eyes, "I heard something. Something I hadn't heard in years…something I never thought I'd hear again…"

Her mouth gaped at his words, knowing exactly what he was referring to. She turned away, blushing.

"I heard music," he said, seeing her reaction. "Your music. And it wasn't a recording…you were playing. And singing."

"It was just a one-time thing," she mumbled quietly, looking down.

He slid his chair closer to her, taking both of her hands, causing her to look up at him. He took a deep breath and said, "I know you, Jude Harrison. As much as you want to deny it, you and music can never be separated. It'll always be part of you."

The tears clouded her eyes as she listened to him, knowing that his words rang true. He continued, "Music has always been the thing in your life that kept you sane. Just like it was for me…and even though we help each other stay sane now, neither of us will ever be able to live our lives without it. Music is who we are."

"I…can't…," she started, pulling one of her hands away from his to wipe her eyes.

"Yes, you can," he said firmly, his eyes focused on hers. "I know it's in you, Jude. Whatever kept you from making music before is gone…we're starting fresh here. This is your chance to get back what you've been missing."

The tears rolled down her cheeks as she glanced once more at the recording booth. She sighed, feeling a mixture of hesitation and eagerness. He watched her closely, eyeing her every move, waiting for a response.

She turned back towards him, her eyes red and the tears continuing to fall. "I don't know, Tommy…"

"I do," he said, leaning in closer to her. "You need to do this. You need to let the music back into your life."

She sighed once more as his hands went to her cheeks, gently caressing them and wiping away her tears. He added quietly, "Besides, you could be my first artist."

She smiled faintly, looking into his eyes. "Does that mean you would want to produce me again?"

His eyebrows raised, pulling back a bit. "Does that mean you would want to be an artist again?"

"I asked you first," she said with a grin.

He smirked quietly before leaning in to capture her lips lightly. "Yes. I'd be lucky to be able to produce you again."

She pulled back a little, smiling at him, and took a deep breath. Instead of answering his question, she backed up her chair and stood up. His eyes stayed on her as she looked around the room, her eyes locking on something in the corner. She slowly walked over to the acoustic guitar leaning against the wall and picked it up.

Without a word, she walked towards the recording booth, opening the door to let herself in. He smiled at her actions, watching as she sat down on the stool in front of the microphone. She put the headphones on and strummed a few chords before looking into his eyes across the glass.

"Ready?" she asked with a wide smile.

He quickly adjusted a few knobs and inserted a blank reel before looking up at her with a warm smile. He gave her a small nod and pressed the button to talk to her.


I just want to send a huge thank you to all of the readers out there. You all truly inspired me to keep going on this story and motivated me to make the story better. A special thank you to all of you who reviewed--I really appreciate you taking the time to write something and all of your feedback truly made me so happy, I don't know if I can express how much. You're all the best audience a girl can have and I hope you've enjoyed reading just as much as I have enjoyed writing this.

I'm working on a one-shot now and hopefully, once the new season starts, I'll have plenty more inspiration for another big story. So keep your fingers crossed for lots of Jommy cuteness. :)

Thanks again!!