A/N: I don't own Dark Angle, I'm writing this because I was at my friends' house and her brother owns both seasons on DVD, and he kept on complaining how much it sucked that we never got to see what happened after Freak Nation. And that got me thinking. I love to write might as well write something about that, I know it's been done before but here is goes.

Summary:With war on the brinkthe transgenics have many questions they have to ask themselves.Who will they chose to lead them in their battle of a free life? How will they cope in such close quarters, what will the poor elected leader do when the X's go into heat? Will their end be brought by the army outside or will it be a result of petty bickering between them…..

Pairing: Max/Alec

Rateing: 15-R for language, violence and some smut

Breaking Dawn

The Raising of the Flag

'This is just great! And yes I know I'm being sarcastic but honestly she burns down the place that yes I know itwas a torture, vindictive, evil military base but at least with Manticore we didn't have this. I mean sure there was a possibility that you could get killed on a mission but it was a very small one.

God my shoulder hurts, oh yeah another thing I can thank Maxie for, besides living in a radioactive dump, I was shot at and nearly had the crap beat out of me by a very nasty woman…a familiar whatever the hell they are.

God I've never had so many enemies in my life! Hey what is Max doing... are they holding hands?

Great not only did she make me look like a complete and total ass wipe, because I was the guy that stole Eyes onlys' girlfriend, she making me look like a shmuck by holding his hand in front of all the transgenics. Thanks Maxie really make me look like a fool that's okay.

Speaking of fools we have to find a way to get Cindy and Sketchy out of here it the fumes or whatever may not affect us but it will get to them. God I wish Brain was still around I bet he could come up with the statistic of success. I should try and find out if there are any others here like him around. They'd help keep the numbered of injured down.

We have to get a few guys together for a run on medical supplies, got to make sure about food and water because we have to ration it out. Now that is going to be shity.

And we'll have to get our hands on ammo. Oh…God why did I get out of bed?

Oh…look our flag not bad…I've got to say dog boy out did himself very metaphorical. At least people will get what it means not like that other stuff he does, sure he has fun and it gives him something to do. And that's important.

Shit another problem that will need to be addressed the pregnant X's and their babies, that means another run for baby stuff and clothes. Great this is just great! God I could kill Max for this.'

The transgenics were all standing still watching as their flag was being raised what Alec didn't know that as his thoughts were going a mile a minute so were everyone else.

The flag was now up and they had declared themselves a nation and war at the same time. It was time to get everything ready but the first thing to be done was to pick a leader.

Slowly but surely they all made there way to headquarters, it was over crowded transgenics and anomalies alike were packed just enough breathing space between them.

"Well Max you declared war now what?"

The outburst was felt by all but said by Mole.

The dark haired beauty pulled herself away from Logan's side and made her way to the podium where Mole was standing.

"That's simple we fight."

"And what you are going to lead us. I'd rather die than follow a coward of a 09'er."

Shouted one of the X5's.

Alec rolled his eyes at the comment he knew it was coming the ones who had been around during the '09 break out did not harbor feelings the war fuzzy kind.

'Hell there are times I want to strangle her… with her ideas of the perfect world…and her pity me... life was so hard at Manticore …but on the flip side she is right we do have feelings and should be aloud to make our own choices.'

Shaking off his thoughts Alec turned his attention back to the bickering match going on between Max and the soldiers around her, they were all going atit yelling, shouting, insults were being thrown about right and left without regard to who was being hurt by the comments.

Alec then and there thought he should take matters into his own hands he hadn't been CO for nothing it was time to put that training into effect.

Taking hold of the gun he had used earlier, he shoot out into the air a warning shot, the silence that followed was deafening, when he was sure he had all eyes on him, he began to speak.

"This is how we are going to do this people all units will fall back in if your unit is not hear we will place you with another one who ever was your acting CO is once again your CO. If your CO is missing his second in command will take over. All unties will answer to however we appoint…."

Alec could here people mumbling and knew what they wanted to have addressed who was going to be the leader of the Freak nation.

"The leader of this freak nation will be appointed by someone who can workout who would have the best success rate. Kind of like Brain or Brian whatever you called him. Until then Mole, myself and Max are in charge is that okay with everyone?"

When no one said anything he took that to mean acceptance.

"Good. The X7's are to grade the perimeter; Dix will make sure all the monitors are working. I need everyone to see how much food, water, clothes, soap, and med supplies we have. We need to start rations people and we need to know what we need to get on the next run. Mole check the ammo. Make sure we have enough. If anyone needs me I'll be at the infirmary getting my shoulder looked at."

Original Cindy looked at the retreating form of Alec and turned to Max and said,

"Damn that boy can take control."

"What did you expect? X5 494 was only Manticor's best soldier, and CO."

Said an X5 male he had dark blond hair and blue eyes, with a strong jaw and full lips, at six foot four and his slightly long hair and stubbly jaw line gave him a ruggedly hansom look.

"He was Manticor's best?"

Max asked dumbfounded she remembered Zack he had always been so serious as CO, but Alec was always on the look for a good joke and the easy way out, she had lost count of all the times she had to save him from the things he had done, how could he have been the best.

"Oh…that's right you call him the screw up you wouldn't know."

He smirked at her stuffing his hands in his pockets, with a smirk and a raised eye-brow said,

"Well if you excuse me but I have a unit to find and lead."

With a mock salute the transgenic walked away.

"Guys did you see Alec."

Asked an excited Sketchy.

"Talk about superhero moment I mean the guy has been my idol since I meet him but that was just so cool, no one even dared say no."

Max just nodded her head absently and walked away looking for Logan. As she was making her way to him. He was working with Dix helping to get the computers up and running, as she was walking towards himshe felt someone grab hold of her arm.

She turned around to came face to face with Cece the leggy blond was glaring at her with pure hatred,

"You better not be going after the ordinary in case you have forgotten your boyfriend went to the infirmary. And I think if you should be holding anyone's hand it should be his."

'Shit now that come back to bit me.'

"Chill out Cece it wasn't what it looked like."

"Funny to me it looked like you were holding someone else's hand when your boyfriend was wounded and instead of making sure he was okay you were looking dreamily into a damn ordinary's eyes. I never liked you Max, you were a God damn 09'er but Alec asked me to give you a chance and I did and the first thing you did was stab him in the back. If you ask me it's not a very smart thing to do seeing as he's the only thing standing between you and everybody else."

"Whatever you're trying to say Cece spit it out I don't have all day to listen to you whine."

Max was furious at the X5 she pulled her arm out of the other woman's hand.

"What I'm trying to say and I think I'm saying well that the only thing standing between you and the firing squad is Alec and you treat him like shit. Do it enough times and he might stop stepping in and will actually let them do what they want to do…"

Cece finished with a raised eyebrow leaving her sentence unfinished.

"Is that supposed to scare me or are you just channeling your inner bitch."

"Lay off the sarcasm and go check on Alec…I'm telling you this as a friend Max. A lot of the transgenics don't like you, and wouldn't think twice about turning you into food for the anomalies. You don't have a unit you and Sly are the only 09'er here. Go to Alec get him to get you into his. Max he's the CO they won't talk back to him."

"It's funny that your watching back after you called me a two-timing hoe."

"I never said anything like that if I had you'd know…I'm telling you to watch your back Max, people saw you holding hands with Logan…they don't like him he's an ordinary you're an 09'er you don't need people hating you because you have feelings for someonewho isn't Alec. Don't make your problems bigger than they already are...I have a unit to lead."

Cece turned her back on Max and stormed off in another direction.

O.C had been watching the interaction between the two when she saw the leggy blond stalk off she quickly made her way to her best friend.

"Hey boo what's up? Shorty seemed really pissed."

"Yeah well it seems Manticore's perfect soldiers are bitches."

O.C. just raised her eyebrow at Max.

"Don't look at me like that O.C. I don't know what stick is up her ass."

"Listen Max you're my friend, my boo, you know I love you. But I also know when you're lyin' so fess up what's got Cece, remember I know her too, and we're tight so what's up?"

"It seems she saw me holding hands with Logan and all of Terminal City may believe that I'm seeing Alec."

"Damn Max you would you go and do that? What about the virus?"

"He was wearing latex gloves."

"Now the other thing about you and baby boo? Why'd she think that you and he would be hot and heavy?"

Max was saved from answering by Sketchy coming up to them.

"Hay Max can you show which way to the infirmary I'd like to see how Alec is doing."

"Yeah sure follow me."

When they got to the infirmary they found that dozens upon dozens of transgenics were standing outside.

Max elbowed her way in to find that it was just as bad inside, here she was able to see that the focus of all the transgenics was on one of the surgical tables in the middle of the room.

Once again Max used force to get further in, what she did not expect to find was that the object of attention was Alec. Who was sitting down on the table without his shirt, as one of the medic's stitched him up.

"Hay Maxi what's up?"

"Just wanted to see how you're doing."

"He's okay ... the wound wouldn't be so messy if he hadn't taken a beating afterwards. Again how did you mange to dislocate and relocate your shoulder after being shot."

Replied the medic stitching him up.

"What can I say I have a way with women."

"Please a way with women…if this is your way I'll stick to my own thank you very much."

"Why such a baby Doc. Sometimes a good rough and tumble is what a person needs to get the blood pumping. Isn't that right Maxie."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the first time I spoke to you pokie. You kicking me into your cell door."

Max noticed that Alec had a decided grin on his face; she blushed lightly remembering their first meeting ever well.

"Yeah well I had no intention in helping Manticore with their breeding program."

"Wait a minute you two never did anything?"

The medic asked, he pulled extra hard on the string that he was using casing Alec to flinch.

"Hey ease up their my shoulder has gone through enough abuse without adding you to it. Max I've got a booboo kiss it a make it better."

"Shut up."

Max said without irritation.

"Alec man I asked you a question."

The medic said in an irritated voice.

"I heard you and I'm not answering whatever happened then is between me and Max not all of T.C. and I'd like to know why all of you are here?"

All at once the quite infirmary was engulfed in noise.

"One at a time."

"The unites are reporting to you are requested sir."

One of the younger transgenics answered.

Alec whipped a hand over his face.

"Okay well I can't do anything about it right now, go to Dix and have him put everyone on a database, I want numbers of everyone in T.C. the people who don't have unit are to do the same and then we'll work it all out. Okay kid."

"Yes sir."

"Hay kid you're the CO right."

"Yes sir."

"What's your name?"

"Tai sir."

"Okay Tai I need you to do me a favor see if you can find the rest of unit 5-24 to report to me, and Tai it's Alec got it."

"Got it si…Alec."

And again Max was left shocked to see how much control Alec had over his fellow transgenics. When the transgenics started leaving the infirmary it only left Alec with the medic taking care of his arm, Max, O.C. and Sketchy.

"Hay Doc. Do me a favor and make sure Max is okay we both had our asses hand to us by that Familiar bitch."

The medic finished taping Alec's shoulder.

"Hop on the table Max. And lay down."

"No it's cool I'm fine."

"You sure Maxi I spent ten more years then you did in Manitcore I've got ten years on you training and pain endurance training and the like, and the bitch managed to do a major number on me, as in I was the fiddle and she was the accomplished musician."

"I fine Alec really I am."

"Fine have it your away."

The rest of the bickering between the two was put to an end by a timid,

"Excuse me."

Alec and Max turned to the person behind the interruption and saw a twenty or so years old girl with non descript brown hair, average height, and average features.

"You're from the tactics team aren't you?"

Alec asked the young girl.

"Yes that would me; my name is Statis I came here to tell you who would be the best leader for Terminal city."

To be continued…….