Yes, I didn't get this chapter up as soon as I would have liked. I haven't been able to find time for this until now, but hey. This chapter is Chapter 18, which is twice as many chapters as the original. Also, this is The Final Chapter, so read on to see the end!

"Grandfather never thought you'd end up here," Maria said, "but you are at the halfway point between life and death."

"Life and death…" Shadow muttered. "But I thought that we were immortal. How could we possibly die, especially from one Chaos Blast?"

"It wasn't the Chaos Blast that killed you," Maria explained, "but the energies it caused when the Master Emerald's energy was used to negate it. The combination of the two had enough force to destroy any life force, immortal or not. But, since you three are not supposed to die, you shall be given the choice to either continue living, or accept your death."

"That's all?" Gemini asked. "We just pick one, scot free. There's a catch, isn't there?" Maria slowly nodded.

"If you choose to die, you shall come with me to the afterlife, but you shall never be able to see the world of the living again, unless someone tries a resurrection, which is a rare attempt. But, if you choose to live, you will go back to being immortal. Thing is, choosing life means that you can never go to the afterlife. If you die one more time, then you'll be stuck at the halfway point forever." Shadow and Gemini were both silent.

"What about me?" Ciel asked. "I mean, I already died once, so how come I get to choose again?"

"You weren't all the way immortal when you died the first time," Maria explained. "Since you were this time, you actually get a choice." Ciel fell quiet.

Shadow's gaze fell upon Maria. This was the chance he had wanted so long. All he had to do was say he would die, and he could be back with Maria again. Forever. There would be no way they could be separated again. Wasn't that what he had wished for ever since he regained his memory of her?

Then again, she had told Shadow that he was needed on Mobius, wasn't she? The Ultimate Lifeform was originally created to bring peace to the planet, and that wouldn't work too well if the Ultimate Lifeform was dead, now would it?

"And besides," said a voice in Shadow's head, "who's going to keep an eye on the faker? Who's going to stop Eggman when no one else will? And how can you love Rouge if you're dead?"

It was a hard decision. A million thoughts seemed to be swimming around his head, each presenting a reason why he should or should not die. The black hedgehog closed his eyes, hoping that maybe that would block out the thoughts. Then, he heard a voice, sounding far away. In fact, it sounded like…Rouge?

"Shadow, wake up. Please Shadow, can't you hear me? You're the Ultimate Lifeform, you can't be dead. Shadow..."

She sounded so sad, so desperate. Shadow had never heard Rouge talk like that. If him dying would cause her so much misery…

"I think I decided," Shadow declared. Gemini, Ciel, and Maria all turned to him.

"Well then?" Maria asked. "What is your choice?"

"I want to go back," Shadow answered. "I'm sorry Maria, but I am still needed there. You understand, right?"

"I knew you would do it," Maria replied. "Ciel, Gemini, what about you?"

"I've already died once," Ciel muttered. "I think I'd rather be on Mobius with Shadow." Now, everyone turned to Gemini.

"Heck, I guess I'll go back too. Someone has to keep an eye on Shadow," Gemini admitted, shrugging. Shadow turned his gaze back to Maria.

"I guess that this is the last time we'll see each other," Shadow said. Maria bent down, hugging the red-streaked hedgehog.

"Don't worry Shadow," she replied, "as long as you remember me, I'll be with you. Besides, I don't think this is the last time we'll meet. I'll see you again, promise."

"Promise," Shadow repeated, his eyes closed. He slowly felt everything around him disappear, until all he felt was a cold floor, and a voice calling his name.

"Shadow?" Rouge asked. The black hedgehog in front of her opened his eyes. He saw tear streaks on the bats face, but he smiled.

"That's me," he replied. "Did I worry you?" The only reply he got was a hug from the treasure hunter, which he gladly returned.

"Don't scare me like that again," Rouge ordered. "I was afraid you finally died this time." Shadow softly laughed.

"Me? Die? I wouldn't die without saying goodbye to you first," He replied. "We shouldn't be wasting time here, let's get out of this base."

Rouge eventually got Shadow and his brothers out of the base, with help from Tikal. Neither of the hedgehogs mentioned what had happened to them, but everyone was happy to see them back. Well, almost everyone.

"No! Now I have even more annoying hedgehogs to deal with!" Eggman yelled once he saw them. "Can't you stay dead?"

"I don't think that's an option," Shadow replied. "You'll just have to find some other way to get rid of us."

It took some getting used to, but everyone eventually accepted Gemini and Ciel. Of course, they all ended up having to apologize for what had taken place at the GUN base (including Shadow, much to his annoyance), but it all worked out. Shadow ended up moving in with his brothers, and, much to his pleasure, got a "career" as Rouge's apprentice thief (what better way to stay close to a thief?)

One night, the event at the base was finally brought up again by Gemini.

"So, Maria is dead after all." The three brothers were in the living room of their apartment.

"How did you figure that out?" Shadow asked. "I don't remember telling you."

"Well, when Ciel and I thought about it, there was no other way for her to show up at the halfway point, now was there?"

"I suppose not," Shadow admitted. "I keep telling myself I'll get over it, but it's hard sometimes."

"Well, at least you have us," Ciel pointed out. "There's no way Gemini and I could ever leave you, whether we like it or not."

"I guess you're right about that," Shadow said. "Maybe someday, I'll tell you guys what happened."

"Don't worry about that," Gemini exclaimed, "because we have all the time in the world for that." Shadow cracked a smile at this, for it was true. Forever would be a long time…but at least he'd have someone to pass it with.

Owari! There, a much better ending than the first one. I hope that all of you enjoyed the story! Now, I'm going to stick to Crimson Stripes for a while. Please, tell me what you thought of this story, and maybe even what you'd like to see next time.

Anyway, Ciel the Hedgehog is out. See you later everyone!