Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. I do own the plot and the original characters of this story.



Raising a child was not something easy. The first months were hell. The communication was horrible yet somehow in a miracle way Haruka and Michiru were able to talk with little Terto. He grew fond of both women rather quickly.

He was a handful. Maybe back were he lived it was custumed to shower once a month… A month back there were… well…a lot of time on the Milky Way. Haruka thought that Michiru could handle gibing baths to Terto but she was wrong. She had to hold the boy down while Michiru set the bath. Somehow, he associated Michiru going in and out of the shower with "Bath time for Terto" so therefore he ran off and hid off in Aine's office or in some closet.

Haruka was his playmate, his P.E. teacher and with her around he sure knew how to be a charming character with class yet with some flirtatious attitude. She taught him everything about being a ruler. He was going to be king of two planets. He needed to know his way around politics and economics. Michiru thought him how to be suave with his words. She also taught him how to play the violin while Haruka taught him about the piano.

One of the things that Haruka grew to love was sparring with her son. At first his hands were so small he couldn't even hold the sword right. He thought this was a joke but after some early morning starting at 5 am and some vigorous exercise, he knew his "Ruka-papa" meant business when she opened his chamber and said "Terto its time for your fencing lessons."

Michiru tried her best to teach him the arts of painting but the boy was more into abstract than realistic portraits. Still she applauded him every time he finished a painting.

In an old custumed celebration, when Terto became 18 he was given the power of both planets; the power of the wind granted by Haruka and the power of the Sea granted by Michiru. Since he was not blood related to any of the two women he had to be given these powers by a ritual. There is known for many kings to have illegitimate children. By being illegitimate they couldn't have the right to have these powers but if the father or mother wanted to he or she could give their powers to his child. Basically now Terto was one of the most powerful people in The Milky Way.

They were so concentrated in raising this child that both women didn't notice two decades had already passed them by. Two decades full of love and nurture and trust. Now both women were in their early forties but looked like they were in their mid thirties.

The smell of the sea was intoxicating. Haruka stood in the bedroom balcony of the Neptune castle watching the beach outside. She watched the waves come and go silently. What calm day it was. She looked down at herself for a moment and moved her lean hands over a wrinkle in her jacket. She was waiting for her wife to come out of the bathroom so she could join her for lunch.

"I'm ready." Michiru's voice came from the bathroom door. Haruka slowly turned around and looked at her. Twenty years and she just can't stop being amazed by her wife's beauty. "Well? Have you seen Terto today?"

Haruka shook her head. Strands of lighter blonde hair came to rest upon her forehead. Living six months in the beach for every twenty years can take its toll on your skin and hair. Haruka had more of a natural glow to her skin while her hair took a lighter tone. While Michiru stay exactly the same. Then again she was born to live in a place full of sea and beaches. "He did say he was going to join us for lunch though…" Haruka whispered as she stared at her wife. "You look stunning."

"I just put on something old I found in the closet that's all. I'm glad you like it." Michiru said walking over to her. "Let me fix this for you." Michiru moved her hands over Haruka's collar and fixed the back of it. She moved closer to the middle-aged blonde and chuckled for a moment.

"What's so funny?"

"You still get nervous when I get too close to you…" Michiru smiled at that and placed her hands on Haruka's broad shoulders. "Look at you…. Are you blushing?"

"No…" Haruka looked at her wife for a moment before wrapping her arms around her still slim waist. "Why should I be blushing hmm?" She asked resting her forehead on Michiru's.

Michiru stared at her eyes for a moment before running her fingers through her hair. The blonde still quivered when she did that but Michiru suddenly stopped her caresses. "Oh! What is this?" Michiru's finger started to move play with Haruka's hair going through it like a small monkey.

"Michiru, what are you doing?" Haruka asked trying to move away from the smaller woman.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Dandruff? It's only normal I have that I've been in the beach a long time."

"No, no, no… Ah hah! A gray hair! You old hag!" Michiru started to laugh as she pulled the hair out making Haruka yelp and scratch her head. "Look, look"

Haruka frowned and grabbed the hair from Michiru's hand and took a look at it. "Michiru, I'm blonde this is a blonde hair turned white thanks being here every six months for the past twenty years!" Haruka lied. Indeed it was a gray hair but of course she wouldn't say that her wife was right about this.

"Uh huh… Sure whatever you say dear." Michiru whispered and moved to kiss her tall wife sweetly. Now it was Haruka's turn to chuckle.


"It's funny…" She whispered against Michiru's lips.

"What is?"

"Michiru… It has been twenty years… and I still feel as if I'm still in my honeymoon with you…" Haruka said giving Michiru a soft peck on the lips.

"You are not the only one…I love you Haruka… and I've enjoy watching you physically change."

"Neh… what do you mean… I haven't changed that much."

"Sure." Michiru giggled when she noticed Haruka frown at what she said.

"You've changed to you know…" Haruka said as she patted her hips. "If I may say… you've gotten a few pounds up in here…" She said and earned a bite from her wife on her shoulder. "Fine! Fine you seem to be hungry… Let's go get something to eat, okay?" Saying this, Haruka grabbed hold of her wife's hand and walked out of the room and over to the dinning room of the Sea castle.

They had settle down on the dinning table as costumed. The maids came in and settle on the table various plates of different food, bowed down and then they left silently. Both queens ate quietly before one of the castle's guards peeked his head inside the dinning room. "The prince is here…"

The sound of metals touching each other and heavy boots making contact with the tiled floors of the castle, echoed through out the entire hall as Terto made his way into the seashell like castle. In one hand he held the space sword tightly to his waist. The words of his blonde mother were one of the reasons he did so He laughed. He was merely fifteen when he held for the first time the space sword… and that same day he lost it. Haruka had yelled at him for loosing it saying " You loose the sword again and you loose the capacity of making your own babies if you know what I mean" Luckily good old Aine found it under her desk. Where he used to hide from their strict mothers. If his two mothers were way to stubborn to bend his way he sure could go to Aine. He always saw her like a grandmother that spoiled him.

Now Aine was entering her sixties. Which was a terror for the older woman but of course she always lied about her age and said she was near her fifty. She no longer worked for Haruka but she sure lived in the castle still. She was living the good life while teaching another person all there is to know to manage Uranus economy.

Terto moved a wild stand of curly brown hair away from his tanned face and peeked his head inside the dinning room checking if her mothers where inside. "Oh! I see how it is! You started off without me. How loyal of you." Terto said in a sarcastic tone. He let out a booming laughter when he noticed Haruka's intimidating stare. Of course he was already sued to that so he ignored it. "How is everything doing?"

Michiru wiped her lips with a napkin and stood up quickly. She walked over to the tall young man and wrapped her arms around his shoulders giving him a warm hug. Terto had to bend forward a bit so his mother could reach his shoulders. He had grown to be much taller than Haruka, which was something that amazed people. Haruka was always looked upon like one of the tallest person in both planets. Now her son had passed that by standing six foot four inches tall…

"Sit down and eat something you must be hungry." Michiru said taking his huge hand in her small ones and pulling him to sit beside her in the dinning table. Quickly, two maids came from the kitchen and plates several plates of food. Terto just smiled at them and bowed his head to them.

"How was your day?" Haruka said as she took a sip from her wine. She sure wasn't as affectionate with her son as her wife was but every time she saw him she felt that her chest was about to explode. She was so proud of him that sometimes she wondered if it was possible for her to raise this boy. Haruka shook her head. He wasn't a boy anymore he was a full-grown man and it was impossible for her to raise him. Not without her wife's help.

"Everything went well, Ruka-papa. I was in Uranus having a small talk with Aine. I had some doubts about how to contact some vendors in Saturn but she quickly told me how it was done and… well the wine importation is going as fluid as ever. Now I'm going to check out how is Neptune's seaweed productivity and start selling with planet Earth or Mars."

"Well done, Terto." Haruka said smiling at him.

"Thank you…" Terto said before falling quiet and eating his meal.

Haruka noticed this. She gave her wife some looks. Michiru just shrugged. "Terto." Haruka called out to him.

The young man sat up and wiped his mouth with a cloth before answering. "Hai?"

"You are depressed. Care to say why?"

Michiru smiled at her son and squeezed his hand nodding at him.

"Look. I know this will sound kind of needy I really don't know how you guys will take it but…" He sighed loudly and rubbed his temples. "I'm twenty-five years old. Never had a formal girlfriend. Yes I've had my… things around just like you used to have Ru…" Haruka was signaling to Terto to shut up. "Umm…"

"I know Haruka used to be a little whore before she met me. Go on." Michiru said with a very serious tone.

"Well… don't you guys think is about time I got married? I don't know. Throw a ball party…"

"NO!" Both women yelled at the same time

"What? Wait what?" He frowned looking at Michiru who was hyperventilating and Haruka appeared that she was on the edge of having a heart attack. "I only want a ball I won't go blind. I'm twenty five not twenty one." He said knowing exactly why his mothers reacted the way they did. "Beside I already have someone in mind… So…"

"So… you want to get married… Marry the Queen of Saturn. She is young." Haruka said referring to Hotaru.

This caused Michiru's eye to open widely. "Hotaru? She was fifteen when you were twenty-one. She must be at least ten years older than Terto."

"Older women are better."

"Uh huh that is why you got married to a younger woman right hun?"

"Hush." Haruka said winking at Michiru.

"Guys. I'm here. And No… no older women…

Haruka and Michiru looked at Terto for a moment. "Then who?"

Terto let out a nervous chuckle. Her rubbed his neck and increased the volume of his laughter. "Oh well, you see, you remember out trips to Earth. It's funny. You see I…" He stopped and grabbed a glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

Haruka leaned over the table and stared at her son. "Spit it out, Terto. Don't tell me you like Usagi. She is married."

He shook his head.

"Mamoru? He is married also, hunny." Michiru squeezed his hand.

"Neh! I don't like men!"

"Then who?" Haruka and Michiru asked in unison.

"Chibi-Usa and I wish to get married but we are waiting for your blessings and her parents!"

Both Haruka and Michiru froze.

"I'm sorry we've continued to see each other every time we went to Earth. When you guys were out on your constant honeymoons I kind of went over there to be with her behind her parent's back… and…"

"Good election. I'm sure she will make you the happiest man alive." Haruka said and smiled proudly. "Now we are going to have more excuses to visit Earth!"

"I'm sure you are breaking a lot of girl's heart by doing this but, if she is the one you want, then you got our blessings.

"If this keeps up the whole Milky Way will have one king and a queen. First was the moon and Earth, and then it was Neptune and Uranus. Now a combination of all those four planets." Haruka said drinking from her glass.

"Darling, I find that fascinating I am more than happy I'm about to burst with joy."

"For a united Galaxy" Haruka smiled and raised her glass.

"For our little Terto loosing his virginity. Even if he lost it years ago!" Michiru giggled yet she earned a growl from her son.

"For… true love that goes beyond time and planets…and galaxies…" Terto said raising his glass and softly tapping it with his mothers. "Cheers…"


Their dinner went on as it always does. A soft laugh here and there and a little conversation between mothers and son until Haruka chocked on her food and asked out loud. "Boy… Did you and …Chibi Usa…"

"Why do you think we want to get married… there is a little Terto on the way."


Michiru giggled wildly and then stared at Haruka. " Like mother like son."
