Okay, I'm going to suck it up and finish the story.

In this chapter, there is DEATH and during the death scenes it's going to be POV's okay? Okay

It never seems to stop; no matter what they do they couldn't make it end. HIM couldn't touch them but that didn't mean he couldn't control them. He was watching them, waiting for them to be alone, just the three of them, and then he'd make them rape each other. Just like he use to.

It was always the same way too, no matter what, Boomer getting it from Butch and Butch getting it from Brick, sometimes Brick would be getting it from Butch but always Boomer on the bottom, never the top.

During these times it seemed like the Boys would black out and wouldn't realize what they were doing till they woke up. They would always cry and apologize for doing it. They never told Mojo, they couldn't, they thought he would hate them and kick them out of his house for "practicing" insect.

They tried to keep it hidden by acting like nothing was wrong but deep down they just wanted to scream. Sometimes, they would go days without even looking or talking to each other, this worried Mojo.

As for the PowerPuff Girls, they had no idea what to think, they never saw the boys anymore. Mainly because the Boys would avoid them to keep Buttercup from reading they're minds and finding out what HIM did and making them do.

Months passed and HIM was still making them do it. They couldn't take it anymore; they couldn't stand hurting each other.

Brick POV

Why does this keeping happing? Why is he doing this to us? We were loyal to him, he only left because of what he was doing. No more, I can't hurt my brothers anymore. I reach for the bottle of pain killers in the median cabinet; I'm not surprised Mojo has these.

I pour every last pill into my mouth and swallow, not good enough. I reach for every bottle I see and empty them just like the last.

Minutes pass, I'm starting to feel tired, I can't forces my eyes. I fall to the floor and start crawling out of the bathroom. I wonder where Butch and Boomer are? I hope they're safe.

It's getting dark, I can't see. I can hear talking in the next room, it sounds like Butch.

My brother…

Butch POV

The blade is sharp tonight as I drag it along my arm, going deeper and deeper till blood spills out. I wish I could go deeper.

I've been cutting myself for months, but tonight is different, tonight, I won't stop. My brothers will understand why I'm doing this and they won't hate me for doing it. Mojo will be mad though. Won't matter, I'll never see any of them again, I wont hurt Brick or Boomer anymore. Mostly Boomer.

All the pain and tears, no more, I can't live like this. And if anyone brings me back I'll just kill myself again.

This is taking to long, why is it taking so long? There has to be a way to make it go faster. I want all the suffering to end. I know, my throat….if I slice my throat then I'll die right away.

The blades to my throat, one quick slash and it'll be over. I do it, it hurts so much, and blood is every where. This is it…

Boomer POV

I walk through the Observatory, it's quite. I wonder where my brothers are. Mojo's out, I don't where though. I never get told anything. Why's it so quite? Brick and Butch are usually still awake. It's only seven.

I have to pee, I walk into the bathroom and right by my feet, I see Brick. He's lying on the ground, his eyes are wide open but he's not moving. I call his name and he doesn't move. I kneel down by him, I watch his chest, and it's not moving. Brick's dead, I let out a cry and run out of the bathroom.

I run to Butch's room, its dark. I turn the light on and just like Brick, Butch is on the ground. He's covered in blood his arms are covered in slashes and are bleeding. His hands are on his throat and blood is covering them.

I move his hands and see the gash on his neck, it's so big. I cover my mouth the stop myself from screaming. I look to my right and see the blade, also coated in blood.

I can't believe my brother's killed themselves. Was it because of everything that was going on? I don't know what I do know is that my brothers are dead and I'm going to be following them.

I drag there dead bodies to the middle of the Observatory and lay them beside each other. I closed Brick eyes and cleaned Butch up. I pull the gun I got from Mojo's storage room out of my pocket. I stand next to Butch and place the nozzle of gun into my mouth.

I feel the tears falling. I'm coming brothers. I pull the trigger.

Mojo walked into his home. "Boys! I'm Home!" he yelled out. He stopped himself from saying anything else; he could smell the scent of blood. Where was it coming from? He turned the lights on what he saw made his stomach turn.

In the middle of the floor were the dead bodies of the once RowdyRuff Boys. Mojo ran over to them and scooped all three of them up into his arms. He knew why this happened and he knew they did it themselves. Mojo began to cry.

He had his sons, then he lost them to The PowerPuff Girls, they came back but they belonged to HIM, but they came back to him, and now…they were gone again. Mojo had lost his sons a third time and it made him sick inside.

He wasn't going to bring them back; he was going to let them finally have peace.

Hours later Mojo had finally finished burying the boys behind the Observatory. He made little tomb stones for them. He stood in front of their graves for a few more minutes before returning to his once again empty home.

The PowerPuff Girls came out from hiding. "What was he doing?" Bubbles asked, getting closer to the graves, she stopped when she saw the stones. Buttercups jaw dropped and Blossom read the stones.

"Here lies Boomer, Brick, and Butch

The sons I had and loved and will forever love

They were taking from me for the third time

Only this time, they took their own lives"

When Blossom finished reading all three girls couldn't help but cry. "Those jerks" Buttercup said, still trying to act tough. Blossom hugged her sisters, and with a finally good bye, the girls flew home.

From a window Mojo watched the girls fly away. He was crying.

Years to come the boys would be brought back to life by a Dr. John Brisbaine and once again the boys are force to fight and remember memories that were best left in the grave. But they never tell the doctor and he does not know but at night he hears their pain.

The good news is that boys are no longing rapping each other, and they're thankful for that.

Even though all this is going on, the boys do the jobs that Dr. Brisbaine tells them to do and they pretend the want revenge on the PowerPuff Girls still, in reality they want it on HIM. Someday, the day will come when they can give HIM a taste of his own medicine and when they can see the one person that never hurt them and loved them.

Mojo Jojo


Okay, last chapter of the story, I hope you'll are happy. (Even though none of you seemed upset about the whole hiatus thing sniffle) so I hope you enjoyed this story. As for my next stories…I have NO idea. PEACE