Thank you all for your awesome reviews!!! Í'm glad that tate lovers loved it Anyways, Here is the next chapter..

While Tony was making his way away from the table to the head, out of earshot "I'm curious!" said a drunken Kate who was eyeing Abby and Gibbs suspiciously. "About the gift." She took another sip and continued. "What was it?"

Grinning widely Abby took a sip of her own drink and said "oh! That's a secret!" closing the gap between her and Kate whispering in her ears although with enough volume for Gibbs and McGee to hear "If we tell ya, we'd have ta kill ya!" she said giggling.

Kate visibly pouted, because it was not the answer she was looking for. "Aren't you even curious McGee?" she asked facing him.

"Umm, I .. I am…No, actually I'm not." He said stammering the words making Kate raise her eyebrow and sighing taking another sip of her drink finishing it. McGee wasn't really curious at all in fact he didn't even want to know coz as usual Abby's so called 'gifts' are unpredictably surprising and shocking.

"Okaaay." Said McGee when he saw that the pub was nearly empty. "I think I'll drive you home since you are too drunk Abby." Leaning his hand in order for Abby to grab on while standing. Swaying a bit while getting up she leaned more into McGee for fun. "Oops." She said but didn't make any effort to gap making McGee's face bring up another shade of red. "You're cute when you blush my geek." She said ruffling his hair, which made him blush more.

"What's taking Tony long?" said Kate playing with her drink now.

"Maybe he got lost!" stated Abby still ruffling McGee's hair.

Sighing Gibbs stood up saying "I'll go see what's taking him long."

"Well," said Kate standing up too swaying a bit, "Then I guess I'm gonna call it a night!"

Gibbs eyed her for a moment, "You are not going to drive home in this condition, you had a lot of drinks, do you wanna ride with me and DiNozzo or Abby and McGee?" he asked her.

"The way you drive Gibbbbbs, I'd have to pass on you." Said Kate "No offence."

"None taken." Said Gibbs. 'What's wrong with my driving!' he mutterend under his breath while making his way to the men's room leaving McGee incharge of dropping the girls, since McGee like him only had a couple of drinks that made them at less risk driving.

Making his way to the men's room, Gibbs was having a bad feeling. His gut was telling him something and he didn't like it. Increasing his steps, he entered the men's room. It was quiet; obviously no one was there. But that can't be! He didn't run into Tony on his way here! Where was he?

"DiNozzo!" yelled Gibbs while checking every single stall. "DiNozzzo!!"

"Damn it!" no response. 'Don't panic' he told himself. 'I shouldn't have left him alone!' he started to say to himself.

His job skills kicked in immediately and Gibbs started to search the place for clues everything and anything that he could find. He went to search through the corridor and asked anyone in view. There weren't much people around though, only the pub-keeper and … the babe 'Clair' Tony danced with earlier.

The pub-keeper said that he didn't see anything but Clair said that she saw him leave with a guy. "Obviously, Tony was passed out." She said while smoking, "He was cute though, say, you are cute too old man." She started to flirt with him. Gibbs only gave her a stare, which made her back away; "Whoa! No need to get all grumpy on me!"

Gibbs got the answer he was afraid of; Tony's father has Tony. This is so not good. While making his way to his car, he kicked a garbage bin so hard putting his rage out that scared some cats making them go wild and run away. Something caught his eye; he moved closer and kneeled down looking at it. A cloth. He took out a glove and smelled it. Chlorophorm. That would explain the reason why Clair said she saw Tony passed out. Sighing in frustration he bagged and tagged it to see if Abby could find out anything about it tomorrow.

The next day as Tony was waking up; for a split second he thought he was in his bed at his apartment; due to the soft bed underneath his skin and the expensive quality. But he was wrong, he wasn't at his apartment. Sitting on the bed immediately, which he regretted as soon as he felt the familiar headache due to the usual hangover. The events of last night came to him and he started to freak out.

He is in his room, the mansion he grew up with his parents before his mother died and before his father cut him out of the family.

Getting out of the bed, he made his way to the bathroom, after a few minute's he existed shaven, showered and fully freshen up… except for the bloody headache.

Tony made his way out of his room through the familiar corridors, with every step he took memories started to attack him as if his life is being played just in front of him so that he can watch. It seemed so real. He can feel the love.


"Are we gonna go to the park today mommy?" said a very excited junior Tony.

"Yes sweety." Replied his mother as Tony ran up to her giving her a big hug.

"And we'll see the e'fan!"

"Elephant." Corrected his father ruffling his son's hair. "And yea! We'll see the elephants." As Tony's mother and father we're using the stairs to go downstairs, Tony chose to slide down the long rail of the staircase.

"Anthony Tony DiNozzo!" said his mother with the tone that meant 'you are in trouble.'


"Yeah! U-uow, didn't I tell you not to do that!" said his mother getting annoyed. "It's dangerous!"

"Sowwy mommy." Said Tony staring at his shoe's.

"I won't do it again!" he said. Seeing that his mother isn't even close to believing him, he added, "I'm so'wwy."

End of flashback

Tony couldn't help but smile. And when he reached the top of the staircase he slid down the rail just like he used to as a kid. 'Boy, did it feel good to do that again.'

As much as he wanted to tour the mansion, he didn't do it. He straight went to his father's office. He and his father needed a talk.

Standing in front of his father's study office he took a deep breath and entered. He felt butterflies in his stomach, his heart pounding, and his blood rushing to his head. Tony didn't know why he felt this way. Did he really hate his father till the point he doesn't feel safe to be around with? It's a question, with no answer.

Erberto looked up at his son who entered his study office silently and made his way in standing in front of him. Erberto motioned Tony to sit down but he refused. They stared at each other without a word.

Tony felt uneasy having his father's eyes scan him up to down and what surprised him most was what his father said, "You slid down the stairs didn't you."

Tony didn't know what to do, laugh or deny. His father knew him more than he expected. Was it a good sign or not? He didn't know. Although he smiled sheepishly and said, "Me? No." having his father raising his eyes in disbelief, he sighed. "Maybe…yes."

His father shook his head in disapprove saying, "Old habits die hard."

There was silence for some time, but was broken by Tony asking the question "Why?"

"We need to talk."

"Why this way? Why chloroform me? Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't you even dare speak to me with this attitude!" said Erberto raising his voice and slamming his hand on his office table making Tony jump back.

"Fine, talk!" said Tony, not wanting his father to get angrier and get physical with him...Again.

"I need you to learn the business…"

"I don't want to, and I won't."

"I don't care if you don't want to cause you will."

Erberto opened a drawer and pulled out a file and kept it in front of his son in order for him to see. Tony hesitated but he reached for it and opened it. He was surprised, shocked, furious and speechless.

'It can't be!' Tony told himself over and over. In front of him were several photos of Gibbs, Ducky and McGee while they were at crime-scenes, Kate and her mother doing some shopping and some photos of Abby outside NCIS headquarters.

"You don't do what I say, they will get hurt." Erberto threatened.

"Why? Leave them out of this!"

"Can't do."


"No, but's." Erberto's tone was firm. "Sit down."

Tony took a seat, eyes never leaving the photos in front of him; remembering who he was dealing with. Sr DiNozzo who gets what he wants.

"I want you to make a call and quit your job at NCIS and tell them not to look deeper." Said Erberto eyeing his son. "Be quick, we are to leave in ten minutes." With that said he made his way out of the office but was stopped by a question from Tony, which was more like a whisper.


Erberto went to stand eye to eye in front of Tony, "I'm dying, I need someone I trust to run DiNozzo Enterprises."

"You trust me?" Tony asked eager to know the answer but never got one. "Then why did you even disown me? Why did you throw me out?"

Erberto looked into Tony's eyes and said; "Because I was young and foolish, it was a mistake, I know I'm not doing things right. But I'm trying."

"You're doing it all wrong. Why can't you understand?"

"Make the call, now." Said Erberto changing the subject so that he need not answer Tony's question and left the room.

Tony was left alone having lot's of thoughs in his mind, and the killler headache is not helping. Sighing heavily, he picked up the phone and dialed a number he byhearted like his own name and waited for the other end to answer...

Yup! Tony is calling Gibbs, nice guess! lol.

Anywayz that's all folks for this chapter, I hope this chapter is okay P I guess the conflict of Erberto is obvious, he is trying to be good but his actions are bad, gee.. that sucks..Poor Tony, more will be coming in the next chapter, about Tony quitting ncis and how gibbs will try to get him back, and blah blah blah...hehehehe just wait for it. I think ill explain what's wrong with Tony's father in the next coming chapters,... I hope you show me reviews telling me if you like it or not? I hope nothing negative.