So, yeah, I'm back in the fanfiction saddle. Yay? This time, I'm writing a series of one-shots. No real plot, no real in-depth character analysis, no real connection to the show...just fight scenes. Yep. A big ol' collection of fight scenes between characters I'd like to see duke it out. Some will be light and silly, while others will be knock-down, drag-out matches. Hope ya'll enjoy reading the violence as much as I enjoy writing it!

Match #1: Sokka Vs. Ty Lee

Sometimes, you just want to see a pair of non-benders go at it. And no, the Ty Lokka ship has nothing to do with this, thankyouverymuch

Sokka stared down the Pink Girl. This really wasn't a good match for him. He'd much rather be fighting the Scary Dark Girl, since they were both skilled at throwing weapons. But as soon as Katara laid eyes on the Pink Girl, she practically dove for the creepy one. Sokka didn't blame Katara, though. Pink Girl scared Katara. He saw how frightened she got about losing her waterbending. To Katara, waterbending was everything—if she lost that, she was completely helpless.

Still, it didn't make his job any easier. Pink Girl was fast and flexible, and she knew a variety of pressure point techniques that could render him defenseless in just a few moves. Well, at least they were out in an open space. That gave him more room to duck and weave and her fewer things to bounce off of.

Sokka took out his club. His boomerang would be useless here. Everything from here on out would be close range, fast-paced fighting. He tensed.

Pink Girl was the first to move. She charged head on, full speed, but Sokka knew better than to believe she would attempt a direct attack. As he expected, she rolled and changed direction at the last second, hoping to catch him off guard, then leapt at him to make a quick jab with her two extended fingers. Sokka didn't even attempt to make a hard block, and instead made a sudden turn sideways to avoid the blow. He caught her wrist as her hand flew past where his neck had been seconds earlier.

Quickly, he tried to maneuver her into a position where he could twist her arm behind her back and pin her to the ground, but apparently she was born without joints, because she managed to weasel out of his hold and position herself for another poke-attack in a few seconds flat. The Pink Girl jabbed her free hand at his chest; luckily, he had been smart enough to keep his arm and club over the upper part of his torso, instinctively protecting vitals, and was able to block her blow with the flat of his club.

But she was fast—way too fast—and he didn't feel at all safe with her so close. Still gripping her wrist, Sokka used all his force and leverage to fling her away from himself.

The Pink Girl gave him a look of utmost annoyance when she recovered, and delicately rubbed her bruised wrist. "That hurt, you know," she whined, and assumed another limp-wristed stance. The way she held herself, with her fingers pointed down to the ground, gave her the appearance of a puppy begging, but Sokka knew better from experience. He prepared for another go.

Again, she initiated the fight. She bounded forward, all energy, then leapt high above him and flipped, preparing to come down in an aerial attack. Sokka quickly got out of the way before she landed, but almost as soon as she hit the ground the Pink Girl sprang again, relentless in her attempt to get into close range. Sokka continually had to retreat in order to stay out of reach of her whip like attacks.

So far he had been entirely defensive, and so Sokka tried to gain some offensive by swinging his club at her. A dumb move. As soon as the momentum of the club had him in a committed line of motion, the Pink Girl nimbly ducked and waited for and opening. As the swinging of the club moved his arms out of the way of his vitals, she made a deft poke to a soft spot on his lower abdomen. Sokka gasped in agony. Such a little poke shouldn't cause so much pain! He was about to bring his club back around again, but he saw her eyes were already trained on it, waiting. She was expecting him to make another wide swing aimed at the upper body. Well, she could guess again. Instead of following through with the swing, he suddenly shifted weight and position, slipping his foot behind hers. Sokka hooked it and tripped her. The look of surprise on the Pink Girl's face was almost comical—she definitely wasn't expecting any foot work from him!

He quickly leapt back to put some well needed space between him and her. This wasn't working. He was losing to her again, dammit! Sokka looked down at his club. That weapon was about as helpful as a broken leg—this battle and the ones before it had already proven that. What he needed was a defensive weapon, something small and fast that could be maneuvered quickly to defend against Pink Girl's blows. The club was large, heavy, and built for delivering brutal finishing moves—completely opposite of what he needed. Sokka sighed inwardly; both his weapons were completely ineffective for fighting this girl. As Pink Girl acrobatically leapt from where she lay into a fighting position, Sokka recalled his other weapon. He quickly glanced around. No one here but this nutty girl. If the others ever found out he had been keeping this weapon as a momento...he would never hear the end of their teasing. With a slight bit of self-consciousness, he sheathed his club and pulled out his third, secret weapon.

Ty Lee Stared at the Blue Boy with some great amount of curiosity. He looked...kinda embarrassed. She watched as he reached behind him to take something out. At last, she saw it...a little rectangular stick? She squinted. What was this guy doing? Well, no matter. She had better finish this soon. Her horoscope said she would be having an especially successful week, but no sense in tempting fate. Besides, Azula and Mai would be expecting her. And Azula was not one to be kept waiting.

Ty Lee charged yet again, this time ducking and flipping all over the place. She was sure these erratic movements would be enough to confuse the Blue Boy, but he kept his eyes locked on her and his stick close in front of him. Finally, when she thought he was least expecting it, she crouched like a cat and pounced, aiming straight for the neck. A good, quick jab to the side of the windpipe would be enough to knock him out. But suddenly—OW!—her fingers were blocked! Ty Lee gaped in surprise. That wasn't just a stick!

It was a golden fan.

Sokka noted with satisfaction the Pink Girl's shock. His usual fighting style was too blunt and direct to be used against someone as fast and flexible as her—but he was pretty sure the style he learned from Suki and the other warriors of Kyoshi would take care of Miss Pinky just fine. "You're a dancer?" the Pink Girl exclaimed. Sokka grit his teeth. Even if it was his best chance for success, it sure wasn't a very manly style of fighting.
While Ty Lee was still agape, Blue Boy snapped the fan shut and rapped it across her still extended hand. Hard. She squealed and instantly drew her hand back. Blue Boy wasted no time advancing and waving the re-extended fan in her face. With the fan coming within millimeters of her face, Ty Lee had to back off. But every time she retreated, he advanced, flapping that stupid thing in her face, rendering her unable to see or focus. Annoyed, she slapped it away angrily and shot a hand forward to attack a pressure point that would render his arm useless.

However, the Blue Boy was quicker now, and he jabbed the closed fan right at her shoulder joint, shoving her backwards and making and the pressure point she was aiming for out of reach. Ty Lee pulled her hand back a little and turned her wrist inwards, aiming for a pressure point on the elbow of his extended arm. It wouldn't immobilize him, but it would make using his joint considerably painful. Just as she was about to strike, he suddenly dropped his arm and brought it up sharply. The folded fan caught her right under the chin, the force of it causing her head to snap up sharply.

Ty Lee staggered back, stunned and very angry. That was not cool! She rubbed her chin and shouted, "If you've left a mark...!" She charged at him, hands flying, whipping out attacks with a vengeance. However, with this new fighting style, Blue Boy was agilely ducking out of the way and using his extended fan to deflect and block her strikes. It was like she was fighting a completely different person! She needed to immobilize him, but couldn't seem to do it with the defense the fan was providing.

She thought a moment, backing off. If she were to bring Blue Boy down, she would need to use her superior speed to hit him somewhere his fan couldn't reach in time. Ty Lee clapped her hands together. She got it!

Sokka warily watched her clap and smile. Whatever she was happy about, it couldn't be good for him. With great exuberance, she pounced and danced around him—trying once more to confuse and disorient him. Suddenly, she swivelled and made a lunge for his neck. He brought his fan up quickly to block her hand, but she dropped to the ground in an instant and jabbed him in certain parts of his knees and hips. Sokka fell to the ground as his legs turned to jelly. The Pink Girl leapt back and gleefully taunted, "You're pretty good with you're arms, but I bet you won't be going anywhere fast with your legs like that, huh?" And with a cheeky smile, she skipped off.

Sokka narrowed his eyes. Cheater! There was no way he was going to just sit there, limp legged, and be made a fool of. Sokka made an evil grin and waited for the Pink Girl to get a good distance away. Then he struck.

Aang and the rest of the gang charged into the clearing, having just escaped Azula and Mai. All they needed was to pick up Sokka and get the heck out of there. They found him in the middle of a clearing crawling towards them, his limp legs testimony to the work of Ty Lee's hands. At the edge of the clearing, they saw the acrobatic girl face down in the dirt, out cold.

"What happened to her?" Katara asked as Aang and Toph pulled him aboard Appa.

Sokka smiled wickedly. "As the old Southern Water Tribe proverb goes: Never turn your back on a man with a boomerang handy."

LOL, you know Sokka totally made that proverb up. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the fight!

Next Up: Iroh Vs. Jun