Disclaimer: It was proven true that koga is indeed hot. Oh and i don't own FMA. Or Pepsi or Sprite...Did you know that sprite os actually a product of the coco-cola comapany? Interesting huh?

Roy Mustang was sitting in his office 'doing' paperwork. To tell the truth, he was doodling pictures on it all. Roy sighed. He was thirsty. He opened up his desk and pressed a small green button labeled 'fun'. At once, Pandas in bikinis began to march out from a hole in roys desk and began to do the congo around a jacuzzi.

" Pandas! Bring me a soda!" Roy demanded. All the pandas ran back into Roys desk except for one which then took out two bottles of soda. Pepsi, and Sprite. Roy sighed. He was out of whisky.

Roy thought for a moment and then decided. " I'll take Pepsi." He said.

The panda ran up to him, gave him a pepsi and ran back under the desk. Roy opened the Pepsi and a Sssshiiissssss sound came out. Roy began to drink the pepsi.

He stopped drinking it, set it aside and began to do his paperwork again. He did his paperwork for about three minutes, and then returned to his faithful Pepsi.

Two minutes passed and once again, Roy returned to drink Pepsi.

Eventually, Roy Asked for another Pepsi from his wonderful pandas. Soon, there were five pepsi cans on his desk. And seven...And nine...Roy began to spin his chair and drink pepsi. He then got up and threw out the all the cans except for the one he was drinking out of right now.

Roy finished his Pepsi and began to look at his can in wonderment. He began to think about philosophy. He pciked up his phone and called the fuhrer.

" Fuher, please send Edward Elric down to my office at once." Roy said.

" Okay dokie Colonel Mustang! Oh, and by the way, I am NOT an evil homoculus." Pride replied.

Roy hung up. So did Pride. In about ten minutes, Edward elric was in Roys office.

" What do you want Colonel Bastard?" Ed asked.

" Well, shorty, I need to speak with you about this Pepsi can."

Ed lifted an eyebrow. " What? Have I been littering? Oh I'm soooo sorry! Boo-hoo! Cry cry!"

Roy looked angry. Ed looked short. Pepsi looked tasty. The chapter looked over.