
By Avalon Estel

Disclaimer: I am in love with Avatar, but no, I do not own it.

Katara had almost fallen asleep when her brother's voice invaded her dozing mind.

"I wonder if you can see me from up there," he said softly.

She sat up, about to ask what in the world he was talking about, be she saw that he was staring up at the sky. Stars dotted the deep, velvety darkness, and the moon was full, casting a pale glow all over the forest.

She didn't have to ask.

"I can always see you," Sokka continued, oblivious to her. There was a tender note in his voice that she had never heard before. He gave a quiet, bitter laugh. "Well, except when there's a new moon…" His head dropped forward. "I'm sorry. That was supposed to be funny." He grabbed his head in frustration. "Man, I'm such a loser."

Katara didn't know what to do. She didn't think he'd want her to know about this, but she didn't want to leave him to his sorrow.

He dropped his face into his hands. "I want to see you again, Yue," he whispered, his voice muffled. "I need to see you again. It's not fair of me to say that, I know. You did what you had to do. I can understand that. But it - " His voice faltered, and a dry sob tore from his throat.

Katara winced at the sound, tears pricking at her eyes. She wondered how many times he'd cried alone, how many nights he'd sat, awake. She'd had no idea – no idea – that he'd been feeling like this. She'd had no idea that he'd been suffering. He always laughed and joked and goofed off and acted clumsy…he never let on that his heart was broken.

"He does this every night," said a nearly-silent voice at Katara's ear. The waterbender jumped and only just managed to stifle a scream of terror. Toph sat beside her, pale, sightless eyes gazing at the place where Sokka sat, his shoulders shaking as he wept.

"But I - " he began again, his voice wavering. "I miss you so much. I want to be with you again. I want to hold your hand. I…I…" His voice dropped so low that Katara could barely hear him. "I love you."

Then, he drew his legs up against his chest, wrapped his arms around them, and buried his face in his knees.

Katara felt as if her chest was being squeezed. How could she not have seen this? What kind of a sister was she?

"Last night, he told her that he could never let you know about this. He's afraid you'll think he's crazy," Toph said, tugging Katara away from Sokka so that he would not hear them.

"I don't think he's crazy," Katara protested. "He's just sad. Really, really sad."

"Who was she?" asked Toph.

"A princess."

"You're joking, right?" Toph said, but her tone was that of a person who's only a little skeptical.

"Nope. She really was. The princess of the North Pole. She had part of the Moon spirit in her, and when the Fire Nation attacked the North, she had to sacrifice herself to restore the moon. She and Sokka were in love," Katara explained.

"So she's the moon?"


"Wow," Toph breathed. "It's like one of those stories they tell you when you're a little kid."

Katara nodded.

"So that's what he meant when he said, 'I couldn't save you'."

Katara nodded once more.

"Are you going to tell him that you saw him?" asked Toph. She almost sounded as if she didn't want Katara to.

"No," Katara replied, shaking her head. "Let him talk to her. It's not hurting anything."

"Do you think she can hear him?" asked Toph after what seemed a very long time.

"I think she can." She looked at her brother's bowed, weeping form. He looked so small in the moonlight, the way he'd looked when their father had made him stay at home to "guard the tribe". She didn't know how he was feeling, but she wished that she could change it. If talking to the moon would make him feel better, what right did she have to take that away? If he was crazy, so was everyone else in the world. There was nothing crazy about being in love.

I think she can, she thought. I think she can hear you, Sokka.