Before the Wedding Part 3

Summary: Yuna is getting ready for her marriage to Seymour but starts thinking about a certain somebody and regretting this marriage. TxY.


Chapter 3

The airship, smoking, soars above the cloud, high into the sky and then rapidly dives through them. The guardians hang on the deck. Bevelle is scene belo and the sounds of chiming bells are heard. Yuna and Seymour are seen walking up the aisle and a group of soldiers are around them protecting them. They continue to walk, Yuna holding and bouquet of red roses. The two preists either side of the Yuna and Seymour did the prayer gesture. Seymour and Yuna start to walk up the stairs. Pyreflies fill the sky. Maester Kinoc looks up at the sky and sees all of the pyreflies.

"What?" Kinoc says.

The airship reapidly descends throught the clouds and the pyreflies.

"Fire!" Kinoc orders. The guards relentless fire at te airship still giving out black smoke.

"Come!" Seymour says. Seymour grabs Yuna's hand.

Whats going on? Are those my guardians? If it is thank goodness, I need to send Seymour.

The airship stops moving and ejects two harpoons from it. They smash into to the groun away from Seymour and Yuna. The guards and some of Bevelle's machina start firing at the ship. Tidus, Auron, Kimahri, Wakka, and Rikku (No Lulu, I don't know why she just didn't appear in the FMV) slide down the harpoon. Tidus shows off and flips from one harpoon to the next with a grin on his face. Several guards have their rifles ready to protect Seymour and Yuna. They land at there destination and Tidus gives Seymour death stare ( even though he's already dead).

"Yuna!" Tidus shouts.

The group goes through about five battles against guards and machina and gets to Seymour and Yuna.

"This has gone far enough! Stop!" Kinoc orders.

Alot of rifles are raised by the guards surrounding them. Everyone keeps staring at each other. Yuna, holding her rod behind her dress, holds it out. Kinoc sticks a rifle in Tidus' face. Seymour looks at Yuna with his icy blue eyes.

"You would play at marriage just for a chance to send me? Your resolve is admirable. All the more fitting to be my lovely wife."

She starts sending him. A few pyreflies appear.

"Seymour, I ask of you one favour, let my guardians through!" Yuna demands.

"As you wish. But the ceremony will go on." Seymour says. (In had to get the guardians through somehow. Heh heh.)

The guardians rushed through the hordes ( I'm not sure haw you spell "hordes") of guards. Tidus went up to Yuna. Tidus put his mouth up to her ear.

"Can I talk to you?" Tidus asked. Yuna turned to Seymour.

"Seymour. I need a word. With Tidus. In private." Yuna says

Seymours voice had a hint of anger in it.

"As you wish. But make it quick!"

Tidus and Yuna scurried to the side of the building.

"So?" Yuna asked. Tidus enveloped Yuna's hands in his.

"Yuna... I-I have been wanting to say this for a long time."

"I needed to talk to you to."

"How about, we say it and the same time?"

"Okay." Yuna giggled slightly.

"Okay. On a count of 1, 2, 3. I love you." Yuna and Tidus said at the same time.

Tidus looked into Yuna's blue and green diamonds and Yuna gazed at his sea blue crystals.



Tidus' cheekls went red.

"Can I uh... kiss you?" Tidus asked. Yuna smiled.

"Yes. I'd rather have my first kiss be given to me by the one I love than Seymour."

Tidus and Yuna never really noticed that everybody was watching. Tidus leaned and Yuna closed her eyes. Their lips touched. Yuna deepened the kiss and put her arms around Tidus' neck and Tidus put a firm grip around Yuna's waist. Seymour's face soured.

"Go Yunie and Tidus! Wooo!" Rikku blurted out. Everyone excepted Yuna and Tidus since they were alittle distracted looked at Rikku. She just said "Oh, Sorry!". Rikku could help herself and rang up to the wedding bells and pulled the ropes. The bells chimed. Tidus and Yuna finally stopped and smiled at each other.

"No one has been married. The ceremony will continue!" Mika insists.

"Go Yuna." Tidus says. Yuna nods.

Tidus walks down the stairs. Seymour approaches Yuna. He grasps her shoulders, and moves in for the kiss. Rikku gasps, Lulu looks away and Wakka gasps. Mika nods. They kiss. Tidus is looking pissed. Wedding bells ring. Claps are heard. Yuna's hand turns into a fist. Tidus is a bit more pissed. The kiss stops. (FINALLY!) Yuna leans against Seymour.

"Kill them!" Seymour orders. Yuna looks up at Seymour.

"I am sorry, but it is for Yevon." Kinoc apologises

"Aren't those weapons forbidden by Yevon?" Auron asks

"There are exceptions."

Kinoc sticks the rifle in Auron's face

"No! Throw down your weapons! Let them go, or else..."

Yuna is away from Seymour, several steps from falling backwards over the edge and plummeting to her death. Seymour lowers his hand; the guards' rifles go down. Tidus runs up the stairs.

"Leave now! Please!" Yuna begs

"You're coming with us!" Tidus insists.

"Don't worry! Go!"

"This is foolish. If you fall, you'll die." Seymour says

Yuna wipes Seymour;s kiss from her lips. Seymour's jaw stiffens.

"Don't worry. I can fly. I love you.Believe."

Yuna smiles. She falls backwards.

"Yuna!" Tidus screams.


Well ny first ever fanfic iz finished. WooHoo! Hope you liked it even though this one is only 3 chapters long but still I hope you like it. Please review this chapter and Chapter 2 since I forgot to put a reminder. See ya!
