Chapter 1




Overuse of the 'random' factor, annoyingly hyper main character, no goddamn plot-just one goofy chapter after another. Basically it was me and my buds having fun with each other while writing stories together. There used to be a little gang of us on and we'd just write each other into our stories. It was a thing. It was rad. And it was like ten years ago.

Probably I'll finish this thing SOME day because I know lots of people my age back then really liked it, and some people in the same age bracket might like it now, and I know I'VE checked back on ancient fanfics I used to follow, HOPING that maybe there's some CONCLUSION to them, so who knows.

But yeah have fun kiddos! AND DON'T FUCKING FORGET!

IF YOU WANNA WRITE, FUCKING WRITE. DON'T EVER STOP WRITING. You will improve SO MUCH if you just keep going! Be it goofy annoying fanfics, or completely original stories in made-up worlds, or like...I dunno, write about how much you love your pet fish, fkjwlekjrwl just fucking write.

Skie, as she called herself because she didn't like her real name, marched down the sidewalk with one of her many bestest pals Chey (pronounced Shy). They were both complete weirdos, and they called themselves that too. They just loved to be strange, and they loved each other's sense of humor.

Skie was wearing a pair of long jeans with silver studs along the beltline, a simple plain gray sweatshirt, and a pair of black Airwalk shoes.

Chey was wearing a pair of black pants with plenty of belts hanging from the sides, and a black sweatshirt with flames on the front.
"I want candy." Skie suddenly piped up, "Do you want candy?"

"Of course I want candy," Chey shrugged, "Who doesn't?"

"Skie turned around on her heels and started walking left, towards Buck's Party Store. "You have any money?" Skie asked.


"Dang, I don't have any money either."

"Didn't you get like, 200 dollars for your birthday last year?"

"Yup. Put it in the bank to save up for a bird…but…"

"You spent it?"

"Yeah…" Skie grinned, "All on Bucks. That was an awesome summer." She almost started drooling at the memory of the mountain of candy/various sugar products she had purchased with that birthday money.

"Oh well, you wanna go stare at the candy?"

"Sure, sounds fun."

They stopped at the edge of the road, looking both ways. It was a small town they lived in, so there wasn't really a lot of traffic. The coast was clear, and they both started crossing the street.

Then, some drunk idiot who was going around 40 mph on a 15 mph road screeched around the corner, speeding right for them.

Chey had already run across the street, to prove that she could cross the street better than Skie could, and saw the car speeding for her. "SKIE! LOOK OUT!" she yelled.

The last thing Skie saw before everything went black, was the front of a red pick-up truck.

Luffy was wandering around the storerooms, looking for any meat he could find, because lunch was over and Sanji wouldn't make anything else until dinner. He heard a moan from behind a couple of crates and he peeked over. "Hey, wow!" he said, looking down.

There was a girl there; she looked only to be about 14 years old. She was unconscious, lying on the floor. "HEY, GUYS! COME HERE! I FOUND SOMEONE!" he yelled.

Skie felt something poke her shoulder. She groaned, her head pounding, her eyes snapped opened as she remembered the last thing she saw before being hit by a car. "TRUCK!" she yelled, jumping to her feet.

"AAH! She's alive!" said a voice. Skie looked at the boy sitting down, who was looking up at her with curiosity. He looks familiar… She thought. He had a straw hat on, red tank top, blue shorts, black hair, scar under his eye…

Wait a minute!

That's Luffy! Her mind screamed.

Being an obsessed One Piece fan, she couldn't believe she was looking at one of her favorite Manga characters ever.

"Are you alright?" another voice caught her attention; she looked to her other side to see four other people standing there. "Uh…yeah…I'm fine." She said to the orange-haired girl that was Nami.

There was Usopp, Nami, Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji. Right in front of her! She couldn't move, being frozen in a fangirl-like state. Sanji was even cuter than she thought he was. Same with Zoro. She was surprised he wasn't taking a nap right now, like he usually would be.

"How the heck did a stowaway get onto the ship? You let her on here didn't you stupid Love Cook." Zoro growled at Sanji.

"Shut up. I had no idea she was on here."

"Both of you shut up!" growled Nami.

"Sorry Nami-san!" said Sanji.

Skie, held back a large fit of laughter. 'Nami-san'. That was so funny.

"Alright, how'd you get on the ship?" questioned Usopp. "And no lies, because I am the Great Captain Usopp! Leader of eighty million pirates!"

"Liar." Skie grinned.

"WHA!" Usopp gaped at her and fell over.

"Shut up Usopp. Okay, tell us how you got on. If you're a marine, I sure hope you can swim." Said Nami.

"Ummm…I'm not a marine, and actually, I have no idea." Skie crossed her arms, thinking. "I wasn't anywhere near the ocean last time I remember bein' awake. Heck, I wasn't even in the same world!" she said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Say what?" said Luffy. "Another world? Oooooh! Was there meat there?"

"Shut up Luffy." Said Zoro, "What do you mean 'same world'?"

"Look at me! Do I honestly look like I'm from anywhere around here?"

"Um…no." said Nami. Well, yeah, kind of. The outfit was a bit weird, but other than that she looked normal. "Excuse us for a second will you?" she walked out the door, motioning for the others to follow, and they left her alone in the storeroom.

"Heh…I must be dreaming. Yeah. I'm dreaming, definitely. How else would I be here? But if it's a dream, it's gonna be a fun one." She said to herself, grinning.

She was pretty much shaking with excitement. Outside that door were her favorite Manga characters in the world.


The Straw Hat crew's discussion about what to do with the new girl was interrupted by triumphant laughter from the storeroom.

"The heck?" said Zoro. They all peeked inside the door to see Skie doing some sort of freakish victory dance. She went from the moonwalk, to the robot, to break dancing. She also started doing the Bus Driver (something she saw from a show called Scrubs).

"Yeah. Definitely not from this world. Or she's just a spazz." said Nami. "I think we should let her stay. I mean, where else is she going to go?" She looked back at her crewmates. "What do you guys think?"

"Great idea Nami-Swan!" said Sanji, his eye(s) turning into hearts.

"Whatever." said Zoro.

"NEW CREWMATE!" yelled Luffy and Usopp happily.

"Remember, she's just a kid, so don't expect her to be good at fighting or anything." Nami said.

"Oh great. So she's worthless?" grumbled Zoro.

"Hey! I ain't worthless!" said Skie, startling everyone by suddenly appearing in the doorway.

"Hi new shipmate!" said Luffy happily.

"Wha? Shipmate? You mean I can stay on the Goin- the ship?" she asked, not wanting to let them know she knew their ships name. Lest they'd think she was a marine spy, or something like that.

"Yup!" Said Usopp.

"YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!" she yelled, jumping in the air. Everyone but Luffy backed up a bit.

"What's you're name?" asked Sanji.

"Skie." she said, still grinning.

"What kind of name is Skie?"

"My name." she stuck her tongue out at Usopp. "What are your names?" she asked, ignoring the fact she already knew their names all too well.

"The Great Captain Usopp!"


"I'm Nami."

"I'm Sanji!"

"…Zoro." He turned around and headed for the back of the ship, probably to go take a nap. "No loud noises!" he yelled.

"Cool! So what's your ships name?"

"The Going Merry!" said Luffy. "Haay! Do you like meat?"

"Love it!" said Skie. She didn't care how crazy she acted, this was a dream, and she planned to have as much fun as she could. Dreams didn't last too long you know. Might as well stretch this one out.

"SANJI!" Luffy whined, "We want meat!"

Sanji glared at Luffy for a second, "Sanji, can we please have some food?" asked Skie, sticking out her lower lip a bit.

Sanji, being the gentleman that he was, sighed and headed for the kitchen, "Yeah, sure." He said, giving in.

"YAY! FOOD!" cheered Usopp and Luffy, who hooked arms with Skie and marched into the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, this was going to be the best dream ever.

If you choose to keep reading, it gets weirder, and weirder, and Skie annoys the heck outta Zoro ALL THE TIME.

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