Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, and I never will unless I died when they handed iot over to me.

Disclaimer: (again) Ii do not own this idea at all. The author of Gakuen Alice actually owns this idea, because this was in the Manga. Not everything, but most of it. I'm putting what I saw in the manga on here.

I have fe ideas of how it went, as I have only seen pictures, and few of them at that. So this is the basic story in my view. Please enjoy, and a few reviews would be nice if you please. Arigatou.

Chapter One: Alice Dance


I was getting ready for our Alice dance, but who would dance with me? I have no idea. Hotaru was being kind for once and actually helping me to get ready for this Alice Ball. She was doing my hair and make-up.

Instead of the usual pigtails, my hair was put up in a bun, a few tassels of my hair over my ears in small curls. Is this an illusion! Has Yuu - Chan done this? Or has Hotaru actually made me pretty for once in my entire life? I'll have to look in the mirror.

"Done. You can look now, Mikan - Chan." Hotaru says, and I stand up from my chair, walking towards the long wall mirror, and I stare at my reflection, blinking.

In my dress, wth the little wings attatched to the back, and my hair all done up so nicely by my best friend. I want to cry! I run over to Hotaru, my arms spread out wide, running to her for a hug. (Think of the dress from that episode where they all dance)

"HOTARU! You big meanie!" I cry out, tears filling my in my eyes as she stares at me, no emotion in her eyes at all. Oh how can she be so cold hearted? Yuu - Chan will be so angry with her! I just know it! I glare at her, getting up and brushing myself off.

"Just because I did your hair and make - up for you, doesn't autimatically mean that you can hug me, you baka." Hotaru said coldly, putting her Baka - Gun away and helping me brush myself off.

Sometimes, I wonder if she's actually a friend or just pure evil inside.

We both then go outside her room together, I won't bother holding her hand as we walk, or she might whip out something, like an electric button or something like that. So it's quiet between us as we walk down the quiet halls and outside, to where the dance is being held in the grounds.

Oh! Everythings so pretty! All the lights and ribbons! Kawaii!

"Don't look so happy, baka, it makes me dizzy." Hotaru says meanly, and I glare at her as I sweat drop, my eye twitching. How selfish can you get?

"Hotaru, you meanie! You have no heart!" I yell as we make our way over to a bench, she doesn't care! How selfish of her! This Alice Dance is for everyone and she's going to spoil it! But I bet she'll wish death upon it, how cold hearted of her!

Then, Tsubasa - Senpai and Misaki walk up. Oh kawaii! Misaki looks just like a fairy tale princess¬! And Tsubasa is so handsom, Ah!

"Tsubasa - Senpai! Miskai! You look so Kawaii! I envy you, Misaki!" I say as Misaki smiles and gives me a wink then laughs as Tsubasa pats my head and nods, smiling. He's so cool! I love him like a big brother! AH! KAWAII!

"Arigatou, Mikan - Chan. You look cute too, out to get the boys, eh? Lucky you, being so cute and tiny wise." Tsubasa - senpai says as I laugh, blushing.

"Aawww, Tsubasa - Senpai, you make me blush! Hahaha!" I laugh as he smiles and Misaki giggles while she links his arm with hers. They do look Kawaii together! They are soooo lucky to have each other all the time! I so envy them!

"Tsubasa - Kun, stop hitting on Mikan - Chan and come dance with me! I won't take no for an answer!" Miskai cries, pulling on Tsubasa - Senpai's arm as he grins and follows her onto the dance floor, waving to me as I wave back. They look so happy together!

I go back to the bench and sit down, only to find out my so - called - best - friend has gone to get a drink and maybe talk to Yuu - Chan. She is so cold towards her loveable friend Mikan Sakura! Ooh, the pain!

I stare down at my hands, I have nothing to do, no one to to talk to and no one will dance with me. Hotaru has ran off to see Yuu - Chan, Ruka is somewhere having fun and Tsubasa - Senpai is dancing with Misaki. I sigh, sitting here is so boring!

Then I hear footsteps, walking towards me! I see a pair of feet, who could it be? I look up, and I stare. He has a suit on like the other elementry Alice students, with the dragon wings on the back of his vest jacket. ( Yes, that is actually in the manga.) but... He has a black eye mask on. Why?

Then he holds out his hand, I stare. What is this? Who is this? He stares at me as I stare at him.

"Dance with me, Mikan Sakura," he says, bending down and suddenly kissing me on the cheek as I gasp, he then looks at me again and stares, smiling. I stare back up at his eyes.

Those eyes. Where have I seen those eyes before...?


I kissed her on the cheek, then I look at her again. I'm smiling, which is rare. But I'm only smiling for her, Mikan. I hold out my hand again, waiting. Thank goodness she doesn't know who Iam or recognise me, or she might be shocked.

"Dance with me, please?" I say again, and this time, she stands up and puts her hand in mine. I smile and nod, leading her to the dance floor. I can't believe I'm doing this, but... Ruka knows how to get to me, he's just lucky I won't set him on fire.

Then Mikan and I both faced each other and we stared into one anothers eyes. I can't believe I'm actually smiling, but Mikan's blushing. This is... weird.

We start to dance to the music, everyone else around us is dancing, too.

"You're very cute tonight, your hair suits you like that." I say as we dance, braking our silence. It's unusual for Mikan to be quiet, she's normally so bright and bubbly. And I tell the truth, her hair does suit her, and she's very cute tonight... Wait, I lie, she's extremely cute.

Mikan blushes and turns her head away, but I catch her chin with my fingers and I smile, staring at her. This feeling, it's so different from what I normally feel. I won't take my gaze off of her, she's still blushing.

"I don't lie. You're very cute. Don't turn away, please. Let me look at you while we dance." I whisper, still smiling, and we start to dance slowly again as she stares at me, her blush fixed in place. I can't help but smile! I'll never forget this night.

"Er, erm... Why did you choos to dance with me?" she asks, and I stare at her. Oh well, at least it's a better question than 'Who are you?' I just smile and lead the dance, she's so innocent. I want to kiss her again, though.

"Because I want to smile whenever I'm around you. You're different from the others, Mikan Sakura." I whisper in her ear, and she stares up at me, wide - eyed as she blushes. I can't believe I said that, but it's true.

Persona would kill me if he found out about this whole thing!

"Oh... Well... Thank you, thank you for the compliment on how I look, and for asking me to dance... Arigatou." she says, trying to hide her blush. I catch her chin in my fingers again and we stop dancing, I lift her head and look into her eyes. She looks so... Happy.

Nothing around us exists.

"Don't say thank you. Don't say anything at all. Mikan Sakura." I say, still looking at her as her face reddens. She's like her strawberry print underwear, but she's cuter, more innocent. I could look at er forever.

I want to be with her forever, holding onto her and never letting go. I've never felt like this since everyone died in the village fire... But why, why they all have to die and not me?...

Who even started it?

I was on the hills, minding my own buisiness, and then I wanted to go home. I had picked a dandelion and was holding onto it tightly. But once I returned to my village, it was all burnt to a cinder. No one lived any longer. Two women from the next village were gossiping about it.

"Oh my, the village burnt to a crisp. Everyone died!" one woman had said as I stood behind them, listening. Her lady friend gave a nod.

"Yes. It must have been dreadful! But, who started it?" the other one had said to her friend, they were nodding. What the? My village, family, friends. All gone. But how?

I looked down at my small hands. No. It couldn't be me, could it? Is my power of fire really that dangerous? I turned around, and I ran, I just ran and ran. I dropped the dandelion on the way, not noticing. I can never return to this place, it's a ghost village now...

Now, I stare down at my hands. I stop dancing with Mikan, I can feel her eyes on me, but... These memories. Why did that fire happen? Did I really do it? Why am I the only one who has survived?

But looking at Mikan, I already feel at ease. I smile again as I stay in my thoughts. I never noticed it until then, that day Reo took me, and when Mikan tried to save me alongside Permy. That day Reo's henchmen tried taking me away when I was weak, when they threw her to the wall. They made me angry, I hated seeing her get hurt.

That day, I realised I was in love with Mikan Sakura, my class partner, a former No - Star.

She makes all my bad memories fade away, I can now sleep at night, thinking of her. I love to see her smiling, it makes me want to smile, too. And now I can, but as I hide behind a mask.

Then I stare at her again, and smile even more. She's made me realise that I have a future... A future in the Alice Academy. But then, then she asks the one question I have dreded the most once the music finishes.

"Who... Who are you?" she asks, and I stare at her. How can I say it? How can I show her? I don't want to show her here, in front of all these students. I look over at the east forest, I hold onto her hands tightly as she stares up at me with those kind eyes.

"Follow me." I say, leading her towards the dark forest, which is dimly lit with small candles. Well, at least we have some privacy here. But I can't help but look around just in case.

"Thank goodness, the coast is clear." I sigh, and look into her eyes as I smile, she stares into my eyes, and I know what she wants. She would like to know who I am behind the mask. She steps closer, and stares up at me with her loving eyes.

"Please... Tell me, tell me who you are," she whispered, and I stared down at her, then I nodded, smiling still. I take a step back and a lift a hand to my eye mas, still staring at her.

Then I take off the eye mask, as Mikan gasps...


He takes off his eye mask, and I gasp in both shock and surprise, stepping backwards. Natsume Hyuuga! He was the boy, dancing with me, smiling at me, all this time? Am I dreaming, because Natsume doesn't smile! I pinch myself to make sure.

Ow. I'm awake.

He stares at me as I stare at him, my hands covering my mouth. Then Natsume frowns.

"I knew it. I knew you would be shocked. I should have never let Ruka talk me into this. I'm sorry, Mikan." Natsume said, walking over to a nearby log and sitting on it, his fist underneath his chin. I stare at him as he sits there, angry with himself.

How can he be mad? I was surprised as well as shocked! I never knew he smiled.

But... he said he was sorry! And... he called me Mikan, numerous times tonight. But why would he... Why would a guy dance with someone like me? And why would he call me cute?

I walk over to the log and stand behind Natsume, my arms at my side as I stare at the back of his head.

"Natsume - Kun... Why... Why would you dance with me? Why would you smile and look at me with kind eyes... Why would you say things like that... to me?" I ask, going over to sit next to him on the log, a small space between us, he looks up at me, and I... I want him to smile.

"Baka... Don't you know. I have a bad past, one I detest, but... When I look at you, Mikan Sakura, I just want to smile, I want to hold you in my arms, never letting you go. That day you and Sumire saved me, it hurt when you were thrown against that wall. That day, I realised it..." Natsume said, looking the opposite way from me, he was smiling.

That smile, how can I not love it? I blush whenever he smiles, I'm blushing right now. But thankfully no one can see it, no one can hear what we are saying. We are all alone.

But... What did he realise?

"Nabi?..." I say, and he turns back to stare at me, his eyes, they look so... happy. Demo, it can't be me who makes Natsume happy, can it?

"I realised that I loved you. You, Mikan Sakura. I can't bear it if you aren't near me, if you get hurt..." Natsume said, and I gasp. I'm surprised! My blush reddens ten times more. How can this be? He can't love me at all! Not Natsume Hyuuga, he hates me!

I think I'm going to faint, or just black out.

"N - N - NANI?" I say in a state of shock, when Natsume suddenly holds my chin in his fingers and he stares into my eyes. Why am I holding my breath? My heart, it's beating faster... what is this? Why am I blushing?

Then, Natsume leans closer, closing his eyes as his face comes nearer to mine, then, his lips touch mine, and he captures me in a kiss.

My eyes widen from the sudden shock of this sudden movement, how can it be, that Natsume Hyuuga, dark Special Star Alice student, is kissing me, Mikan Sakura, a ditzy and common one - star!

But... Ii know I'm enjoying it, and I soon close my eyes, giving in to his kiss. Who would have thought my first kiss would be this breath - takingly romantic, with Nnatsume Hyuuga! I think he really means it, that he is in love with me.

I suddenly open my eyes.

"NO!" I yell, pushing him away as he falls to the ground in surprise, staring at me as I get up and start running, I'm running as fast as I can away from him as he watches, in shock.

I'm running from him, tears in my eyes. But, why am I running? I honestly don't know...


Me: Mikan is actually running away from love, and all the bits with Natsume Hyuuga in a mask, smiling, the kissing Mikan's cheek incident and Natsume and Mikan kissing on the log, then Mikan running away. All this was actually in the manga.

I made the rest up. Oh, and plus, her hair was actually done like the way it is in the story. It's all very suspensing, isn't it?

R&R! Love ya!

Blue -Niagra