Along long time ago, in a state far a way, I started this story, and then allowed real life to interfere with it being finished. Well, to be completely honest, I was also making far too many mistakes and plot line errors to be happy with this story. Having settled down into an acceptable life, and having time to write again, I have started the rewrite I promised so very long ago. Chapter the first of that story will be up this week. As usual, it will be just long enough to set the hook, and make people want to return for the rest of the story. Chapters 2 and above will be about 20k words each... that being the size of a chapter that I can read in a fifteen minute break. The new story will be very similar to this one... with two major exceptions. It will start at the end of fourth year, rather than sixth... and Pansy Parkinson will not be a main character. This story will be taken down near the end of July, 2015, so if you want it for anything, like the two people that want to continue it, you had better get it before then.