Disclaimer:I don't own this stuff!! Someone else does!

When Idiots Collide.

"I found out the whole Summers problems!" Beast yelled jubilentlee. "Bwahahahaha!"

then he stopped for breath. "Ahh hahaha haaa!" Then Storm wacked him in the head

and Beast forgot, so he went and cured cat scratch fever. Then Jean found an

infected hair in her armpit and picked it till it bleed. Because of that, she couldn't

shave it, or wear deodorant for three days, then not even Wolvie wanted to tap that.

Beast would like to say he cured baldness, but he didn't, so he ended up

with a crome dome, except his side burns and the back of his head.

Swimming pools almost became safe from blue fur balls.

Then they all wanted sleep but all was in vain for Leech and Arti wanted to play

vidio games all morning. Then Rogue puked and desired gumbo. Everyone stared because she

hates gumbo. Then open season on Gambit was started by Wolverine, but sence Cyclops looks too much like Gambit, he

was caught instead. Then Beast remembered what he forgot, and started

laughing hystericly, but Storm wacked him again, so all was lost.

Then Cable and Corsair went to group therapy and found out they have common

goals to rule the world, so they banded together. Soon afterwards, the two broke up

after irreconcilable differences after such hits as "She Thinks My Metal Arm's Sexay"

and "I Got Pirates." Plus, the whole old man boy band thing didn't work out

after Munuto found out Cable shaved.

Then Storm wacked Corsair around and incited a Klingon mating ritual.

No dude! I'm serious! In "Generations", one of the Klingons was the actress

that did Storm's voice in the old cartoon! But that had nothing to do with anything,

except the whole mating ritual, so therefore, it had to do with everything.

Beast's voice was on "The Adventures of Sinbad." Which I don't own ither,

so what if he hangs out with some really young guy too?

Anyways, Jubilee ate a tub of peanut butter and couldn't talk all day

so Emma Frost was extactic to the point of doing cartwheels.

Banshee even came out of his gloom and celibrated. Professor Xaiver

even rode his hover craft at warp speeds with joy.

Wolverine started reading fanfiction and found out what people think

of all his "father/daughter" relationships, then again, so did the chief of

police, so he spent a long time in jail with some guy nammed Bubba.

Bubba was a woman once, till he decided it was time for a change. Looking at Wolverine,

he repented the change and paid Wolvie cigaretts for protection.

Then Spiderman had a milk moustache and everyone thought he was rabid,

so Wolvie was released to catch him. After a long, drawn out

battle, Wolverine remembered something about Mary Jane and a baby

and let Spidy go after putting two and two together.

But sence Wolvie was a free man, he decided to go ice fishing with a box of Ben and Jerry's

and watch hockey.

Moral of the story, Stay away from jail bait.
The end